May 14, 2015                          ISSUE #54

Resource Center Features:

The Artisan Soul

Erwin Raphael McManus

We are all creative according to McManus and creativity is the natural response to spirituality.  Living our life as a fully spiritual being is a creative act and one that calls us to be more than we are alone.

Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture

Adam Hamilton

This six-week DVD lesson urges us to read and study the Bible seeking to understand when and why its parts were written.


Christian Education in the Small Membership Church

Karen B. Tye

This 2008 book contains descriptions of what Christian Education is, what activities it entails and what this might look like in our smaller congregations.  The author embraces the advantages and disadvantages of educating in a small membership church.


Pray Like a Gourmet

David Brazzeal

Reading  like it is part cookbook, part travelogue, Brazzeal actually encourages us to become excited about new types of prayer like we might if they were new types of foods.  He teaches us that prayer activities are as joyful and contemplative as dining in a unique Paris café.



Office Schedule
Leslie Curtis, Office Administrator for the Presbytery Office, will be on medical leave through May. Pam Ferrell will fill in for her. Pam will be in the office Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday from 8:30-1:30 and Tuesdays from 1:00-5:30.



Upcoming Events


Youth Day of Service - June 6


John Bell Event - June 19-20


For more information on any events, please visit the  Presbytery of WV website, Bluestone website, or call the office @ 744.7634



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PWV Resource Center


Westminster Foundation

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Forrest Palmer
Interim Executive Presbyter

Craig Butler
Transitional Associate for Congregational Support

Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk

Rocky Poole
Financial Admin./Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Min.

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Leslie Curtis
Office Administrator

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director


John Bell Visits Presbytery of WVBell

      John Bell, of the Iona Community in Scotland, will be with us in the Presbytery of West Virginia, June 19 and 20, at First Presbyterian Church, Charleston.  John Bell is a much sought after Resource Worker with The Iona Community, who lectures, preaches and conducts seminars across the denominations. He is a hymn writer, author and occasional broadcaster, but retains a primary passion for congregational song. John is based in Glasgow and works with his colleagues in the areas of music, worship and spirituality. 

On Friday afternoon, at 2 p.m., he will lead us in thinking about  "The Anatomy of Change."   That evening, from 7-9 pm, the focus will be "Improving Congregational Song."   Saturday morning, we will consider "The Imagination as a Resource for Faith," followed in the afternoon by "Odd Bits of the Bible."  The Nurture Committee hopes that Teaching Elders, Ruling Elders, Music Leaders and Pew Sitters will find something here for them.  Participants may register for one or more workshops by clicking here...


Meals for this event are left up to the participants. 


Please note...  The address of the event is 16 Leon Sullivan Way, Charleston, WV 25301...  This was miss printed in earlier versions. 
Youth in Service:  Mission Possible IIyouthmission


Following up on the success of "Youth in Service: Mission Possible" in January 2014 (despite bad weather), the Nurture Committee has planned Youth in Service: Mission Possible II for Saturday, June 6,2015.  This event for youth currently in grades 6-12 and adults who work with them  will be held at three different sites across the presbytery, as follows:  Bridgeport Presbyterian Church; Clifton Presbyterian Church in Maxwelton; and Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Hurricane.   While the sites and projects will vary, depending on the needs of the community, the day's opening and closing will be the same as a sign of our unity in service.  The day will begin at 10 am and conclude at 4 pm.  There is no cost for this event; all participants need to bring a brown bag lunch with drink included. The registration deadline is Thursday, May 21.   Complete information can be found by clicking here.


There are still a few spaces remaining for the Presbytery group attending Montreat Youth Conference IV, July 19-25.  Additional information can be found by clicking here. or by contacting Susan Sharp Campbell at 304-645-4568 or .  The deadline for registering is Tuesday, May 26; by that date a registration form and total payment of $350 must be in the presbytery office.

Small Church Conference Follow-upSmall

The 2nd Annual Small Church Conference was held on April 18 at the Fayetteville Presbyterian Church.  With at least 80 folks attending from at least 32 different congregations, it seems a good time was had by all.


After an evaluation meeting later this month, planning for the 3rd Annual Small Church Conference will begin.  Mike Burton, ruling elder at Fayetteville Presbyterian Church, has agreed to chair the planning team.  We will be recruiting the planning soon.  If you have any ideas about next year's conference, please contact Mike ( or Craig Butler (

Growing in Grace and GratitudeGrace

Are you looking for Sunday School, or other education time, curriculum?  Have you been using We Believe?  Take a look at Growing in Grace and Gratitude, a new curriculum for children ages 3-10 for Sunday School and other times.   Surrounded by God's grace, we are called to respond with gratitude by the way we live our lives.  This curriculum guides children, and their leaders, in looking at stories of God's grace in the lives of God's people in the Bible and in our lives, and then responding with thanks through hospitality, love and generosity. Through take home and downloadable  resources and an e-book with the Bible stories, this curriculum is intentional about linking faith development and discipleship with church and home. 





West Virginia Interfaith Power and Light (WVIPL)is partnering with Appalachian Power Company (APCO) to help congregations and non-profit organizations become more energy efficient beginning in May, 2015.


On Sunday, May 17 from 4:00-6:00pm representatives from congregations and other non-profits are invited to an Energy Assessment Training, to be conducted by Jim Fawcett, manager of APCO's Energy Efficient and Alternative Energies Initiative. The training will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 520 Kanawha Boulevard West, Charleston. 


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Scholarship AvailableScholarship


Glenville Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce a scholarship opportunity for Presbyterians who attend Glenville State College.  Founded in 2007, the award is up to $4,000 per academic year; awarded in two installments of $2,000, one in August and one in January.  To be eligible, students must be Presbyterian, a West Virginia resident and attending Glenville State College as a full time student or who have been accepted to attend. 


To apply for this scholarship students must:

  • Submit proof of GSC acceptance or attendance (acceptance letter, approved application or current course schedule).
  • Submit a Glenville Presbyterian College Scholarship Application which can be found here:
  • Submit a personal letter of need
  • Provide two letters of recommendation
  • Be willing to appear for an interview before the GPC College Scholarship Committee.


Completed applications should be sent to:


            Glenville State College

            Attn:  Foundation Office, 200 High Street,

            Glenville, WV 26351

From the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center in Lombard, IL

  • Mediation Skills Training for Church Leaders
    August 3-7, 2015
    St. Mark's Episcopal Church
    393 N. Main Street
    Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
  • Clergy Clinic in Family Emotional Process

From the North American Association for the Catechumenate (NAAC) (An ecumenical organization that provides faith formation resources and training for congregational leaders.)


  • The Annual Gathering in Baltimore, Maryland, July 30-Aug. 1, featuring Jessicah Duckworth and Paul Hoffman speaking on the theme "Transforming Congregations Through Spiritual Practice: Creating a Discipleship Community". 

From Columbia Seminary Program of Life Long Learning


Each year, Columbia's community includes more than 2,000 people who take courses and attend special events offered on campus and in other locations worldwide through the Center for Lifelong Learning.


Register NOW: Early registration discounts end May 31


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Have you Registered for Big Tent?


Need more information?  Click here!


Just want to see the video?  Click Here!



The 2015-2016 Planning Calendars have finally arrived!  They were backordered, so we are getting them later than expected.  If someone from your church will be in the Charleston area in the next few weeks, please have him or her stop by the Presbytery office and pick up the calendars for your church.  Calendars not picked up from the office will be taken to the June 11 Presbytery meeting.


From the Presbyterian Historical Society



We hope your congregation is planning to celebrate Heritage Sunday on Sunday, May 24. To assist, the Presbyterian Historical Society has created bulletin inserts that you can download for use in your congregation. This year, we are commemorating "Faith in God," Abraham Lincoln's funeral sermon preached by Presbyterian pastor Reverend Phineas Gurley.  


As always, PHS is here to serve your congregation. From preserving your history, to accessing historical records, to learning more about the heritage of American Presbyterianism, there is a lot to explore here!



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Attention History Buffshistorybuff

The most recent copy of The Journal of Presbyterian History features an extensive article on Korean Americans in the PC (U.S.A.).  The article focuses on the building of a racial-ethnic community in the PC (U.S.A.); it examines how Korean American Presbyterians sought to preserve their ethnic particularity while also participating actively in the PC (U.S.A.).  The journal also highlights the Korean mission field and includes pictures from early missions and Korean leaders in the denomination.  The journal is available for check out in the Resource Center.  

Does Your Church Have a Facebook Page? Facebook

Does your church have a Facebook page? If so, please let us know! We would love to publicize your page and activities! For more information and news about the Presbytery of WV, please visit and "LIKE" our Facebook page! 


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Prayer Concerns PrayerConcerns

For Leslie Curtis, Office Administrator for the Presbytery Office, who continues to recover from surgery.  She will be on medical leave through May. 


Prayers of thankfulness for Barbara Chalfant's Mother who had knee replacement surgery and is on the road to recovery.


So often concerns fill our hearts but remain unspoken... please pray for all those needs:  


For congregations in transition, for pastors in stressful places, for elders who feel overwhelmed, for CRE's who stretch to fill the gaps, for people who are ill and are not ready to share, for those impacted by the flooding, for those cares we carry but cannot share.  


Lord hear our prayers.  Amen

There are mini Grants available through "Try This West Virginia" for churches and religious communities who are doing a new thing to help their communities eat better and move more.  The deadline for grants applications is:  June 7th.


Application Here 


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Presbytery of West Virginia                   520 Second Avenue                   South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634                           Fax (304) 744-7649                    
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM