February 28, 2016        Issue #71

February Presbytery Special Event Flyers Available Here!


Small Church Conference 
April 30, 2016 
Fayetteville Presbyterian Church

2015 Session Record Review

Huntington & Teays Valley Clusters - March 20, 2016

Charleston Cluster - April 2, 2016 at Festival of Faith

Clarksburg Cluster - April 3, 2016

Mountain Valley Cluster - 
April 10, 2016

Parkersburg Cluster - 
April 17, 2016

Beckley Cluster - April 24, 2016

Greenbrier Valley Cluster - 
May 1, 2016

Prayer List For Churches

Week 10 - March 6 
Teays Valley Presbyterian 
First Presbyterian Church, Welch Edgewood Presbyterian 
Church: Kagwathi 
(Pronun: Kah-GOWAH'thee) 
Parish: Giakanja 
(Spoken: Gie-uh-KAH'juh)

Week 11 - March 13 
Anderson Memorial, Welch 
Beulah Humble, Elizabeth 
First Presbyterian, Buckhannon
Church: Kariguini 
(Pronun: Kah-REE'goh-ee-nay) 
Parish: Giakanja 
(Spoken: Gie-uh-KAH'juh)




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Ed Thompson
General Presbyter

Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk

Rocky Poole
Financial Admin./Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Min.

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director

Mark Parsons-Justice
Office Administrator/Communications
Prayer Vision Initiative Launches 
in Logan & Teays Valley Clustersprayer
The Prayer Vision Initiative is a ministry of the Relations Committee with the goal of promoting prayerful vision to discern the Spirit's direction and to provide encouragement for churches and ministries within the Presbytery of West Virginia.  " Spirit-Listening Times" will be offered in each cluster throughout 2016.  The first of these will be held for the Lo gan Cluster at Logan Presbyterian at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, March 8, and the Teays Valley Cluster at 7 PM on Monday, March 14, at First Presbyterian, St. Albans.

These gatherings will include intentional times for prayer, scripture, contemplation, music, and community. Together, clusters will seek and listen to the Holy Spirit as the Body of Christ for the Body of Christ, build relationships between churches and ministries of the Presbytery, and bear one another's burdens and encourage one another.  

Each church is asked to send at least two representatives to the prayer event in their cluster.  Churches and participants are asked to prepare in three ways: (1) session and/or the congregation may pray over those who will attend, (2) participants and others may pray for wisdom and insight for at least three days prior to the gathering, and (3) participants are asked to contemplate Luke 18:40-41 for three days prior to the gathering.

For more information, please contact Nancy Didway at pastor.nancy@suddenlink.net.  
Mark Parsons-Justice Hired as Presbytery Office AdministratorMark
The Presbytery of West Virginia is pleased to announce the hire of our new Office Administrator and communications staff person, Mark Parsons-Justice.  Mark comes to us with a wealth of experience in working with churches in a variety of capacities.  He formerly served as a pastor, church music director, and youth director in The United Methodist Church.  Currently, Mark is the Director of Music at Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church where he directs the adult choir, plays piano each Sunday, and writes and arranges music for the choir and congregation.  

Outside of the church, Mark is actively involved in community theater with Charleston Light Opera Guild and enjoys teaching as an adjunct faculty member of the English Department at West Virginia State University.  Mark holds a Bachelor of Arts from West Virginia University, a Master of Divinity from Methodist Theological School in Ohio, and has completed post-graduate work in the history of Christian worship at the Robert E. Webber Institute of Worship Studies in Orange Park, Florida.  Mark is a self-proclaimed tech geek and is looking forward to improving upon the communications work of the Presbytery and to providing Christ-centered hospitality and administrative services to the churches of the Presbytery. Though he was born in Athens, Ohio, Mark grew up in Ripley, WV, and is proud of his dual heritage as a Buckeye and Mountaineer.  Mark and his husband, Barrett, have two children, Isabella (age 12) and Markus (age 8), and live in the Spring Hill area of South Charleston. 
New Ministry at WV StateWVState
First Presbyterian, St. Albans, and Riverlawn Presbyterian have teamed up for a new ministry to students at West Virginia State University in Institute, WV. In August, they passed out water bottles on move in day. In November, they began serving drinks and treats in the Student Union on Thursday afternoons, initiating conversations and building rapport. In December, finals week survival kits were given to students at their regular Thursday afternoon event. When classes resumed in January, they initiated a DIY project to make scarves for the needy. This is currently ongoing, and the scarves will be donated to the Twin City Shelter in St. Albans. "Cocoa, Cookies and Conversation" continues to be well received by the student body and staff.
Got Good News?goodnews
Does your church have good news to share? Let us all celebrate with you! Maybe it's a milestone anniversary for the congregation or one of its members, or a celebration of a new ministry, or maybe you've experienced God's glory in new ways.  Share it with us so the whole Presbytery can rejoice! In God's economy, no news is too small to celebrate!  Send your Good News tidbit (a sentence or two) to pwvgoodnews@gmail.com so we can include it in the newsletter.
Cabwaylingo Chapel  
Receives Gifts for Missioncabwaylingo

New Resource Center Materialsresources
"Retirement: What Can Be So 
Hard about Not Working"   
A Webinar by Presbyterian Outlook
Hosted by Ed Zinkiewicz
This is a recorded Webinar for people nearly retired or newly retired. Lets you know what to expect, how to evaluate your expectations and generally lead participants to being better prepared.

John: the Gospel of Light and Life 
Adam Hamilton
 Here is a six-week study on the Gospel of John Adam Hamilton explores the major themes of John with sessions titled:  The Word Made Flesh, The Miraculous signs of Jesus, The "I Am" Sayings of Jesus, The Farewell Discourse, The Arrest, Trail and Crucifixion of the King and Eternal Life.

Thoughtful Christianity 
Ben Daniel 
WJK Press
Daniel leads his reader to discover Christianity focusing on the historical meaning of our faith in light of modern thought.

The Spirit of Grace: 
A Guide for Study and Devotion 
Alister E. McGrath 
WJK Press

Here is the fourth in in McGrath's devotional books, Heart of Christian Faith series.  The author looks at the Holy Spirit, human nature, the doctrine of Grace, and the place of the Church in Christian life.  

The Spirituality of Bread 
by Donna Sinclair 
Wood Lake Publishing

The history of making bread is tied into the history of humankind and into the language we use in understanding our faith.  Making bread may be part of a spiritual discipline.  Understanding the history of bread, from its discovery, the farming of grain, who controls bread, and what it means to our body can all be an part of a spiritual understanding of God, the stories of Jesus Christ and the story of God's people.  This book includes some recipes, some beautiful pictures and lots of information about bread.
Bluestone Announces Summer Camp Datessummercamp
It's time to register for Bluestone Camp!  Complete camp information can be found online at www.bluestonecamp.com.   To register, download the Bluestone eBrochure 2016.
Bluestone Seeking Applicants for Summer Camp StaffBluestoneStaff
Bluestone is now receiving staff applications for Summer Camp! Application deadline is March 25. Interviews will take place on Saturday, April 2, in the Charleston area.  Anyone interested please see the information contained on the flyer (Click Here!). To apply for a Bluestone summer staff position, please visit bluestonecamp.com/summer/employment. 
Earth Justice earth              by Nellie Howard

The Lord is good to all, and God's compassion is over all that is made. (Psalm 145)

Inhabiting Eden: Christians, the Bible and the Ecological Crisis 
by Patricia K. Tull (Darcy Press)

Many of us recognize that our planet is in a time of crisis as our weather changes and sea levels rise. Here is a study to help us learn what the bible has to say about caring for our planet during this ecological upheaval.  The book, Inhabiting Eden contains nine chapters based on Biblical scripture and include questions for discussion. It is accompanied by a Leader's Guide and a Student workbook and is a good resource both for people who fully understand and accept Climate Change realities and for those who still have major questions. The Workbook encourages each participant to dig a little deeper into to the subject and into his or her own thought, experience and perhaps bias. 

Join Patricia K. Tull as she challenges us to take a hard look at what we do in our own lives as well as what is happening around the world.  The study will guide us toward understanding the issue, discovering what the Bible has to say about it and then discerning what God wants us to do next.
Radical Disciple Making Conference Radical
On Saturday, October 15, 2016, St. John's United Church of Christ (Columbus, OH) is pleased to host the national "Radical Disciple Making" Conference presented by Rev. Dr. Bill Easum and his partners in The Effective Church Group, www.effectivechurch.com.  This is an exceptional opportunity to equip your clergy and lay leaders alike with new tools for making disciples in a new and challenging age of ministry, and we are pleased to be part of this effort to help our mainline Protestant churches grow and thrive.
You can find more information about the conference at:
Marshall Campus Ministries Celebrates Ash Wednesdaymarshall
One Great Hour of SharingOGHS
Most congregations receive "OGHS" on Easter Sunday, Passion/Palm Sunday or both, while many receive it throughout Lent-however, you can help sustain the important PC(USA) ministries and programs that are supported by One Great Hour of Sharing Offering by making an online gift at any time throughout the year.

A gift to One Great Hour of Sharing enables the church to share God's love with our neighbors-in-need around the world by providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and helping to empower the poor and oppressed.
For more information click here.
Hunger Teaching Guidehungerteach
Kids Can Make A Difference (KIDS) is pleased to announce that our teacher guide, Finding Solutions to Hunger: Kids Can Make a Difference, is now available for a FREE download. This has been made possible through the generosity of many of our supporters.

For more information click here.
All About Cents-abilitycents

In West Virginia:

  • In 2014, nearly 2 full-time minimum-wage jobs were necessary to be able to afford a fair market rent two bedroom apartment in West Virginia and still have enough left over for food, utilities and other necessities.
  • More than 23 percent of children lived in households that lacked access to adequate food in 2013.
  • Nearly 34 percent of children ages 10-17 were overweight or obese in 2011-2012.  West Virginia ranked 33rd of 50 states in child food security and 37th in percent of children overweight and obese.
  • Nearly 34 percent of West Virginia children relied on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to meet their nutritional needs on an average month in FY2013.
  • Nearly 90 percent of West Virginia children receiving a free and reduced-price lunch during the school year did not participate in Summer Nutrition Programs in 2014 - ranking West Virginia 40th of 50 states in ensuring that children have adequate summer nutrition.
Your Centsability Offering creates change through our congregations and Food Pantries, backpack programs and gardening efforts.  Join us!
Stephen Ministry Introductory Workshop set for March 12Stephens
Want to learn to care for people who are grieving and reach out to others in a distinctly Christian way? On Saturday, March 12, First Presbyterian Church of Charleston will host a Stephen Ministry Introductory workshop from 9 AM to 1 PM. The half-day workshop is designed both to enhance participants caregiving skills and to help congregations explore ways to expand their caring ministry. Registration begins at 8:00 AM, and refreshments will be served. The cost of this workshop is $15 per person or $50 for a group of four or more from the same congregation. For more information or to register for this half day Stephen Ministry Workshop, call Stephen Ministries at 324-428-2600 or visit www.stephenministry.org/workshop.
2016 Festival of FaithFOF
Heath Rada, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the PCUSA, will be our keynote presenter for Festival of Faith, April 2, at First Presbyterian Church, Charleston.   In addition to the keynote presentation, there will be opportunities for worship, workshops, fellowship and fun for all ages.   
New this year will be the opportunity to attend 3 workshops during the day.  Some of the workshop offerings and their leaders are:   A Conversation with the Moderator (Heath Rada);  Meet our New General Presbyter (Ed Thompson); Discovering Faith in Calvin and Hobbes (Amy  Parker); and An Invitation to Hospitality: Coloring Grows Up (Jackie Taylor). 
Packets of information have been sent to churches.  Check with your Pastor, Clerk of Session, Church Educator for materials.   Complete information can also be found by clicking here! If you would like a packet of information sent to you, please contact office@wvpresbytery.org.
Don't Check Your 
Brain at the Door:  
Creating a Whole-Brain Church
April 18-20, 2016
Rhodes Grove Conference Center
Chambersburg, PA
Holly Inglis writes, "In the last 20 years, neuroscience has literally and figuratively opened up our brains to new understandings and new ways of thinking about how human beings learn.  The field of education has begun to appropriate much of this new information in classroom practice and teaching pedagogy.  Until recently, the church has not been part of these conversations between neuroscience and educational theory and practice.  During our time together, we will reflect on what we do and how we do it in light of recent neuroscience, contemplate what a whole-brain church might look like, and consider the possible impact of those who share ministry with us."

Holly is a PCUSA Pastor/Educator serving as the Associate Pastor at Palms Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville, FL.  She holds a Doctorate in Educational Ministry degree from Columbia Theological Seminary, where her research focused on the neuroscience of learning and memory - how neuroscience can inform what we teach and how we teach. 

All who are involved in the educational ministry of the church, including Pastors, Christian Educators, Teachers will benefit from this educational opportunity.  In addition to Holly's presentations, there will be  variety of workshops offered.  Complete information can be found by clicking here.

Please note the availability of scholarships for this event on the registration information. 

For more information, contact Susan Sharp Campbell.
Small Church ConferenceSmallchurch
Ministry Molded by Mountains, Year II Mustard Seed Ministry
Saturday, April 30
Fayetteville Presbyterian Church
For more information click here
Small Church Conference ChoirSCCChoir
Come join the Small Church Choir for worship at the Small Church Conference, Fayetteville Presbyterian Church, April 30, 2016.  The only requirement is that you can make a joyful noise!
Nancy Villain, Music Director at Elk Hills Presbyterian Church, will direct the choir that will be made up of church members from all over West Virginia joining their voices in praise to God. Please send an email to nvilain@aol.com and let her know you are interested. 

Click Here for more information!
Upcoming Educator Gatherings & EventsEducator
Educators Gatherings are designed for those actively serving as professionals or volunteers in the educational ministry of their congregations.  Gatherings are held almost monthly during the academic year.   For the most part, these gatherings are held at the presbytery office in South Charleston from 10 AM - 1:30 PM.

Dates for Educator Gatherings are as follows:
  • Monday, March 14; Janet Chambers, First Presbyterian Charleston, will be sharing on Godly Play and communion preparation.
  • There will not be an Educators' Gathering in April.  Educators and interested others are encouraged to attend the Eastern Region Spring Event, April 18-20, at Rhodes Grove Conference Center, Chambersburg, PA.  Holly Inglis will be the presenter on the creating a whole brain church.
  • Monday, May 9:  Educator Gathering
  • Friday, June 3:  End of Year Educators' Picnic
For more information, or to be added to the educators email list, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell.

July 19-23, 2016PYCTri
Youth Triennium is coming up and it's not too late to register!  The deadline for registration is Thursday, March 31; at this time, the initial registration form and $225 deposit is due in the Presbytery Office.  All youth in grades 8-12 are encouraged to consider attending this faith transforming event with 5,000 youth from across our denomination.   Cost per youth is $425.   Presbytery will be paying for transportation and adults.

At this point in time, more than enough female adults have expressed interest.  However, there is need for one more male adult; interested males are encouraged to contact Susan Sharp Campbell as soon as possible.

Information and registration information for our presbyter can be found by clicking here.  

There is also more information at the PYT 2016 website (click here).
Church Furnishings Availableavailable
The Brush Creek Presbyterian Church is concluding its ministry as a congregation.  Those who have served as the congregations leaders seek to have the pews and pulpit furniture continue to serve another congregation.  If there is a congregation is need of this furniture, please contact the chair of the Administrative Commission, Doug Heidt at dheidt@cebridge.net. 

Needed for Ministry... Needs
The needs of the world are so big sometimes that we are too overwhelmed to move toward a solution.  But it is the little things that can make a big difference in a single life.  So from time to time we will be including a list of needs we have heard about that are easy or simple ways to make a difference in someone's life. Please check the list to see if you can meet a need!

1.  A pool table, air hockey table or foosball table needed for one of our Presbyterian homes for residents to share.

2.  A bed and simple room furnishings are needed for an older adult who has recently moved to a bedbug free apartment.

3.  Someone who will help do once a month birthday party for a Presbyterian Home.

4.  Someone with fundraising experience to walk novices through best practices for fundraising for nonprofits.

5.  Someone who might be interested in serving on a state board that addresses disaster response.  Particularly in the eastern or southern region of the state.

Can you help?  Call Barbara Chalfant at the Presbytery office (304-744-7634) or email missions@wvpresbytery.org.

Session Records ReviewStatReport
Session Records Review events will take place throughout the Presbytery in the coming months. Clerks are invited to attend any of the Session Record Review gatherings in order to complete the Minutes Review requirement (G-3.0108a). 

The dates are as follows with locations TBD:
  • Huntington & Teays Valley Clusters - 03/20/16
  • Charleston Cluster - 04/02/16 at Festival of Faith
  • Clarksburg Cluster - 04/03/16
  • Mountain Valley Cluster - 04/10/16
  • Parkersburg Cluster - 04/17/16
  • Beckley Cluster - 04/24/16
  • Greenbrier Valley Cluster - 05/01/16
Presbytery of West Virginia                   520 Second Avenue                   South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634                           Fax (304) 744-7649                              www.wvpresbytery.org
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM