March 26, 2015                          ISSUE #51


Save the date!

The favorite getaway for the men - The Guys' Weekend 2015! Mark your calendar for the Presbytery of WV's annual men's retreat at Bluestone Camp & Retreat, April 24-26. Watch for more information.




  Save the date!
Small Church Conference will be held on April 18, 2015 at Fayetteville Presbyterian Church with Joan Stewart at keynote speaker.


Session Records Reviews

Sat. March 28th - Charleston Cluster @ Festival of Faith in First Presby Church in Charleston 


Sun. April 12th - Logan Cluster @ First Presby., Williamson 3:00pm




PWV Resource Center


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Forrest Palmer
Interim Executive Presbyter

Craig Butler
Transitional Associate for Congregational Support

Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk

Rocky Poole
Financial Admin./Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Min.

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Leslie Curtis
Office Administrator

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director


Out of Office Schedule Notice LeslieOut

Leslie Curtis, Presbytery of WV Office Administrator, will be out of the office during the months of April and early May for medical leave. Filling in for her will be Pam Ferrell. Pam's schedule will be the following: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 8:30-1:30 and Tuesdays 1:00-5:30. Pam will be checking the email address.

Huntington Cluster UpdateHuntingtonCluster

The Huntington Cluster pastors and pastoral leaders, including our HR folks, continue to meet the third Thursday of each month for lunch, sharing, and support. We have recently welcomed Ellen Dawson, Interim Campus Pastor at Marshall University, and are helping her become acquainted with the churches in the community. This month we will welcome Scott Hoppe who has been called to serve the Bates Memorial Church. 


The Cluster was named "Partner of the Year" by Harmony House, a social service agency that addresses homelessness. We have hosted occasional meals for residents and the public. Two of our congregations have entered into a more involved partnership to help individuals and families return to independent living. 

Bluestone - Countdown Bluestone

Countdown:  Less than One Week!!! 

The early bird registration deadline for Summer Camp is coming up fast!  Fees increase $25.00 this Wednesday, April 1 at 12:00 am, so plan to


 get your forms post marked by Monday if you mailing them in... or if you're registering online, get it done before midnight Tuesday!!


Visit our webpage to learn about the different camps we offer and to engage our online registration process.


You can also click on the link below to view our eBrochure which also has links throughout that will direct you to our online process. Summer Camp eBrochure


Please share this information with your friends, family, and at church!

Mission TripMissiontrip

The Mission Committee of the Presbytery

 of West Virginia is pleased to announce an opportunity for adults and older youth to be the hands, heart and living presence of Christ to our brothers and sisters in New Jersey who were effected by Super Storm Sandy.


Attached you will find a brochure and registration form for a Mission Trip to Point Pleasant, NJ.  Please encourage your congregation to consider sending one or more of your members on the Mission Trip to Point Pleasant this summer, June 29-July 3.  The cost is $290.00 per person.


Update on Amendment 4-F Regarding Marriage Amendment

As many of you have heard, a majority of the presbyteries of the denomination have approved Amendment 14-F regarding the revision of the description of marriage.  The amendment to the Constitution places the responsibility for determining whether or not a wedding shall take place on church property or be officiated at by the pastor, on the session and the pastor.  It continues to ask them to make the determination of the appropriateness of the service in the context of pastoral care.  It also specifically states that no pastor can be forced to officiate at a wedding to which she or he is opposed, and no session can be forced to host any service (wedding or otherwise) to which it objects.  State law determines the legality of same gender marriage, which in WV is permitted and in OH is not permitted.


Interim Executive Presbyter, Forrest Palmer, Stated Clerk, Maureen Wright, and our commissioners to the 221st General Assembly: Jim Musgrave, Amy Wallace Parker, Robin Ray and Jim Rowe are available to assist churches as they explore this issue. You may want to view the message, in video and transcript formats, from the PC(USA) Stated Clerk, Gradye Parsons on the passage of this amendment. CLICK HERE TO VIEW. The message also reports that very soon resources to help your sessions discuss this topic will be available.

News For Youth & Adults Who Work With Them youth

-  The Pittsburgh Project workcamp for middle schoolers has been CANCELLED due to lack of enough interest.  Payment will be returned to those who had signed up.


-  Montreat Youth Conference:  This Is Our Story, July 19-25.  There are still several spaces available for youth currently in grades 8-12 for the Montreat Youth Conference.  Spaces are available on a first come, first registered basis.


-  Youth Council Information and Applications can be found on the presbytery's website at the above address. Youth Council is an opportunity for youth currently in grades 9-11, and adults who enjoy working with youth.  Application materials have been sent to church leadership.  Completed applications are due in the presbytery office no later than May 4.


-  The presbytery, through its Nurture Committee, offers scholarships and loans for post-secondary education.  Application information was sent to church leaders in mid-March.  The application deadline is April 30.


Information on all of the above items can be found on the presbytery's youth ministry page. If you have questions, or need additional information about any of these opportunities for youth and the adults who work with them, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell, Associate for Educational Ministry, at or 304-645-4568.

Next Educators Gathering EducatorGathering

The next Educators Gathering is planned for Monday, April 13, from 10 am - 1:30 pm at the presbytery office.  The focus of this gathering will be on the new PCUSA curriculum, Growing in Grace and Gratitude, which will be available for use in fall 2015.  Robin Ray, Pastor of Bridgeport Presbyterian Church and  a Congregational Ministries Publishing Regional POINT Representative, will be with leading us in learning more about this new curriculum for preschool and elementary ages.


Lunch will be a potluck salad; lettuce and dressings will be provided, and participants are invited to bring their favorite salad toppings to share.  Dessert will also be provided. 


Educator Gatherings are intended to be a place for those engaged in the educational ministry of the church to come together to share ideas, learn from one another, and support one another.  All engaged in the educational ministry of the church, professionals and volunteers are welcome.   Those who are interested may come as they are able, without making a long term commitment.  For more information, contact Susan Sharp Campbell, 304-645-4568 or

This past Sunday I was blessed to be able to step into the community of two congregations who are living in the now and praying hard for the not yet.  Both Gilbert PC and Logan PC are in that in between space of preparing to search for a permanent pastoral leadership.  It was clear to me that both congregations are gifted... 


Sometimes we forget that our tradition has some unique and treasured gifts for transitions. Here are some of them:

Creating Sexually Safer Congregations - Webinar Webinar

FREE online webinar. The Reverend Debra Haffner will present Creating Sexually Safer Congregations.


Faith communities need policies and procedures to prevent sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct in the congregation. The Religious Institute, using a national consensus process, has created a new safer congregations best practice initiative for congregations across the theological spectrum. The webinar will address why faith communities must renew their commitment to sexually safer policies and procedures, provide an overview of how denominations currently address these issues, introduce the key criteria of a sexually safer congregation, and discuss how sex abuse experts and treatment providers can actively partner with faith communities.

Creating Sexually Safer Congregations

Presenter: Debra W. Haffner, MDiv, MPH

Date: March 31, 2015

Time: 3:00-4:00 pm EDT


To register for this free webinar click here 

Planning Calendar OrdersCalendars

Reserve you calendars now by contacting 

the Presbytery office at (304) 744-7634 or email:


Cost per calendar will be $10. Payment is expected at time of order (please mail checks to the presbytery office).

An announcement will be made when the calendars arrive, so that you may pick them up at the Presbytery office. The office will hold calendars for pick-up until May 26th. Following that date all remaining calendar orders will be mailed to you with an invoice for shipping costs.
The deadline to place you order is May 4th!
Prayer Concerns & Sympathies PrayerSympathy

Sam Burford, member of the presbytery vocations committee, whose step-brother Alfred "Hap" Perry passed away. 


Rick McGuire, Pastor at Rocklake Presbyterian Church, as his mother, Sherry, is hospitalized.


Bonnie Boyce, Pastor at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church, and her husband (David) as he recovers from a heart surgery.


Leslie Curtis, office administrator for the Presbytery of WV, who will be undergoing surgery in early April.


Bob Newman, Honorably Retired minister member of the presbytery, whose wife recently passed away.

Presbytery of West Virginia                   520 Second Avenue                   South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634                           Fax (304) 744-7649                    
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM