June 25, 2015                          ISSUE #57


Save the Date: 

September 12-13

Disaster Preparedness Training for congregations and 

Non-Profit organizations

All congregations are asked to send two people to this event.




Please pray for those traveling to Point Pleasant, NJ this coming week to work to "Restore the Shore". 




General Assembly Commissioner applications are available at the presbytery office and on the presbytery website. The deadline for applications is September 30th!




Thanks to generous donations of coffee mugs, Bluestone Camp now has a good supply! The Coffee Cups for Bluestone drive has ended! Thank you again to those who have donated!




Save the date! August 15, 2015 PW Summer Gathering @ Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church, Elkins. More details to follow!




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Forrest Palmer
Interim Executive Presbyter

Craig Butler
Transitional Associate for Congregational Support

Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk

Rocky Poole
Financial Admin./Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Min.

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Leslie Curtis
Office Administrator

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director


Applications for the 222nd G.A. 2016 Commissioners & YAAD Available NOW! GAapplication

The Nominating Committee will be accepting applications for Teaching Elder and Ruling Elder Commissioners and YAADs starting immediately.  The application deadline is Wednesday, September 30, 2015.  Applications are available through the Presbytery website now or can be requested by calling the Presbytery office at (304) 744-7634.  All applicants should submit their application to the Stated Clerk and receive an email confirmation of receipt.


The application for Ruling Elder Commissioner requires a session endorsement.  YAADs need to be between the ages of 17 and 23 on June 18, 2016.  The application or YAADs also requires a session endorsement.


The Nominating Committee will present nominees at the December 3, 2015 Stated Meeting at Enslow Park Presbyterian Church, Huntington.

The process is outlined in the Presbytery Manual which is available on the website.  Additional questions regarding the process and applications may be directed to Terry Cunningham, Nominating Committee Chair, at tcfleur1@gmail.com, (304) 344-8162 [home], or (304) 541-2615, or Maureen Wright, Stated Clerk, at statedclerk@wvpresbytery.org or (304) 720-2065.

God, Evolution and the Power of Love: Dr. Ilia DelioBookCLub

Coming to Charleston

Dr. Ilia Delio, Professor of Theology, Georgetown University

Speaking on - God, Evolution and the Power of Love

Saturday, September 19, 2015


In preparation for her visit, Dr. Robert Newman is hosting a weekly book club to read and discuss her book: The Unbearable Wholeness of Being: God, Evolution and the Power of Love.


The first meeting will be Wednesday, July 15, at 5:30 pm at First Presbyterian Church. A "Reflection Guide" will be available to accompany this study.


Location: 16 Leon Sullivan Way, Charleston. From the parking lot, enter the Activities Building through the glass entry and come to the upper level, room 203.


Click here for a flyer & more information!


Experiencing God Through the Art of Play

Saturday, August 15, 9 am - 4:30 pm

Early Registration Deadline ($25) is August 6.  

Walk-ins welcome ($40).

Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church in Charleston


Are you looking for new and creative ideas for Bible study, art and games in your ministry, whether you are a pastor, educator, youth minister, Sunday school teacher, playful volunteer or high-schooler in a leadership position, or just interested in having fun?  Have you ever looked at the information about Montreat's Annual Recreation Workshop and though, "if it weren't the first week of May, I'd love to go?"  Then this is a day long event for you!


Workshop options will be Low Cost, No Cost Art; Creative Worship; and Games Galore. 

Join with others from around the presbytery for this day of creative worship, a theme party, two workshops, networking and lunch for PLAYOLOGY on August 15 in Charleston.  David and Mandy Ealy will be our workshop leaders for this Annual Recreation Workshop event.    For those who attended last year, this will be a brand new, different event.


For more information or to register, click here. If you have questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell, susan_sharp_campbell@hotmail.com or 303-645-4568.

Neighborhood Experience Workshop NEX

One day workshop with Shannon Kiser, 1001 Associate for the Eastern Region Friday, August 28, 2015  9:00 AM - 3:00 PM at Old Stone Presbyterian Church Lewisburg, WV


Join us to listen to the heart language of a neighborhood.  It is the first step to developing mission plans and ministry that can connect with those who are not going to come looking for church.  This workshop is a time to learn how to listen to our neighborhoods, to practice being present, to organize what we have heard, and focus on how Christ is calling us to respond to what we have heard.


Register for the Neighborhood Experience Workshop by August 21 by filling out the form attached to this brochure and mailing to to the presbytery office. (click here)



> $5 registration per person

> Lunch will be on your own as part of the neighborhood exploration.

> Hotel rooms are available for a discounted $105-$110 per night if reserved with the hotel no later than July 28. To reserve a room, please call the Quality Inn in Lewisburg and mention Presbytery of WV (304) 645-7722


Contact Nancy Didway at for more information.  pastor.nancy@suddenlink.net

Congratulations to Doug Heidt!DougBook

PWV Honorably Retired Teaching 

Elder, Doug Heidt has recently written and published a book - The Love That Will Not Let You Go: Being Christian is Not What You Think.


Click here for more information!

2015-2017 Book of Order


The Presbytery of WV office will be making a one-time order of the 2015-2017 Book of Order at a reduced cost.


Individual and church orders can be made by contacting the office at  office@wvpresbytery.org or calling (304) 744-7634.  The deadline to place orders is July 16th!


The cost per copy will be no greater than $9.50 but may be less depending on the number of order requests received. The charge for shipping is a flat rate so the more books ordered, the less the shipping cost per book.


Orders will have to be picked up in the office or at the August 29 meeting of presbytery. We will not be mailing orders to churches since the additional postage costs to churches will negate the bulk order and shipping rate.


An electronic copy is also available for download for free from the PC(USA) website.

Week 2 of Bluestone Summer Camp is currently underway...  campers and staff are having a blast, and the weather has been great!  We could use a bit of rain as things have been really dry, but we're not complaining... the program is running very smoothly in its absence!!  This week we are hosting 15 campers under scholarship plus 3 volunteers from the South Park PC Charleston community; last week we had nine campers under scholarship from the Oakwood Terrace Task Force; and many other campers have or currently are enjoying a fun and meaningful Bluestone camping experience.  Next week there will be a bunch of southern WV kids in camp, and then for our final week there will be 30+ campers connected to and registered through Highlawn Presbyterian

 Church in Huntington!  Thanks to every parent and church out there who has enabled summer camp for the children we get to play with for four weeks here on the mountain...



MissionInsite: What? How? MissionInsite

Is your congregation doing a mission study? 

Introduction to MissionInsite
Video Introduction to MissionInsite

Are you wondering about loss of population in your community?  Are you thinking about a new mission outreach?  What are the projections for the community around your church for the next few years?  Who really are your neighbors and what is their lifestyle?  What are the trends?


The Presbytery of West Virginia has paid for FREE access for you and anyone in your congregation to MissionInsite, the most up-to-date, advanced information in an interesting, engaging, easy to grasp format.  Click here to see how you might get started.  Share it with your Session or anyone in your congregation (it's paid for by your presbytery!)  Use the Report Wizard to study, for example, a two mile radius around your church - or a zip code.  QuickInsite gives you a quick study with colorful graphics.  ExecutiveInsite gives you pages of interesting information.  The new Impressions study tells you more about the lifestyles of those around you (can we say the word, "evangelism?")


Click here for a 7 minute introductory video.

Upcoming Opportunity - Racial Inequality in WV Seminar


On June 30th from 5:30-7:30 there will be a 

Call To Action meeting to discuss racial inequality in WV. The featured guest will be a Baltimore Peace Coordinator/City Manager. Among the many sponsors of this event is the Healthy Kids and Families Coalition.


Click here for more information.

Lunch & Learn LunchLearn



Throughout the month of July, Kanawha Pastoral Counseling Center will offer FREE lunch and learns for clergy members. Topics include Substance Abuse and Couples Counseling. Join your peers for group discussions as well as a Q & A session with our experienced counselors. There are a limited number of seats available. RSVP's are required to attend.

For more information or to RSVP, please click here.
Prayer Concerns & Sympathy PrayerConcerns
Ruth McClintic Morgan - passed away on Friday June 19, 2015. Ruth was very involved in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, in many WV communities, and played a role in the development of the Rachel McClintic Loan.  A service for Ruth was held Wednesday June 24th at Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Please click here to view her obituary. Please keep Ruth's family and friends in our hearts and prayers.

Drema Pettry - wife of David Pettry (CRE serving the Clear Creek, Colcord, First, and Marsh Fork Congregations) has recently had a surgery. Please keep Drema, David, and their family in your prayers as she heals.

Please pray for those traveling to Point Pleasant, NJ this coming week to work to "Restore the Shore". Our presbytery at work!
Presbytery of West Virginia                   520 Second Avenue                   South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634                           Fax (304) 744-7649                              www.wvpresbytery.org
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM