Presbytery of WV NEWS
ISSUE #29                                                                          March 27, 2014


Session Record Review 
Dates and Locations


March 30, 2914
2:00 Church of the Covenant
7:00 Highlawn, St. Albans


April 5, 2014
Festival of Faith, 1st Pres Char.


April 6, 2014
2:00 First Pres. Logan


April 12, 2014
2:00 Fleming Memorial


April 13, 2014
2:00 Davis Mem. Elkins


April 26, 2014
2:00 First Pres. Bluefield


April 27, 2014
2:00 Edgewood

Resource Center Features...


A Big Heart Open to God: A Conversation with Pope Francis


In this small, easy-to-read book, Pope Francis speaks with great candor about a large variety of topics in a manner that easily sets him apart from previous Popes. Reading this book in which he speaks so openly, it is easy to see why he has become so popular with people of various faiths around the world.


Invasion of the Dead:

Preaching Resurrection

by Brian Blount (President of Union Presbyterian Seminary)

Blount helps preachers effectively proclaim resurrection in a world consumed by death. Starting with a clear vision of life that obliterates death and reveals life's essence, he offers an alternative apocalyptic vision for our time.

Bad Girls of the Bible 


More Bad Girls of the Bible 


both by Barbara J. Essex, a United Church of Christ minister and the worship leader for the 2014 APCE event held in San Jose this past January.  In these two volumes, Essex helps us look anew at 24 women found in the Bible that often have been thought of as "questionable women." Each volume includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter. These books are meant to be used as study material, either individually or in a small group.

Presbytery of WV

PWV Resource Center


Westminster Foundation

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Iyou have information to share in a newsletter, please submit it  to the office no later than the  2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each  month. The newsletter is published on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. Please plan your article accordingly if the information is timely. We hope you will share this newsletter with your congregations.

Many blessings, 
PWV Communications  
We Are Here to Serve - Claire Butler CLAIRE

As your Presbytery of West Virginia 

Hunger Action Enabler my job is to enable congregations and other groups within the church to obtain the knowledge and skills to sustain a long-term commitment to hunger action.  If you would like for me or a member of the Hunger Action Team to come to your church and visit or observe some of the ways that your church is involved in hunger action we would love to do so.  We can also come and lead a program on Hunger Action Education during a Presbyterian Women gathering, Sunday school program or Wednesday night program...


How can our church meet the needs and utilize the skills of the increasing number of older adults in our pews?  

Is the church able to hear the wake-up call concerning the fastest growing members of the congregation-those 85 years of age and older? 


If these are questions you have heard others in your congregation asking or you have asked these questions yourself, then as your Interim Associate Presbyter for Older Adult Ministries I am just the person to help address some answers. I would love to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss what possibilities may be available for you: if your church has an Older Adult Ministry but need new ideas OR your church is looking to establish an Older Adult Ministry. If you are interested in program ideas please let me know!


Claire Butler

Interim Associate Presbyter for Older Adult Ministries

Hunger Action Enabler



Save The Date: Come to the Party! STD
Come to the Party!  
Sunday June 1st 
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM 
Children in grades 3 -5

The Presbytery of WV will be holding party themed
gatherings of fellowship and community for the
children to celebrate Pentecost. Details will follow.
Sponsored by the Nurture Committee.

Click here to view the flyer

In order for us to be able to help our families and others, we have to be ready.  In order to be ready, we have to plan. Even if the crisis or disaster is beyond that for which we are prepared, our mindset will be about moving forward.  Preparation and education gives us direction in the midst of despair. 


How can our churches be ready? How can we care for people in our churches and beyond, and help them to be ready too?



Presented by WV Ministry of Advocacy and Workcamps: Joan Stewart, Executive Director and 

Mike Jarrett, Chaplain KCEAA Advisory Board


Call to arrange to speak to church, cluster, or Ministerial Association   304-846-2294



PWV Small Church Conference SmallConf
Finally a conference intended just for you -- Our Small Churches! 
Would you be interested in learning from fellow small church members & pastors? How about joining a reviving time of worshiping God ad hearing from a keynote speaker with an impressive record of ministry with small churches, especially in WV?

When: Friday May 16th 7:00pm - Saturday, May 17th 2:00pm

Where: Flatwoods Conference Center in Flatwoods, WV

Registration Cost: $20

Contact: Kathryn McCrary - (304) 925- 9142 or Craig Butler - (304) 744-7634 or
Lights of Day LightsofDay
Village Chapel Presbyterian Church Presents:


Village Chapel Pres. Church 
3818 Venable Avenue 
Friday, March 28 at 7:00 pm

Chris Lawson (the lead) is a pastor of worship and arts at Vineyard Grace Fellowship in Newark, OH. He started writing Christian pop music to counteract the negative
messages given by mainstream TV and radio. His mission is to proclaim the gospel using "music fit for a dance club but lyrics fit for a sanctuary".
Come join us for an evening of energy, worship and music! There will be no charge to attend.
PWV Older Adult Ministry Task Force is Seeking New Members OlderAdult

How can our church meet the needs and utilize the skills of the increasing number of older adults in our pews?  


Is the church prepared to minister to members who spend more years caring for their parents than for their own children?  


Is the church able to hear the wake-up call concerning the fastest growing members of the congregation-those 85 years of age and older?    


If you find yourself asking these same questions or have heard a member of your congregation asking similar questions than you are exactly the person we are looking for! 


The Presbytery of West Virginia Mission Committee  is seeking individuals interested in serving on its Older Adult Ministry Task Force. The Older Adult Ministries' Task Force primary responsibility is planning for and reviewing nominations for the annual older adult recognition event at the May Presbytery meeting, which takes Other responsibilities included advocacy for older adults and connecting congregations with the work of the Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network.


If you are interested in serving on the task force or know someone who might be interested please contact Claire Butler, Interim Associate Presbyter for Older Adult Ministries at or you can call the Presbytery Office. 

Local Boy Scout Troop Turns 100 Boyscout

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (Kera Mashek) -- A local Boy Scout troop celebrated a major milestone in their history Saturday afternoon.


Troop 5 of the First Presbyterian church turned 100 years old.


Founded in 1914, the troop celebrated with a special ceremony at the church, welcoming seven new Eagle Scouts into their ranks.


The new Eagles jumped through many hoops on their way to qualify for Eagle Scout, a feat scoutmaster Blair Taylor said is more special because of the troop's long history.


"To be 100 years old kind of boggles the mind," he said. "I was an Eagle Scout from this troop back in 1981. My father was an Eagle Scout from this troop in 1952, and my son is an Eagle Scout from 2013."


Taylor said the troop has grown since 2009, when he took over as scoutmaster, and said he hopes the troop will continue for another century to come.


WCHS News Reported March 22nd - Click Here 

PC(USA) 221st General Assembly GA

The 221st General Assembly will meet this summer in Detroit from June 14-21.  The Presbytery of West Virginia elected the following as our commissioners and YAAD:

  • Ruling Elder, Jim Musgrave (Highlawn, Huntington)
  • Teaching Elder, Amy Parker (Village Chapel)
  • Teaching Elder, Robin Ray (Bridgeport)
  • Ruling Elder, Jim Rowe (Old Stone)
  • Young Adult Advisory Delegate (YAAD), Elly Maddy (First, St. Albans)
  • Alternates - Ruling Elder,Tina Vial (Davis Memorial, Elkins); Teaching Elder, Charla Waters Koerner (First, Clarksburg)

Our Commissioners met for a time of orientation on March 19, led by Forrest Palmer and Maureen Wright, with Elly Maddy joining in via Skype for part of the orientation.  As they prepare for General Assembly, let us all join together in prayer for our commissioners and YAAD...

90 Second Sermon - Joyce Lieberman
90 Second Sermon  Joyce Lieberman


Joyce Lieberman, Associate for Constitutional  Interpretation, in preparation for General Assembly, was featured in a video, "You can't be a Presbyterian all by yourself."


If you would like to learn more about the General Assembly click here for the official link to this year's meeting of the General Assembly in Detroit


As we join together to pray for our commissioners and advisory delegate, let us also pray for our entire Presbyterian family!



Pentecost Offering Video Contest VideoContest 

The Pentecost Offering, which supports ministry for youth in the PCUSA and at-risk children as well as programs for children and youth in our local communities, is sponsoring a video contest.    


Youth and young adults, with the sponsorship of their church, are invited to write, direct, film and produce a video to communicate the importance of this offering.  


Click here for complete details!.   


First place will receive three (3) paid registrations to a future church-wide youth event (ex. Triennium, Faith in 3D), video will be featured on Special Offerings blog and social media sites w/ possibility of being used as official 2014 Pentecost Offering video.   The submission deadline is April 28, 2014.

One Great Hour of Sharing GreatHourOfSharing
Since 1949 Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God's love with our neighbors-in-need around the world. Your generous gifts to this Special Offering help provide relief those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and assist in helping to empower the poor and oppressed.    

April 20: Receive the One Great Hour of Sharing

Begin now making plans to receive the one Great Hour of Sharing on April 20th. CLICK HERE to download this year's planning guide and to learn about new ways to promote the offering. 

Valley of the Shadow  ValleyoftheShadow
PWV Commissioned Ruling Elder at Bradley and Mount Hope Presbyterian Churches,  Elizabeth Stone and her daughter Erin have written a book titled Valley of the Shadow which chronicles a family's journey through a teen suicide attempt.
"I found her in the closet; that is how the nightmare began . . ." The nightmare is suicide, teen suicide by overdose.  Valley of the Shadow provides a rare and intimate window on one family's life thrown into a tailspin by their daughter's
suicide attempt.  Written with candor, hope, and even some humor, the authors share their story of grief, crisis, recovery and renewal from both the family's and victim's perspectives.  Walk with Elizabeth and Erin Stone and their family through this valley to find hope and healing.  
National Association of Church Business Administrators' Conference NACAC

It is an open invitation to join the association and to also read about the upcoming annual conference which is always held in conjunction with the National Association of Church Business Administrators' conference. One of the most useful benefits of this organization is networking with other administrators in the PC(USA) and meeting every year with Clark Simmons from the Board of Pensions. We voted last year to be inclusive of all Presbyterian denominations, so please spread the word. 


READ MORE - Get more information 

- We are a baptized covenant people -    
Presbytery of West Virginia                        520 Second Avenue                        South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634                           Fax (304) 744-7649                    
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM