February 26, 2015                          ISSUE #49


Save the date!

The favorite getaway for the men - The Guys' Weekend 2015! Mark your calendar for the Presbytery of WV's annual men's retreat at Bluestone Camp & Retreat, April 24-26. Watch for more information.




  Save the date!
Small Church Conference will be held on April 18, 2015 at Fayetteville Presbyterian Church with Joan Stewart at keynote speaker.


PWV Resource Center


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Forrest Palmer
Interim Executive Presbyter

Craig Butler
Transitional Associate for Congregational Support

Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk

Rocky Poole
Financial Admin./Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Min.

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Leslie Curtis
Office Administrator

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director


Commissioner's Forum Forum

All Presbyterians in the Presbytery of West Virginia are invited to attend the Commissioner's Forum on Friday, February 27, 2015 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, Charleston.


This forum will be led by Rev. Tom Hay, Associate for Assembly Operations, Office of the General Assembly.  Tom is also a member of the Shenandoah Presbytery and former Executive Presbyter of Shenandoah Presbytery.  This event will provide information about the proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and a time to seek answers to their questions.  In addition to the Commissioner's Forum, there will be a time of study, reflection, and prayer during the presbytery meeting on Saturday, February 28.


In addition to these opportunities, resources for information and study are available at:

If you would like to follow the voting on the proposed amendments the vote tallies, CLICK HERE!

Harless Center Update HarlessCenter

While students took a break over 

Christmas, work continued on the Harless Center and Central Place apartments and plans continued for the staffing and programs of the project. Here is an update on the project and board. 


Harless Center
The foundation of the Harless Center was poured
in late 2014. Since December, the steel frame has
gone up, along with the roof and floor. Plans are
being finalized for the commercial kitchen
equipment, and the furnishings for the community
center, offices, chapel, fitness center, and lounges...



Session Records Reviews SessionRecordReviews

Here are the dates and locations for the 2015 Session Record Review meetings.


Sat. March 7th - Teays Valley Cluster @ Teays Valley Presbyterian Church 3:00pm


Sun. March 8th - Parkersburg Cluster @ Bethel Chapel, Waverly 3:00pm


Sat. March 14th - Beckley Cluster @ Oak Hill Presbyterian Church 3:00pm


Sun. March 15th - Greenbrier Valley Cluster @ Ronceverte Presbyterian Church  3:00pm


Sat. March 21st - Mountain Valley Cluster @ First Presby Church in Buckhannon  3:00pm


Sun. March 22nd - Clarksburg Cluster @ Bridgeport Presbyterian Church  3:00pm


Sat. March 28th - Charleston Cluster @ Festival of Faith in First Presby Church in Charleston 


Sun. April 12th - Logan Cluster @ Location to be determined  3:00pm

Guys Weekend GuysWeekend

The 2015 Guys' Weekend brochure and registration materials are up and ready! You can access them at Bluestone's websiteThe Presbytery's premiere men's retreat is April 24-26 at Bluestone Camp. This year's speaker will be the Rev. John Hartman, pastor of the Fellowship Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, NC. For more information on the Guys' Weekend, you can contact Rob Laukoter at covenantchurch@yahoo.com or 304-610-3054.


Care for the Caregiver careforcaregiver

Have you or a loved one been 

diagnosedwith cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, renal disease, or dementia? Have questions but not many answers regarding taking care of your loved one?

You are invited to join us in a six week course exploring basic caregiving, resources available to the patient and caregiver, financial issues regarding care, grief and loss, palliative care, and hospital care.


Classes:   February 26,   March 5,12,19 and 6 

7:00pm - 8:00pm   

Village Chapel Presbyterian Church 

3818 Venable Ave.

Charleston, WV 25304

Please RSVP at 304.941.1950

Youth Council Opportunities & Application YouthCouncil

It's that time of year again to nominate youth who will be in grades 10-12 in fall 2015 and adults who like working with the to serve on the Presbytery's Youth Council.   In light of youth graduating and adults rotating off, there is space for 8 youth and 4 adults to begin serving in July; a full youth council will have 14 adults and 6 adults.  The registration deadline for applications, including session nomination forms is Monday, May 4. 


Please consider the youth in your church, whether they have been active in presbytery events or not.  Who might be interested and have the gifts for serving in this way.  The Youth Council is a very important part of our presbytery's work with youth.  Those nominated to serve on the Presbytery Youth Council should be actively involved in a congregation within the presbytery and place a high priority on their commitment to Jesus Christ. 


Complete information and application/nomination forms will be sent to churches in mid-March; you can also find information here!

Teaching Elder I.D. Cards IDCards

The 2015 Teaching Elder identification cards from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have arrived!  These will be distributed with the nametags to all Teaching Elders at registration for the February 28, 2015 Presbytery Meeting. The cards of those Teaching Elders not in attendance will be mailed in March.

Youth In Service YouthService



Last year's Youth in Service: MISSION POSSIBLE  was a success though the weather was a problem.  In response, the Nurture Committee is planning another such event but in late spring rather than mid-winter.  Youth in Service: MISSION POSSIBLE 2015, for youth (those in grades 6-12), and adults who work with them, will be held in different parts of the presbytery on Saturday, June 6.  These will be held at Bridgeport Presbyterian Church;  Clifton Presbyterian Church, Maxwelton and Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Hurricane.  While the focus of this event, Youth in Service: MISSION POSSIBLE, will be the same in each area, with Opening and Closing Gatherings that are the same, the work sites and projects will vary.  The day will begin at 10 am and conclude at 4 pm.  Participants are asked to bring brown bag lunches.  There is no cost for this event but registration is important so that leaders will know how many work sites are needed; the registration deadline is Thursday, May 21.   Complete information will be sent to churches in mid-March; you can also find the information here!

John Bell is Coming to Charleston, WV! JohnBell


The Presbytery of West Virginia will welcome John Bell of the Iona Community in Scotland to West Virginia on June 19 and 20 at First Presbyterian Church, Charleston.  He will be presenting four workshops on a variety of topics over those days.  Persons can registered for individual workshops, for each day or for the all the workshops.  Complete information and a registration form are available here!  The early registration, at a lower cost, deadline is Wednesday, June 10. 


For more information, contact Susan Sharp Campbell at 304-645-4568 or susan_sharp_campbell@hotmail.com

A Note From Mission MissionNote

When there is a crisis, a natural disaster or a not so natural disaster like the train derailment in near Boomer recently there is a natural chain of events.  First responders flood the scene, then the Red Cross and then non-profits and others who offer help as needed. 


Over the years it has become clear to me that of those non-profits there is an order by skill and intention.  Here it is... 

  1. The Mennonites get there first.  In fact if you see one of their trucks on the road you need to turn on the radio or TV to see where the disaster is.  They are great at food services, clean up supplies, blankets and immediate shelter for those in crisis.
  2. There are a multitude of church related organizations that come in second.  From Church World Service to the Methodists, Baptists, Friends and everyone in between.  Church people work hard and their love abounds in a crisis situation.
  3. Then the Presbyterians come.  They stay.  When everyone else goes home or runs out of energy or moves on to the next crisis the Presbyterians stay to rebuild systems and organize communities so that the community can recover and thrive on its own.  We do education, training, organization, pastoral care, and long term systems of care.

There is something to be said for being the one who brings up the rear.  Sure, we can and often do get there right after the Mennonites.  But we stay.  It is our unique gift to walk with people through crisis and beyond, to lay foundations for future life in the wake of disaster.  It is not glamorous but it is what God calls us to do. 


How is your congregation involved in developing and supporting long term community mission?  Let me know so we can proclaim the Good News!


Barbara Chalfant

Montreat Youth Conference Montreat

This Is Our Story, July 19-25:  SPACES STILL AVAILABLE


There are still spaces available for youth (current 8th-12th grades) for the Montreat Youth Conference and for one male adult.  Throughout the week, participants will engage in worship, keynotes, small groups and recreation with 1000 youth from all over the country.  This week offers an opportunity for youth to encounter God and grow in faith as they share how they embody the love of Jesus Christ.     For many, Montreat Youth Conferences are "thin places" where heaven and earth seem to come together and lives are transformed.


Spaces are available on a first come, first registered basis; there is no longer a limit of two per church.   The cost per youth is $350 which includes housing, meals, transportation, conference fees and most meals.    A registration form can be found by clicking here.   


If you have any questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at or 304-645-4568 or  susan_sharp_campbell@hotmail.com.

Pastoral Crisis Intervention 
Training CrisisTraining

The PWV and Kanawha County Emergency  Ambulance Authority are offering Pastors, Ordained Elders and Deacons from all denominations: "Pastoral Crisis Intervention". The purpose of this two-day course is to assist the participants in learning how pastoral interventions and traditional psychological crisis interventions may be effectively integrated. 

DATES: March 13 and 14, 2015
TIME: 9:00am-5:00pm (Lunch will be provided.)
LOCATION: Kanawha County Emergency Ambulance Authority, 601 Brooks Street
REGISTRATION: PWV - office@wvpresbytery.org, (304) 744-7634
COST: A grant received by the Presbytery will cover the normal $100 cost per person.
INSTRUCTOR: Mike Jarrett, Chaplain, mikejarrett@kceaa.org 

Space is limited to 21 people


Pittsburgh Project Pittsburgh


Youth who will be in grades 7 and 8 in fall 2015 are encouraged to take part in a middle school work camp to The Pittsburgh Project in Pittsburgh, PA, the week of Monday, July 6 - Friday, July 10.  We have reserved spaces for 8 youth entering grades 7 and 8 and 2 adults.  The Pittsburgh Project's service camps engage participants in building relationships with home owners as they work to renovate their homes.  The cost per youth will be $290, per adult $50.   Registrations will be accepted on a first come basis, no later than April 1.


Complete information and registration forms was sent to churches last fall.  You may also find that information by clicking here! If you have any questions, or would like another hard copy of the information, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell, 304-645-4568 or susan_sharp_campbell@hotmail.com 

With Deepest Sympathy Sympathy

John Merle Core, passed away on Wednesday February 18, 2015. He was a member of Bates Memorial Presbyterian Church and served the presbytery as a committee member. Please click here to view his obituary.


Rev. Francis Ihrman, as previously shared, passed away on February 14, 2015. Please click here to view his obituary.

Presbytery of West Virginia                   520 Second Avenue                   South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634                           Fax (304) 744-7649                              www.wvpresbytery.org
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM