December 11, 2014                     ISSUE #45



Save the date!
Small Church Conference will be held on April 18, 2015 at Fayetteville Presbyterian Church with Joan Stewart at keynote speaker.

First Presbyterian Church, Bluefield has approximately 125-150 copies of both the Blue hymnal and the older Burgundy/Red hymnal. If your church is interested in these, please contact WD Hasty at or call the presbytery office at 304-744-7634


PWV Resource Center


Westminster Foundation

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A Christmas Greeting From PWV Staff Staff

Please view the youtube video below to see a Christmas greeting from your Presbytery of WV staff.


We hope you have a very merry and blessed holiday season!


Christmas Greeting
Christmas Greeting
Holiday Office Hours OfficeHours

The Presbytery of WV Office will have 

altered business hours during the Christmas & New Year holidays. 


There will be a decreased staff presence on December 22 - 23 and December 29 - 30. 

Our regular 8:30 - 5:30 office hours will resume on Monday January 5th.

OPEN: December 22nd - 23rd 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Closed: December 24th - 25th 

OPEN: December 29th - 30th 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Closed: December 31st - Jan. 1st
December 13th Presbytery Meeting Packet - UPDATED Packet

Click here to download and print the UPDATED meeting packet. Additions were made to the ministry committee report. 


Click here to view the handout packet that will be available at the meeting.


The pre-registration deadline has passed, but you can register the day of the meeting... please be aware that if you did not pre-register, a lunch cannot be guaranteed. 


We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

Equipping Disciples - Belhar Belhar

The Confession of Belhar and Our Confessional Heritage will be the focus of another round of Equipping Disciples Events, January 25 and February 8, 3-6 pm. One of the amendments from the General Assembly that presbyteries will be voting on in the coming months is to add the Confession of Belhar to our Book of Confessions, Part 1 of the Constitution of the PCUSA. The confession arose in South Africa in the time of apartheid and addresses the themes of unity, justice and reconciliation. These Equipping Disciples Events are for any persons who would like to explore this confession in light of our confessional heritage, although it is hoped that all who will be voting on this amendment at the February 28 Presbytery Meeting will attend to learn more. 


On Sunday,  January 25, they will be at Clifton Presbyterian Church in Maxwelton and Bridgeport Presbyterian Church.


On Sunday,  February 8, they will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Charleston; Beckley Presbyterian Church; Enslow Park Presbyterian Church, Huntington; and Westminster Presbyterian Church, Vienna. 


There is no charge for these events, but registration is very important.  Click here for registration form.

2015 Presbytery of WV Directory Update Forms PWVDirectoryUpdate

It's time to update our records in preparation for the production of the 2015 Presbytery of West Virginia Directory! 


Please fill out the form below. You may complete the form electronically and email it to or can print it off, fill it out, and mail it back to the presbytery office. 520 2nd Ave. South Charleston, WV 25303. Even if you have not made changes to your entry in previous years, please fill out the update form. We want to make sure we have info on each church. 


The deadline to have forms returned is Monday February 2nd. Please contact the office with any questions, (304) 744-7364

Riverlawn Presbyterian Church: An Earth Care Congregation EarthCare

Riverlawn Presbyterian Church in Saint Albans

was recently certified as an Earth Care Congregation by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Environmental Ministries through September 2015!  This honor speaks to the great commitment that this congregation has to caring for God's earth.


To become an Earth Care Congregation, Riverlawn Presbyterian Church affirmed the Earth Care Pledge to integrate environmental practices and thinking into all facets of their church life. It also completed projects and activities in the fields of worship, education, facilities, and outreach. The Earth Care Congregation certification is designed to recognize churches that have made the commitment to take seriously God's charge to "till and keep" the garden.


For more information on the earth care program at Riverlawn Presbyterian Church, please contact Joanna Keller at, or 304-546-7376. For more information on the Earth Care Congregations program go to

 Financial Information Updates Financial

On December 10th, the Internal Revenue Service announced the reimbursement rate for business miles driven would be raised to 57.5 cents per mile effective January 1st 2015.


The 2015 Minimum Pastor Compensation guideline and 2015 Part Time Pastor Salary Worksheet are now available on the presbytery's web site in the Financial section of the Documents page.  They have been updated to reflect 2015 Board of Pension dues requirements and the recently announced increase by the IRS in the business mileage reimbursement rate.  As budget season winds down, church treasurers and Stewardship/Finance committees should be sure to refer to these documents when working on the pastor compensation section of their budgets.  If you have any questions about these documents or need assistance with the budgeting process, please contact the presbytery's treasurer, Rocky Poole, or (304) 744-7644.

 Harless Center Update HarlessCenter

Even as the weather has turned colder

 and classes are winding down, work continues at the Harless Center and Central Place Apartments. Each day brings exciting progress. We are grateful for the many ways you have helped us bring this dream to life through gifts, prayers, and volunteer hours this year.


Click here to view the entire update letter!

Travel to Scotland Scotland
Travel to Scotland focusing on Church Heritage, Partnership and Spiritual Retreat.  

Peter and Tina Vial are leading a trip May 24 - June 6, 2016 to explore our rich Scottish heritage, the Coolest Small Country on the Planet, and a time of spiritual retreat.  The group is forming now and will be limited to 10 people.  For more information please contact Rev. Vial at, or 448 Randolph Ave, Elkins, WV 26241.

Summer Options for Youth SummerOptions

Summer Options for Youth in the Presbytery


1)  For youth currently in grades 8- 12:  MONTREAT YOUTH CONFERENCE, THIS IS OUR STORY, July 19-25.  Registration information can be found by clicking here.


2)  For youth currently in grades 6-7, PITTSBURGH PROJECT, July 6-10, 2015.  Registration information can be found by clicking here.

Younger Youth Retreat YYR

Younger Youth Retreat, March 6-9, 2015


It's ADVENTURE TIME is the theme of the Younger Youth Retreat for those in grades 6-8 and their adult advisors.  This will be at Cedar Lakes Conference Center, Friday, March 6-8, 2015.  Youth, parents and church leaders are encouraged to mark the date.  Complete information will be sent to churches in early January.

PCBAA Newsletter PCBAANewsletter
I highly encourage our Presbyterian Churches to consider membership in the Presbyterian Business Administrators Association. The networking of information among members, and the workshop and speakers at the national convention have proven invaluable to me in this role in ministry. I welcome contact from anyone who would like more information about the PCBAA or The Church Network. 

Jackie Lilly, Business Administrator, First, Charleston 
& Vice President pf PCBAA

Click here to view the newsletter and more information on PCBAA or The Church Network
The Parish Papers ParishPapers

The Parish Papers are ministry newsletter

provided by the Presbytery of West Virginia


We are sending you the most recently published issues of the Parish Papers. The Presbytery of WV's purchase of a subscription INCLUDES: Permission to provide copies to our staff and to the congregations within our jurisdiction in any of the following ways: E-mail, Postal, newspaper, newsletter, meetings, training events, and our Web site. Permission for each congregation within our jurisdiction to (a) photocopy or electronically distribute for local use as many copies as it needs, (b) post them on its Web site, and (c) quote sentences and paragraphs.


Congregations within our Presbytery's jurisdiction to which we distribute The Parish Paper do NOT have permission (a) to delete the copyright ownership notice, (b) to re-write, paraphrase, delete, or change the wording of sentences and paragraphs, or (c) to give ANY THIRD PARTY-other than our staff and constituents-permission to photocopy or reprint (in any quantity, no matter how small, whether for free distribution or for sale).

With Sympathy Sympathy
Katherine Ellen Boyer Moore passed away on November 7, 2014. Katherine was married to the late Rev. John Venable Moore. John served two churches in WV and also taught at Davis and Elkins College. Katherine and John served as missionaries in South Korea for 36 years. A service was held on November 22, 2014 in Black Mountain, NC. Please keep Katherine's family and friends in your prayers.
- We are a baptized covenant people -    
Presbytery of West Virginia                   520 Second Avenue                   South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634                           Fax (304) 744-7649                    
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM