September 8, 2016        Issue #84

When's the last time 
you checked out the 
Presbytery website? 
Presbytery Staff

Ed Thompson
General Presbyter
Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk

Rocky Poole
Financial Administration/Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate Presbyter for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Ministry

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director

Office Administrator/Communications

Prayer List For Churches

Week 36 - September 4 
Beechwood Presbyterian Church,
Bradley Presbyterian Church, Centerville
Presbyterian Church, Greenville

Church in Kenya: St. Cuthbert's 
Parish: Rware; Spoken: Roh-ARE'ray 

Week 37 - September 11
Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church, Elkins 
Highlawn Presbyterian Church, Huntington

Parish in Kenya: Thegenge 
Spoken: They-GEN'gay
Week 38 - September 18 
First Presbyterian Church, Kingwood McLean Presbyterian Church, Ronceverte Mount Hope Presbyterian Church

Church in Kenya: Gathuthi;


Parish: Thegenge 

Week 39 - September 25 
Parsons Presbyterian Church 
Smithers Presbyterian Church 
St. Marys Presbyterian Church

Church in Kenya: Hubuini

Pronun: Hobo-ENN'nay 
Parish: Thegenge
Quick Links 


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I've only been turned away from a church service once in my life. It happened during my senior year in college. It was a beautiful Easter weekend in Williamsburg, Virginia and I thought I'd better get up early and go to the early worship service because the 11:00 AM service might get crowded with all the tourists in town. Much to my surprise...  
Help needed! The Presbyterian Campus Ministry at Marshallcampusmin is an Ukirk ministry charged with reaching, teaching, and loving college students so they may be lifelong followers of Jesus Christ. 
We meet weekly during the school year (Tuesdays, 7 pm, at the Campus Christian Center). We are currently in a rebuilding year in regards to the program as the PNC searches for the next Campus Minister to serve the Marshall UKirk program and we need YOUR help identifying students who might be interested in being a part of this ministry. Here are ways you can help: Click here.
Church Music Positionsmusicpositions
The Kanawha United Presbyterian Church is seeking a Church Organist and a Church Music Director. 
For job descriptions, click here.

The First Presbyterian Church of Clarksburg has a chair lift for stairs for sale ($800 or best offer). Also they have a working 54 A Baldwin home organ to give away. Continue reading here.
Many of our congregations and pastors are in transition.   Please keep them all in your prayers.  Discernment, prayer, hope and faith are the order of the day. Additional prayers for Mark Parsons-Justice and Lawton Posey. 
Elk Hills Seeking Office Assistantelkhills
Elk Hills Presbyterian Church is currently seeking a part-time Office Assistant; approximately 5-6 hours per week. Overview of duties include preparation of the church bulletin, newsletter, data entry of accounting receipts, ordering supplies, personal auto for completion of some responsibilities, etc. Seeking a self-motivated individual with the ability to work independently, and basic computer skills. Good extra income opportunity for a retiree or stay-at-home parent. If you are interested in additional information, please contact Jean Naylor, Personnel Elder; at 304-925-7490 or Pastor Cherrie Sizemore 304-610-4507.

New Resources!newresources  
Check out a new book from the 
Resource Center!

Have you registered for the 2016

Healthy Bodies Healthy Spirits


Read their newsletter and conference details. 

Flood Recovery Week October 16-20 change
The PWV Mission Trip will be a flood recovery week through WVMAW in Greenbrier County October 16-20.  The costs will be the $300.00 for the week or $75.00 a day. Please mark this on your calendar and prayerfully consider if you are able to servePlease let us know interest by  September 15. 
WVMAW is a long term recovery agency, working in partnership with the Presbytery of WV. This means that after the first responders go home, we will be there working with families in need for years to come. WVMAW is booking long term recovery teams now, and would like to give our people in WV the opportunity to respond to their own neighbors. Click here for registration form.


The 135th West Virginia Council of Churches Annual Assembly will be held October 16 - 17, 2016 at Christ Church United Methodist in Charleston. This year's theme will be "Acts of Mercy." Plenaries include Acts of Mercy from an Interfaith Perspective and a presentation on the Common Good by Dr. Robert Rupp of West Virginia Wesleyan College. Ms. Gaylene Miller, State Director, AARP West Virginia, will be our Ecumenical Breakfast speaker. The Assembly will be followed by our annual Public Policy Forum on October 18. Registration for the Annual Assembly and the Forum will be open soon!
The West Virginia Council of Churches' Prison Ministry/Corrections program unit has been working with Beverly Sharp, a lay pastor in the Presbyterian Church, to create local Community Reentry Councils over the past year or so. On June 15, working in conjunction with many partners, the Kanawha Community Reentry Council was launched. Community Reentry Councils help ex-offenders make the transition back into the society by networking together to provide information on housing, employment, and other ex-offender needs. The Kanawha Community Reentry Council meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Please call (304) 344-3141 or for more information or if you have an interest in starting a Community Reentry Council in your area.
Continuing Education Opportunities at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary conted
Please go to for more information.
Presbyterians Today's BLOGblog
We are storytellers. We are everyday Presbyterians who want to talk honestly about the future of the church. We are part of a creative team commissioned by Presbyterians Today to ask questions about who's getting a platform to speak and who's not. And this is our canvas. Our blog is a holy place Continue reading here
Editor's Note:
In order to keep the PWV Newsletter fresh, articles sent for publication will generally run for two consecutive issues.  If you wish for a piece to continue to run, please resubmit. We encourage you to reword, add a photo (or different photo), or change the piece in some way so that the news stays fresh and interesting. 
Presbytery of West Virginia, 520 Second Avenue, South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634, Fax (304) 744-7649, 

Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM

Presbytery of West Virginia | 520 Second Ave. | South Charleston | WV | 25303