June 23, 2016        Issue #79

When's the last time 
you checked out the 
Presbytery website?  www.wvpresbytery.org 

Catch the General Presbyter at the following churches and events:
  • General Assembly!  Watch your email for daily updates!
Presbytery Staff

Ed Thompson
General Presbyter
Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk

Rocky Poole
Financial Administration/Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate Presbyter for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Ministry

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director

Mark Parsons-Justice
Office Administrator/Communications

Prayer List For Churches

Week 26 - June 26 
First Presbyterian Church, Weston 
Baxter Presbyterian Church, Dunmore 
Big Spring Presbyterian Church, Slatyfork

Church: Kigwandi 
Pronun: Kay-GWAH'dee 
Parish: Riamukurwe 
Spoken: RAY-eh-moh-KOH'ROHeh

Week 27 - July 3 
Canyon Community Church, Morgantown First Presbyterian Church, Colcord 
First Presbyterian Church, Fairmont 

Church: Rev. Naman Githenya Mem. Pronun: NAH'mahn Gith-THEN'yuh Parish: Riamukurwe 
Spoken: RAY-eh-moh-KOH'ROHeh

Week 28 - July 10 
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charleston First Presbyterian Church, Kenova 

Church: Thunguma 
Pronun: THO-GOH'mah 
Parish: Rimukurwe 
Spoken: RAY-eh-moh-KOH'ROHeh

Week 29 - July 17 
Beckley Presbyterian Church 
First Presbyterian Ch. White Sulphur Springs* 
Caldwell Presbyterian Chapel**

Church: Kiandu Pronun: Kay-ah-DOH' Parish: Riamukurwe 
Spoken: RAY-eh-moh-KOH'ROHeh

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by Ed Thompson, General Presbyter
Each day, Ed has been sending us updates from the General Assembly Meeting in Portland.  Just incase you missed them... Here they are!
If you are at a Presbytery event and snap a few pics, we'd love to see them.  If you are on Facebook or Twitter, use the hashtag #MyPWV.  If you don't use social media, send them via email to Mark Parsons-Justice in the Presbytery office (office@wvpresbytery.org).  
Got Good News?GoodNews
Does your church have good news to share? Let us all celebrate with you! Share it with us so the whole Presbytery can rejoice! In God's economy, no news is too small to celebrate!  Send your Good News tidbit (a sentence or two) to pwvgoodnews@gmail.com so we can include it in the newsletter.
  • We celebrate with several of our Pastors who were highlighted in the Clarksburg paper and for their presence as they celebrated the ministry of women!  Read the whole article here!
  • We celebrate the ministry of Falls View Presbyterian Church! For the months of March, April and May 2016, the Falls View Presbyterian Church has made financial contributions to the North Fayette Food Pantry in the amount of $753.00.  Not bad for a membership of about 12.  
  • Thanks to to the Leist Foundation's grant, the Ronceverte Church is having renovations made on our three manual Moller pipe organ.  Members of the Leist family were very active in our church.  A zimbelstern will be added to the organ, installed in loving memory of Sara George.  We have wonderful musicians at RPC, so please visit when you are in the area!
  • Community Presbyterian Church in Arthurdale welcomes retired Methodist pastor Rev. Steve Lightner as their temporary supply beginning on June 1.
PWV PrayersPWVPrayers
  • We pray for all those serving at the General Assembly meeting in Portland. 
  • We lift in prayer the churches and pastors of the Presbytery who are in transition.
  • We pray for the family of Marie May Shirey, mother of Rev. Joan Stewart.  For more information click here...
  • We lift in prayer Mark Parsons-Justice as he recovers from a recent illness and continues to work with his doctors.
Join General Assembly Worship!GenAssebly
Make plans now to join in opening worship of the 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).  With the help of technology, you can take part!  

New Resources!resources

Adult Studiesadultstudies
by Nellie Howard, Resource Center Director

It will soon be time to decide what your adult classes will study this fall.  There are plenty of choices from the series,  Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding.  This series recognizes that as Presbyterians we understand that God calls us to explore ways our Christian faith can be more fully known and expressed.  These studies us what it means to be Presbyterian Christians in the world today.  Let's look at a few selections from the study which are available from your Resource Center.

Update On Rules for
Minister's Housing Allowance rules
In November of 2014 a federal appeals court upheld the exclusion of housing allowance from a minister's taxable income.  However, since that ruling the IRS has increased its review of this designation on a minister's federal income tax return.  Continue reading here...
Spotlight on...
Philippi Presbyterian Church
This issue we are turning our spotlight on 
Philippi Presbyterian Church.  To learn more about the amazing ministry they engage in with their community please click here...  

Davis & Elkins Names New President daviselkins
The Davis & Elkins College Board of Trustees has named Chris A. Wood, 51, currently Vice President for Advancement at Wesley College in Dover, Del., as the College's 15th President, effective Aug. 1, 2016. He succeeds G. T. 'Buck' Smith, who will again retire as President-Emeritus after serving six of the past eight years as President.  
Mission Co-workers to SpeakMissionspeakers

Mission Dinner
Sunday, July 31 
at 6:00 PM 
at First Presbyterian Church in Fairmont, WV.

Bob and Kristi Rice will speak about their work in the Democratic Republic of Congo where they have been serving there since 2010.  They work with the Presbyterian Community of Congo empowering the poor and demonstrating God's love.  They work in visioning and implementing new initiatives, in Christian education and evangelism, developing curriculum, equipping leaders, community development and on a microloan project.  The Congo has a history of conflict, rebellion and civil wars.  The Presbyterian Church has a large presence there and we are excited to hear about what they have to say to us about their ministry.  We welcome all to join us.  If you would like to join us, please let call or email Fairmont Presbyterian with reservations so they will have enough food for the event. 
Bluestone Summer Campbluestone
Complete camp information can be found online at www.bluestonecamp.com.   To register, download the Bluestone eBrochure 2016.
Preserve and Conserve! preserve 
Workshops available on Energy Efficiency, Water Resources, And Community Health
The Presbytery's Stewardship of Creation Ministry Team (SCMT) is continuing to provide workshops around the Presbytery on the importance to the faith community of preserving and conserving resources, especially water and energy.  They are providing these workshops free of charge and will tailor the event to the ages and size of the gathering. 
For more information and a Flyer click here...

Child Protection Policy Workshop! child

Saturday, September 10
10 am - 4 pm
Village Chapel 
Presbyterian Church
  • Has your session been struggling to adopt a Child Protection Policy as now required by our Constitution?
  • Are there questions about why members who have taught Sunday School for 30 years now need background check?
  • Do your session have a child protection policy but it might be time for a review of it?
  • Are some asking, "why do we need such a policy, abuse couldn't possible happen in our church?
  • What would you do if a convicted child molester came to worship?
Dr. Rebecca Davis, Associate Professor of Religion at Presbyterian College, and a life-long advocate for children, will be leading participants in exploring these and other issues related to a child protection policy in our congregations. This will be an opportunity to hear more about some of the issues that have led to the inclusion of the child protection policy in our Form of Government and what needs to be in such a policy.
For more information, click here. If you have questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell, susan_sharp_campbell@hotmail.com or 304 -645- 456

Mission Trip to South Asiaasia

World Mission Initiative is leading a mission trip to South East Asia.  The application deadline is June 30.  The $2,600 trip cost includes airfare, visa fees, food, housing and all in-country transportation. Participants are responsible for paying for their passport, immunizations, gifts and any personal expenses. If you are interested in more information about the trip please click here...
PWV Mission Trip to Hampdenmissiontrip
Join Presbyterians from across our presbytery for a mission trip to Hampden, WV, August 14-18, 2016.  Click here for the mission trip flyer!
The Relations Committee is seeking techies to assist local churches with website and technology needs on a volunteer, as-needed basis. Persons would be called on by churches if they need help setting up a webpage or if they have communications technology questions.  The committee particularly need persons who would be available to churches in the Parkersburg, Charleston, Lewisburg, and Morgantown areas.  For more information, please contact Patrick Ryan, Relations Committee ComTech Teach chair, at patseanryan@gmail.com.  
Centsabilty Offering Updatecents
We have great news!  We have already distributed all the funds our congregations have given as a part of the Centsability Offering that addresses Hunger needs in our area.  However, we have grants waiting to be filled.  Gardens to fill with vegetables, backpacks to fill with food, food banks to support in their important work....  So if your congregations have not yet had the opportunity to send in those funds, now would be a great time.  If your congregation is not yet joining us in the Centsability offering and would like to learn more, please give Barbara Chalfant a call at the Presbytery office, 304-744-7634. 
Grace & Gratitude Curriculumgrace

September 11-13, 2016
The Erickson Alumni Center
Morgantown, West Virginia
July 12th, 2016 
WV State Police Academy 
Dunbar, WV 
Free training opportunity for community leaders, senior service providers and caregivers, health departments, DHHR, county and city government agencies. 

Editor's Note:
In order to keep the PWV Newsletter fresh, articles sent for publication will generally run for two consecutive issues.  If you wish for a piece to continue to run, please resubmit. We encourage you to reword, add a photo (or different photo), or change the piece in some way so that the news stays fresh and interesting. 
Presbytery of West Virginia, 520 Second Avenue, South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634, Fax (304) 744-7649, 

Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM