September 24, 2015              Issue #63


General Assembly Commissioner applications are available at the presbytery office and on the presbytery website. The deadline for applications is September 30th!

Telling Our God Stories
with John Vest
Saturday, October 3, 2015
9:30 am -12:30 pm
See PWV website for more info

Fall Getaway Retreat
at Bluestone October 9-11
See Bluestone website for more info


October 4: As the leaves are changing, take time to look at the beauty in nature, thanking God for the change in seasons. 

October 11: Create a Family Mission Statement. As a family, decide what core values are important. These principles are things the whole family can commit to live out both privately and publicly. 

October 18: Purchase a few small pumpkins and decorate them using Sharpie markers and take them to a retirement home.


Week 39 - September 27
Presbytery of WV
Parsons Presbyterian Church
Smithers Presbyterian Church
St. Marys Presbyterian Church
Nyeri Presbytery
Church:  Hubuini
Pronun:  Hobo-ENN'nay
Parish:  Thegenge
Spoken:  They-GEN'gay

Week 40 - October 4
Presbytery of WV
Spring Valley Presbyterian Church
Upperglade Presbyterian Church
Whittico Memorial Presbyterian Church, Keystone
Nyeri Presbytery
Church:  Hubuini
Pronun:  Hobo-ENN'nay
Parish:  Thegenge
Spoken:  They-GEN'gay

Week 41 - October 11
Presbytery of WV
Belington Presbyterian Church
First Presby. Church, Charleston
Bramwell Presbyterian Church
Nyeri Presbytery
Church:  Kiamutiga
Pronun:  Kay-ah-MOOT'ee-gah
Parish:  Thegene
Spoken:  They-GEN'gay


PWV Resource Center


Westminster Foundation


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Forrest Palmer
Interim Executive Presbyter

Craig Butler
Transitional Associate for Congregational Support

Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk

Rocky Poole
Financial Admin./Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Min.

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Leslie Curtis
Office Administrator

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director


Mission Committee Grants MissionGrant
There are Local Grants available to ministries serving communities within the Presbytery of WV through the Mission Committee.

These grants are targeted toward ministry programs serving a relatively small local area and are generally associated with only a single local church.  Local grants recipients will be identified via the application process described on the PWV website under the mission committee. There IS money available for local mission use... Check it out. The deadline for these grants is October 15, so check it out and get your application in soon!

Annual Covenant Renewals Covenant
It is time for Annual Covenant Renewals!
The Presbytery of West Virginia through the work of the Ministry Committee annually renews the covenants between particular churches and Commissioned Ruling Elders (former CLPs), Lay Pastors, Temporary Supply Pastors and Stated Supply Pastors.  Covenant renewal letters will be sent next week to Clerks of Session and pastoral leaders.  Updated forms will be included in the mailing and available online starting October 1.  Covenants must be received on the new forms no later than November 1, 2015.  In addition, Commissioned Ruling Elder reports from the Ruling Elder, Session and mentors will also be due by that date.  This will allow the Presbytery to act on covenants and make recommendations at the Presbytery Meeting on December 3, 2015. 
WV Healthy Faith Summit HealthySummite
On October 3, people from all over West Virginia will meet in Buckhannon - WV Wesleyan College - to strategize ways to spread a healthy faith network all over the state.

Let's do it!  Identify a network of interested churches and
other faith organizations in every county.  Help that network find ideas, examples and ready-made programs
they can use. No need to reinvent the wheel!  Visit model West Virginia programs and create short videotapes that other churches in the network can use for inspiration in their Sunday School classes

John Vest - Telling Our God StoriesJohnVest
"Telling Our God Stories" with John Vest Saturday, October 3, 2015 9:30 am -12:30 pm (to be followed by Union Presbyterian Seminary Alum Lunch) Westminster PC, Charleston 5502 Noyes Avenue, Charleston, 25304

CE Secretary Position Opening PositionOpening
First Presbyterian Church Charleston, located at 16 Leon Sullivan Way, Charleston WV 25301, is currently accepting applications for the full-time position of Christian Education Secretary. Call (304) 343-8961 or e-mail to receive an application. Applications and resumes may be sent to the church, Attention: Jackie Lilly, or e-mailed to with "CE Secretary position" as the subject.
New Resources in the Resource Center Resource
Church Refugees by Josh Packard & Ashleigh Hope
There is a phenomena of people who have been active members leaving the Church.  These people have left organized church congregations but claim to still have their faith in God.  Church Refugees seeks to understand the trend and to answer questions about how to reach these people who have become disillusioned with organized religion.

Evaluation and Planning Manual:  A Disciplined 
Method for Evaluating Your congregation and Planning Your Future by R. Channing Johnson and Nancy A. McLaughlin 
With a title as long as that, we expect this book to offer a lot of help and it does.  Written for churches in transition or for congregations looking to seek God's direction for them, this resource offers a detailed step-by-step guide to how to begin then carry out a discernment of God's ill.  From the very first committee meeting plan t the very end of the process the authors provide surveys, questionnaires and methodology for understanding where your congregation is now and visioning God's will for your congregation.

Feasting on the Word: Children's Sermons for year C  by Carol A. Wehrheim
The introduction teaches how to do a children's sermon with hints like how to tell a story and how to engage the listener. The rest of the book is one story for each Sunday using a specific scripture from each week's lectionary. The rest of the book is one story for each Sunday using a specific scripture from each week's lectionary.
Nurturing Faith IdeasNurturingFaith
Here are ideas from the Nurture Committee on ways to assist your congregation's members to continue to grow in their faith.  Some are based on the church season, some on lectionary passages for each week, some on seasons in the secular year; all are intended for all ages and family types.   In each newsletter, the ideas for the next three weeks will be shared in hopes that they might be included in church bulletins and newsletters.  The complete list for 2015 can be found by clicking here


October 4: As the leaves are changing, take time to look at the beauty in nature, thanking God for the change in seasons. 

October 11: Create a Family Mission Statement. As a family, decide what core values are important. These principles are things the whole family can commit to live out both privately and publicly.

October 18: Purchase a few small pumpkins and decorate them using Sharpie markers and take them to a retirement home.

Older Youth Retreat oyr
The Presbytery of West Virginia's Older Youth Retreat will be held Friday, November 13-15, 2015, at Bluestone Camp and Retreat Center.   Katherine Blankenship, Director of Raleigh Youth Mission, where the presbytery youth participated in a work camp, will be our Keynote Presenter. 

The Presbytery Youth Council has been making plans for a weekend full of fun and fellowship for youth in grades 9-12 in our presbytery and their friends.  The Youth Council Members and I hope you will encourage your high school youth, and their adult advisors/chaperones, to join us.

The Making of Stewardship Leaders Webinar Webinar
A 90-minute webinar Tuesday, September 29 at ET (11 a.m. PT) featuring Sean Mitchell

Leaders of congregational stewardship ministry practice several key disciplines. From his 10 years of working with pastors and committee leaders to help congregants deepen their financial discipleship, Sean will share the core practices aspiring stewardship leaders need to embrace.

Peacemaking Offering - Syrian Refugee Relief Peacemaking
In the past two weeks, many Presbyterians have inquired about how the Peace & Global Witness Offering might be used to help Syrian refugees. Part of this year's offering will be used to support Syrians displaced by violence. In order to help you interpret this work in your congregation, we are providing a minute for mission and bulletin insert specifically lifting up these efforts. These materials can be accessed here.

In addition, if your congregation is so moved by the tragedy of the Syrian crisis, the 25 percent of this offering that is traditionally retained by the congregation can be contributed to our shared witness to Christ's peace among Syrians displaced by violence by including it when you remit your gift.
Peace & Global Witness  Special Offerings 
Summer 2016 Youth Mission Opportunities SummerYouthMissions
Asheville Youth Mission and Raleigh Youth Mission Opportunities for Youth in Summer 2016
Are you looking for a place to take your youth on a Mission Trip next summer? Consider Asheville Youth Mission or Raleigh Youth Mission in North Carolina. Both programs involve youth and their adult leaders in reaching out to and connecting with needs in the two communities, and offering opportunity for reflection with those whom they encounter and their work.

The presbytery took a group to Raleigh in 2014, where all grew as they ministered with those whom they encountered.  The Mission Immersion Director at Raleigh, Katherine Blankenship, will be the keynote presenter for our Older Youth Retreat this November.  Bring a group and talk with her there. You will find additional information at and

If you'd like to hear more about our presbytery's experience in Raleigh, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell, 304-645-4568.

Survey for Small Church Conference Planning SmallChurch
Fayetteville Presbyterian Church has kindly offered to host next year's conference again in Spring of 2016.

The Planning Committee for the Small Church Conference would like to get your suggestions and comments to use in planning the 2016 Conference. 

Whether or not you have ever attended the conference and whether or not your church is small, we value your knowledge and opinions about holding a successful conference. Please complete the attached survey and send it to:

222nd General Assembly Commissioner Applications GAcommissioner
The PWV Nominating Committee is accepting applications for Commissioners and YAADs to the 222nd General Assembly, June 18-25 2016, starting immediately.  The application deadline is Wednesday, September 30, 2015. Applications can be found through the link below. 

Questions regarding the process and applications may be directed to Terry Cunningham, Nominating Committee Chair, at (304) 344-8164 [home], or (304) 541-2615 [cell], OR Maureen Wright, PWV Stated Clerk at or (304) 720-2065.

Presbytery of West Virginia                   520 Second Avenue                   South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634                           Fax (304) 744-7649                    
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM