October 8, 2015              Issue #64

Upcoming Events

UP Events
October 18th
See article for more details

Older Youth Retreat
November 12-15th
See article below for more info

Presbytery Meeting
Thursday December 3rd
Enslow Park Presbyterian Church
 in Huntington
Registration information to follow


October 11: Create a Family Mission Statement. As a family, decide what core values are important. These principles are things the whole family can commit to live out both privately and publicly. 

October 18: Purchase a few small pumpkins and decorate them using Sharpie markers and take them to a retirement home.

October 25Encourage your church to sponsor Trunk or Treat one evening this week.  Adults park their cars in the parking lot and hand out goodies from their trunk.  This is a safe, family friendly alternative to trick or treating.


Week 41 - October 11

Presbytery of WV
Belington Presbyterian Church
First Presby. Church, Charleston
Bramwell Presbyterian Church

Nyeri Presbytery
Church:  Kiamutiga
Pronun:  Kay-ah-MOOT'ee-gah
Parish:  Thegene
Spoken:  They-GEN'gay

Week 42 - October 18

 Presbytery of WV
 Davis Memorial Presby, Gassaway
 Fleming Memorial Presby, Fairmont

Nyeri Presbytery 
Church:  Mathakwaini
Pronun:  Mah-THAH-kwab-ENN'nay
Parish:  Thegene
Spoken:  They-GEN'gay


Week 43 - October 25

 Presbytery of WV
 First Presby. Church, Mannington
 Philippi Presbyterian Church

Nyeri Presbytery
Church:  Mathakwaini Dispensary
Pronun:  Mah-THAH-kwab-ENN'nay
Parish:  Thegenge
Spoken:  They-GEN"gay


PWV Resource Center


Westminster Foundation


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Forrest Palmer
Interim Executive Presbyter

Craig Butler
Transitional Associate for Congregational Support

Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk

Rocky Poole
Financial Admin./Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Min.

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Leslie Curtis
Office Administrator

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director


Harless Center At Central Place Dedication HarlessCenter
The culmination of nearly a decade of dreams by First Presbyterian Church of Morgantown was celebrated on Sept. 27th as Harless Center at Central Place was dedicated, launching a new approach to campus ministry at West Virginia University. 

"It's like the cliché of getting lemons and making lemonade," said the Rev. Dr. Shelly Barrick Parsons, executive director of the Harless Center. "The lemon was the decision by the Monongalia County Board of Education to sell the old Central Elementary School property, which the church relied on for playground space for key ministry of the Presbyterian Child Development Center, a decision which threatened the future existence of PCDC.  "The lemonade is that the decision led the congregation down a path that has brought us to this day when we celebrate the opening of Harless Center and existence of faith-based housing for WVU students," Barrick Parsons said...

Deadline for Registration October 13th - UP Events UP
October 18, 2015

Hearts to Love, Hands to Serve:  Exploring Hunger Issues
These events, designed to provide children in grades 3-5 an opportunity for fellowship and exploring hunger, will be held across the presbytery on Sunday, October 18, from 2:00-4:30 pm, at the following churches:  Bridgeport; First, St. Albans; First, Williamstown; Highlawn, Huntington; and Old Stone, Lewisburg.  Leadership will be provided by area Christian Educators and Pastors using the same material each place.   

Practicing Progressive Faith - Phipps Lecture Series PhippsLecture
This year's Phipps Lecture will feature Dr. Serene Jones, president of Union Theological Seminary in New York.  We're very excited to bring her to D&E to present "Practicing Progressive Faith" for our annual Phipps Lectureship.  Note that this year's lecture is earlier due to Dr. Jones' schedule, so we appreciate you helping us spread the word!  Many thanks!

Monday October 12th 7:30pm Great Hall of Halliehurst on D&E Campus

From the Resource Center ResourceCenter
Jesus, Pope Francis and a Protestant Walk into a Bar: lessons for the Christian Church: by Paul Rock and Bill Tammeus

The authors take a look at the actions and persona of Pope Francis and how it relates to the teachings of Jesus Christ and what we might learn from about our own relationship with God's people. 

From the beginning of his papal "reign" Pope Francis has chosen not to focus on the "otherness" of his office or to take on some of the more ostentatious aspects of dress and action. From letting a child wear his skull cap to taking a selfie with exuberant teens this pope has made a point to connect with God's people...

2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium Triennium
While July 2016 seems a long way away, it is not too  early for your church to plan (and budget) to send your youth currently in grades 8-12 to the Presbyterian Youth Triennium, July 19(mandatory overnight, July 18)- July 23, 2016, with the presbytery's delegation for this faith changing event with over 5000 youth and adults from the PCUSA and Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The cost per youth will be $425, which includes housing, transportation, program, t-shits and meals.  Adult advisors over the age of 25 will also be needed, though the exact number won't be known until registrations are in; interested adults should be in touch with Susan Sharp Campbell as soon as possible.  It is our intention to take all interested youth from the presbytery.  

More information and registration will be sent to church in mid-late fall.
Create A Culture of Generosity Seminar  CultureOfGenerosity
Is your congregation's approach to stewardship stuck in a rut? Are you living in a state of scarcity and longing for abundance? Do you long for your church's members to enjoy the spiritual rewards of a generous life?

The Presbyterian Foundation and the Board of Pensions have collaborated to create an interactive seminar designed to help you move your church from conducting a traditional stewardship campaign to building a year-round, spiritually-based culture of generosity.

Saturday, November 7, 2015     1:00 - 5:00 pm
First Presbyterian Church
456 Spruce Street     Morgantown, WV 26505

Advent Calendars AdventCalendars
The Presbyterian Mission Agency Church Store is offering Advent calendars for you to use at home or to give out to members of your congregation.  The 2015 Advent Calendar from Presbyterians Today is sure to reawaken in you the beauty and spirituality of Advent, thanks to the wonderful, poetic reflections of author Rachel Srubas and the vivid, contemplative watercolors of illustrator Roy DeLeon.  

Due to time sensitivity and mailing costs, the Presbytery Office will NOT be ordering advent Calendars for churches. To order, CLICK HERE  or call the PC(USA) CHURCH STORE at:  800-524-2812.  Advent calendars prices:   1 - $4.00     2-9 - $3.00      10-99 - $2.00     100-249 - $1.50
For more information please call the Resource Center at the Presbytery Office 304-744-7634
2016 APCE Annual Event APCE
will be held January 27-30, 2016, in Chicago, IL.  Leadership for this event includes: Leadership:  Lilian Daniel, Otis Moss III, Claudio Carvalhaes, Rodger Nishioka, Nanette Sawyer, John Vest, Luke Hyder, and Shawna Bowman.

All who are involved in any facet of the church's educational ministry are encouraged to participate in this event.  The Presbytery of West Virginia, through its Nurture Committee is an organizational member of APCE, whose purpose is to connect, enrich, empower and sustain all persons engaged in educational ministry in the Reformed family of churches.   As part of our membership, two persons will be able to attend the Annual Event at the member rate without having to become an individual member.   In addition, there are partial (up to 1/3 of the total cost) scholarships available from the Nurture Committee.   If you are interested in more information about this possibility, contact Kari Preslar, Chair of the Nurture Committee, 304-541-7222 or

For more information, please visit!blank/codi
Older Youth Retreat oyr
The Presbytery of West Virginia's Older Youth Retreat will be held Friday, November 13-15, 2015, at Bluestone Camp and Retreat Center.   Katherine Blankenship, Director of Raleigh Youth Mission, where the presbytery youth participated in a work camp, will be our Keynote Presenter. 

The Presbytery Youth Council has been making plans for a weekend full of fun and fellowship for youth in grades 9-12 in our presbytery and their friends.  The Youth Council Members and I hope you will encourage your high school youth, and their adult advisors/chaperones, to join us.

Suicide Prevention - Shared by CRE Beth Stone & Daughter Suicide
Posted: Monday, October 5
By Wendy Holdren Register-Herald Reporter
What started out as a normal morning on July 16, 2007, quickly turned into the worst day of Beth Stone's life.

She got up and glanced at the clock. It was 6 a.m. and the dog was barking.  It was her daughter Erin's turn to take out the dog.  Erin was also supposed to be getting ready for a three-day church retreat.

Beth went to her daughter's room, saw her lying inside her closet and said, "You need to get up."  She walked over, grabbed her arm and knew immediately something was wrong.  Erin's arm was limp.

READ MORE             Wendy Holdren Register-Herald Reporter
November & December Parish Papers ParishPapers
NOVEMBER                 DECEMBER

To view each edition please click on the dates above. We are sending you the most recently published issues of the Parish Papers. The Presbytery of WV's purchase of a subscription INCLUDES: 
1.    Permission to provide copies to our staff and to the congregations within our jurisdiction in any of the following ways: E-mail, Postal, newspaper, newsletter, meetings, training events, and our Web site.
2.    Permission for each congregation within our jurisdiction to (a) photocopy or electronically distribute for local use as many copies as it needs, (b) post them on its Web site, and (c) quote sentences and paragraphs.
Congregations within our Presbytery's jurisdiction to which we distribute The Parish Paper do NOT have permission (a) to delete the copyright ownership notice, (b) to re-write, paraphrase, delete, or change the wording of sentences and paragraphs, or (c) to give ANY THIRD PARTY-other than our staff and constituents-permission to photocopy or reprint (in any quantity, no matter how small, whether for free distribution or for sale). 
Network Training For Immigration Advocacy NetworkTraining
November 5-7, 2015 Louisville, KY

Presbyterians who are passionate about justice for immigration to connect and share strategies for
just and effective action on immigration.

NETWORK with other Presbyterian Immigration Advocates; APPLY community organizing skills to your context; ADOPT a biblical framework on immigration; LEARN how To build effective local coalitions; DEVELOP an action plan to implement in Your community.

Annual Covenant Renewals Covenant
It is time for Annual Covenant Renewals!
The Presbytery of West Virginia through the work of the Ministry Committee annually renews the covenants between particular churches and Commissioned Ruling Elders (former CLPs), Lay Pastors, Temporary Supply Pastors and Stated Supply Pastors.  Covenant renewal letters will be sent next week to Clerks of Session and pastoral leaders.  Updated forms will be included in the mailing and available online starting October 1.  Covenants must be received on the new forms no later than November 1, 2015.  In addition, Commissioned Ruling Elder reports from the Ruling Elder, Session and mentors will also be due by that date.  This will allow the Presbytery to act on covenants and make recommendations at the Presbytery Meeting on December 3, 2015. 
Mission Committee Grants MissionGrant
There are Local Grants available to ministries serving communities within the Presbytery of WV through the Mission Committee.

These grants are targeted toward ministry programs serving a relatively small local area and are generally associated with only a single local church.  Local grants recipients will be identified via the application process described on the PWV website under the mission committee. There IS money available for local mission use... Check it out. The deadline for these grants is October 15, so check it out and get your application in soon!

Prayer Concerns & Sympathy PrayerConcern
Marilyn Sutton - mother of Dana Sutton, Teaching Elder and Member at Large working in a Validated Ministry as a Certified Professional Coach at Your Self Care - is currently hospitalized at
St. Mary's Hospital in Huntington with an undiagnosed illness.

Lawton Posey - Honorably Retired minister member of the presbytery - as he recovers after a hospitalization.

Vera White - Former G.A. staff member from WV, speaker at the Davis & Elkins College Presbytery Meeting in May 2015, and Acting Coordinator for 1,001 Worshiping Communities - as she recovers from a surgery.

Lois Simmons - Widow of Dan Simmons, pastor who formerly served the St. Marys and Hughes River Presbyterian Churches - passed away on Saturday October 3, 2015.

Presbytery of West Virginia                   520 Second Avenue                   South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634                           Fax (304) 744-7649                    
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM