October 22, 2015         Issue #65


Upcoming Events

Next Educators' Gathering, Monday, November 16, 10 am 
at the presbytery office.
All persons, professional and volunteer, involved in leadership in the educational ministry of their congregations are invited to join in this time of sharing ideas, resources, concerns and support.  

Older Youth Retreat
November 12-15th
See article below for more info

Presbytery Meeting
Thursday December 3rd
Enslow Park Presbyterian Church
 in Huntington
Registration information to follow

Nurturing Faith Ideas

October 25Encourage your church to sponsor Trunk or Treat one evening this week.  Adults park their cars in the parking lot and hand out goodies from their trunk.  This is a safe, family friendly alternative to trick or treating.

November 1:  Look up the word "saints" in the dictionary.  List their characteristics.  Name some saints, past and present.  What did they do?  How are you like them?  How would you like to be like them?  Give thanks in prayer or song for their lives and examples.
November 8: Read Luke 6:27-28.  List some ways people mistreat each other.  Name some ways we often respond.  Which ways are the best?  Are there some better ways?

Prayer List For Churches

Week 43 - October 25

 Presbytery of WV
 First Presby. Church, Mannington
 Philippi Presbyterian Church

Nyeri Presbytery
Church:  Mathakwaini Dispensary
Pronun:  Mah-THAH-kwab-ENN'nay

Week 44 - November 1

 Presbytery of WV
Rock Lake Presbyterian Church
Salem Presbyterian Church
Sugar Grove Presbyterian Church

Nyeri Presbytery
Church:  Ndugamano
Pronun:  Doh-gah-mah-NO' 

Week 45 - November 8

Presbytery of WV
First Presby. Church, Williamson
Chattaroy Chapel

Nyeri Presbytery
Church:  Wand
Pronun:  Wand




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Forrest Palmer
Interim Executive Presbyter

Craig Butler
Transitional Associate for Congregational Support

Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk

Rocky Poole
Financial Admin./Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Min.

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Leslie Curtis
Office Administrator

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director


Older Youth Retreat - Let's Be Our Selfies oyr
Youth in grades 9-12, and their adult advisors, are encouraged to join together at the Older Youth Retreat at Bluestone Conference Center, November 13-15.  Katherine Blankenship, Mission Immersion Director of Raleigh Youth Mission, will be our keynote presenter.  Through keynote and small group discussion, in an age of selfies, we will explore how we accept ourselves and others, and relate to others as those who are created in the image of God, just as we are.  For more information, contact Susan Sharp Campbell at or 304-645-4568

Welcome on Wednesdays WelcomeOnWed
Clip made by Try This WV about First Presbyterian Church, South Charleston's 
Welcome on Wednesdays First Presby South Charelston
Welcome on Wednesdays at First Presby South Charelston

Welcome on Wednesday program. They have 3 different chefs rotating through our kitchen on Wednesdays preparing their specialties and expanding our pallets.  The price is $10 but after the automatic 20% discount that drops to only $8. After 4 weeks they are running 45+ people each week with 1st time visitors every week.

Click on the image above to view the video
Webinar: Transforming Youth Through Mission Trips Webinar
Tuesday, November 10, 7 EST (one hour) 
Sponsored: Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE)
Presenter: Jann Treadwell

Join this experienced educator who will share her passion for the transforming power of youth mission trips. Jann will present biblical and theological reasons for mission trips, describe the importance of the role of adult sponsors and community building, offer a time line to organize trip details, share stories from participants, and list resources to help the trip go smoothly. She will also share her rationale for doing mission in another location rather than locally, and talk about moving the teens from an "us helping them" mentality towards embracing the idea of partnership with those we came to serve. Contact Susan Sharp Campbell for more information!  304-645-4568
You're Invited - Lay Academy YouAreInvited
To study and Learn from Dr. Ilia Delio, Theologian. As we review her two Workshops (on DVD) and discuss/explore together how she challenges us all to grow in our knowledge, our faith, and our vision as we seek to serve Almighty God in these challenging times in which we live.

Workshop One: "God and the New Cosmology"

Workshop Two: "The Implications of Evolution for Christian Life"


This new series of Lay Academy sessions begins Sunday, October 18, 2015, 5:30pm, and continues through November 22. Please note this change in time. Open to everyone, free of charge.   Activities Bldg. 201. First Presbyterian Church, Charleston, WV.  For more information, please call the Church Office, (304) 343-8961. 

Administrative Assistant Position AdminAssist
Kuhn Memorial Presbyterian Church in Barboursville is looking for a part time (6 hours/week) administrative assistant. Duties include editing, printing, and folding weekly bulletins; creating, printing, and sending monthly newsletters, as well as other responsibilities. Must have availability on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9am-12 noon. Contact Pastor Patrick Ryan at 304-736-4512
UP Events - The Event Plan to Share With Churches UPEvents
Five events for Upper Elementary were held on Sunday, October 18. 

The plan for this event is now available on the presbytery website, CLICK HERE.  Though designed for those in grades 3-5, leaders may find it appropriate for use with youth, particularly as they explore hunger issues and participate in famine events.   This plan was developed by Chris Rogillio and Elise Neal.
Create A Culture of Generosity Seminar  CultureOfGenerosity
Is your congregation's approach to stewardship stuck in a rut? Are you living in a state of scarcity and longing for abundance? Do you long for your church's members to enjoy the spiritual rewards of a generous life?

The Presbyterian Foundation and the Board of Pensions have collaborated to create an interactive seminar designed to help you move your church from conducting a traditional stewardship campaign to building a year-round, spiritually-based culture of generosity.

Saturday, November 7, 2015     1:00 - 5:00 pm
First Presbyterian Church
456 Spruce Street     Morgantown, WV 26505

2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium Triennium
Now's the time to identify youth in grades 8-12 in your congregation who might be interested in attending the 2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium held on the campus of Purdue University, July 18-23, 2016.    The presbytery will be taking a delegation of youth and adult advisors to this faith/life changing event  with other presbyterians across the nation and the world.  The cost per youth will be $425, which includes housing, transportation, program, t-shits and meals.   Adult advisors over the age of 25 will also be needed, though the exact number won't be known until registrations are in; interested adults should be in touch with Susan Sharp Campbell as soon as possible. 
It is our intention to take all interested youth from the presbytery.  More information and registration will be sent to church in mid-late fall. 
PDA Responds to Southeast Coastal Flooding FloodingPDA
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is walking alongside impacted mid councils to bring God's hope and healing to all affected by flooding. Gifts from One Great Hour of Sharing are helping Presbyterian congregations as they reach out to their affected communities to provide emergency provisions like water, food and other supplies to neighbors in need. Members of the PDA National Response Team have been helping with assessments, connecting with long-term recovery groups and serving as a present witness of the larger church during this difficult time.

Synod of the Trinity ENews SynodNews
The latest edition of the Synod of the Trinity ENews has several articles featuring wonderful events and news  happening within the Presbytery of WV. Click below to check it out!

Sign Up To Join The PC(USA) Church-wide Conversation ChurchWide
The Committee on the Office of the General Assembly invites all who wish to take part in a churchwide conversation, to sign up.  The purpose of this churchwide conversation is  "to engage the whole denomination in a conversation about what the church is called to be and do, what it means to be a connectional church, and what is our shared identity, so that the 222nd General Assembly in 2016 will be substantively informed by the insights and wisdom of congregations, councils, and agencies when it gathers in Portland to ponder these things."

CLICK HERE to sign up
2016 Stewardship Kaleidoscope Conference SKConference
February 29-March 2 in San Antonio, TX

Over 35 workshops covering topics such as annual stewardship, planned giving, theology of giving, current trends in stewardship, capital campaigns, and generosity

A Day of Hope DayOfHope
The West Virginia Council of Churches (the Presbytery of West Virginia is a partner), along with the Ohio County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition presented "A Day of Hope."  Even though the date has passed, the information included is relevant, calling for the faith-based communities to bring hope into the substance abuse challenge within our state.  

Presbytery of West Virginia                   520 Second Avenue                   South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634                           Fax (304) 744-7649                    
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM