Presbytery of WV NEWS

April 10, 2014                                                                                             
Issue #30  



Session Record Review 
Dates and Locations


April 12, 2014
2:00 Fleming Memorial


April 13, 2014
2:00 Davis Mem. Elkins


April 26, 2014
2:00 First Pres. Bluefield


April 27, 2014
2:00 Edgewood


















The Presbytery of WV office will be closed on Thursday April 17th.

Don't forget to register for the Small Church Conference on May 16-17! 

Planning calendar orders are due by May 1st!

Nomination forms for the Presbytery of WV Older Adult Award should be returned to the Presbytery Office no later than

April 24th.



Pentecost Offering Video Contest submissions are due by April 28th.

Post-Secondary Scholarship Information Due April 30th.


Presbytery Youth Council Nominations & Applications are due no later than May 1st.



4th Annual Bluestone Benefit Golf Tournament
May 10, 1:00pm
More Information Below!

Spring Getaway Retreat
May 2-4
More Information Below!

Come to the Party!  
Sunday June 1st 
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM 
Children in grades 3 -5



John Bell is coming to WV!  John L. Bell, a Church of Scotland minister and member of the Iona Community, is coming to the Presbytery of WV on 

Friday, June 19 and Saturday, June 20, 2015.



















Presbytery of WV
PWV Resource Center


Westminster Foundation

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If you have information to share in a  newsletter,  please submit it  to the office no later than the 2nd & 4th  Tuesdays of each  month. The newsletter is published on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. Please plan your article accordingly if the information is timely. We hope you will share this newsletter with your congregations.

Many blessings, 
PWV Communications  

Resource Center Director Position Opening ResourceDirector

PWV Resource Center
The Presbytery of West Virginia is seeking a Resource Center Director. This is a part-time position. Click here for a position description
To apply please send resumes to by April 21st.  Must be able to begin work no later than May 21st.

Small Church Conference: Coming Soon! SmallChurch

The excitement is building!  It's just around the corner!  


The first Annual PWV Small Church Conference starts Friday, May 16, at the Days Hotel and Conference Center in Flatwoods, WV.  Registration is $20 per person made with the attached registration form sent to the Presbytery Office.  You make your own hotel reservation by calling the Days Hotel at (304) 765-2032.  Marcia Myers, former presbytery and GA staff member and a great friend of PWV is the keynote speaker.  People like Joanne Glaser, Lanny Howe, and Kathryn McCrary will be leading workshops.  It will be a time of fellowship, learning, and spiritual growth.


Remember May 1st is the registration deadline, and April 25th is the last day to reserve a room at the conference center rate!



Celebrate Older Adults in May OlderAdult

Older Adult Week begins with Older Adult Sunday May 4th!

Celebrate Your Older Adults through:

  • Designating one entire Sunday Worship Service or ask older adults to participate in services
  • Inviting guest speakers from your community
  • Inviting Claire Butler, to preach or teach a workshop on issues related to the aging process or on creative ways to minister to Older Adults.

Resources are available in POAMN program Planning Guide ( Get yours today as you plan worship and activities to honor older adults on Older Adult Sunday, May 4, 2014 and throughout the year. 


Claire Butler, Interim Associate Presbyter for Older Adult Ministries for the Presbytery of West Virginia:,   (304) 744-7634




Ecumenical Activities - How is Your Church Involved?  Ecumenical

At the last meeting of the Synod of the Trinity, it was noted that all of the 16 member presbyteries have active ecumenical efforts within their bounds.


Accordingly, we'd like to gather some information on what is happening to share with each other. So if you are aware of any ecumenical activity your congregation or members are involved in, could you please share with me so that I can share with the Synod.


You can send the information to me at


Thanks, and I look forward to hearing what's happening within the bounds of the Presbytery of West Virginia.

John A. Bolt, Synod Commissioner



Post-Secondary Scholarship Information - Due April 30th Scholarship

There are loan and grant monies available through  the Nurture Committee to assist with academic or vocational study beyond high school.  Information has been sent to all Pastors, Christian Educators, Youth Ministry and Education Contacts, and Clerks of Session or can be found by clicking here, or by contacting Susan Sharp Campbell.   Deadline for applications is April 30.


Register - May 3rd Presbytery Meeting PWV

Please join us for the May 3, 2014 Presbytery meeting at the Larry Joe Harless Community Center in Gilbert, WV. Hosted by the Gilbert Presbyterian Church and churches in the Logan Cluster!
Registration deadline is April 24th! To register please click here. To request to be excused, please email You must be registered in order to be guaranteed a lunch. Childcare will be available if requested in advanced registration only. The packet for the meeting will me online and emailed to you on April 23rd.

If you have any questions please contact the Presbytery office at 304-744-7634 or


2014 - 2015 Planning Calendar Orders Calendar

To support and serve out churches, the Presbytery of WV will order 
2014-2015 Planning Calendars at a reduced rate
Reserve you calendars now by contacting the Presbytery office at or by calling (304) 744-7634.  Cost per calendar will be $10. Payment is expected at time of order

An announcement will be made when the calendars arrive, so that you may pick them up at the Presbytery office. 
The office will hold calendars for pick-up until May 27th. Following that date all remaining calendar orders will be mailed to you with an invoice for shipping costs.


Presbytery Youth Council Nominations & Applications YouthCouncil   
Due No Later than May 1st 


The Youth Council is a very important part of our presbytery's work with youth as it plans and leads two youth retreats each year, and assists in promoting other events for the youth of our presbytery.  


Youth Council Nomination forms have been mailed to all Pastors, CLPs, Clerks of Sessions, Youth Ministry and Christian Education Contacts, and Christian Educators.   In addition, forms can be found on the presbytery's website.  Completed forms are due back in the office no later than May 1, 2014.    




Reminder - Pentecost Offering Video Contest VIDEo

The Pentecost Offering, which supports ministry for youth in the PCUSA and at-risk children as well as programs for children and youth in our local communities, is sponsoring a video contest.  Youth and young adults, with the sponsorship of their church, are invited to write, direct, film and produce a video to communicate the importance of this offering.  Complete details can be found at by CLICKING HERE.  First place will receive three (3) paid registrations to a future church-wide youth event (ex. Triennium, Faith in 3D), video will be featured on Special Offerings blog and social media sites w/ possibility of being used as official 2014 Pentecost Offering video.  The submission deadline is April 28, 2014.


Upcoming Events at Bluestone Bluestone

Fourth Annual Bluestone Benefit Golf Tournament

Saturday, May 10 at 1:00 PM


Click here for more information and registration!


Spring Getaway Retreat

We hope you'll join us for a wonderful weekend hosted by the Presbytery of West Virginia's Bluestone Committee, and Friends of Bluestone, Inc.  This is going to be a low key and relaxing weekend, so if you're looking for a little bit of serenity right around the weekend of May 2 - 4, there's no better place to be than Bluestone in the Spring!

Click here for more information and registration!


Presbyterian Women Synod Gathering PW


Calling all Presbyterian Women to attend the 201Presbyterian Women Synod Gathering.


Dates: June  19 - 212014

Place: Waynesburg  University


Thitriennial gathering of Presbyterian Women offers opportunity to live out our connectional ties through plenary sessions, music, worship, workshops and  discovering resources.  See the listing of interesting workshops.There will be opportunity to attend two of your choosing. Complete the registration form, return to registrar (address on form) by May 15th.


Come, enjoy the hospitality and beauty of Waynesburg University. Meet your PW Synod administrative and coordinating team and be renewed in spirit finding 'hope in bloom'.


For more information please visit the Presbytery of WV website (all forms will be there).

Playology:  Experiencing God through the Art of PlayPlayology

Sponsored by the Nurture Committee with leadership from the Annual Recreation Workshop, Playology will include creative worship, a theme party, workshops and lunch.   Designed for Church Educators, Pastors, Youth Ministers, VBS leaders, Sunday School Teachers, Youth Advisors and Senior Highs in leadership roles, this one day Leadership Development event will be held on Saturday, August 23, at Fayetteville Presbyterian Church, from 9 am - 4:30 pm. 


The cost per person before Thursday, August 14, will be $25, which includes lunch.  People may also registered on site the morning of the event for $40, although workshop selections may be more limited that day.


Registration forms will be distributed by email or can be found online at   To register, the form, along with payment, needs to be sent to the Presbytery office; because payment is required with registration, there is no online registration.  For more information or questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at or 304-645-4568.




Raleigh Youth Mission Trip for High Schoolers

July 13-18, 2014 - Still has spaces left! RYM 

Those currently in High School, grades 9-12, are encouraged to join with other youth from our presbytery and other places for Raleigh Youth Mission, Sunday, July 13-Friday, July 18.  Adult advisors are also needed.  Throughout the week, participants will serve in a variety of settings in Raleigh, with opportunities for reflection, worship, and recreation.  The cost per youth is $295; the cost per adult is $50.  Registrations will be taken until spaces are filled or May 15. To register, the registration form and of $200(youth) or $50(adult), along with the registration form, must be sent to the presbytery office. 
Complete information has been sent to church and youth leaders, and can also be found at by CLICKING 
If you have questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at or 304-645-4568.


John Bell is Coming to WV JohnBell


John L. Bell, a Church of Scotland minister and member of the Iona Community, is coming to the Presbytery of West Virginia on Friday, June 19 and Saturday, June 20, 2015.  


 - We are a baptized covenant people -    
Presbytery of West Virginia                       520 Second Avenue                         Phone (304) 744-7634 
                 South Charleston, WV 25303                  Fax (304) 744-7649           
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM