5/6 - 5/16
Final Exams (9, 10)
5/13 - 5/16
Fifth Grade Field Trip (13-15) Fifth Grade Arts Day (16)
5/13 - 5/16Comprehensive Exams (6, 7, 8) AP Exams (8, 9, 10) 5/17 @ 4 pm
Tri-M Music Society Induction
5/17 @ 5:30 pm
School Dance: "Epic Conclusion" 5/18 @ 6 pm
Spring Formal
5/17 - 5/24Term Project Week 5/23 @ 4:30 pm
Great Skate End of the Year Celebration
5/24Last Day of School Term Project Presentations Award Ceremony ----------------------------
Annual Teacher Fund Balance Update
Our current ATF balance is at $227,143.39 (79% of our goal) and participation is at 56%.
There is still plenty of time to contribute to the ATF to help support our fantastic teachers. What better way to thank our teachers for their hard work and enthusiasm this year? Remember, every dollar counts! Give online by clicking here: ONLINE ATF Donation LinkOR Turn in this form with your contribution:
Dear BASIS Phoenix Parents and Guardians,
Comprehensive, final, and AP exams are upon us! Please find below a grade-specific breakdown of the schedule for comp week. Students taking AP exams will have altered schedules on test days, and Late Bird hours have also been changed. Late Bird will be free of charge until 4 pm; after 4 pm, late pick-up fees will apply.
The hot lunch program will end on Friday, May 10th. During exams, students must bring their own nutritious, peanut-free lunch from home.
Monday, 5/13 - Wednesday, 5/15: Leadership Summit
Students in 5th grade will participate in the Leadership Summit in Prescott, AZ. On Monday, 5/13, students must be dropped off at The Rock (13626 N. 32nd St., Phoenix, AZ 85032) at 8:00 am. Buses for Prescott will depart at 8:30 am. Students will return from Prescott on Wednesday, 5/15, at 1:30 pm. Pick-up will be at The Rock. Please be on time.
Students not going on the field-trip must report to school by 8:15 am on each trip day. These students will work to complete an alternate assignment at school each of the three days of the trip. Students on-site during these days will need to bring lunch from home.
Thursday, Music and Arts Day @ The RockThe BASIS Phoenix music and art teachers will host an event to help students make their elective selections for next year. This is a regular, mandatory school day for 5th graders. Students must be dropped off at The Rock (13626 N. 32nd St., Phoenix, AZ 85032) by 7:20 am and will need to be picked up at 1:15 pm. No transportation available to the school.
Students will receive an introduction to instruments for band and string classes, and they will learn more about all of the music and art classes offered to 6th graders next year. Representatives from the Music and Arts Company will be on site to assist students in trying out the various instruments. This will be a "hands-on" experience and students will have the opportunity to try playing different instruments. Other activities throughout the day will include games, demonstrations, and yearbook distribution! Students need to bring regular and colored pencils for art activities and pens and sharpies for yearbook signing! Students must also bring their own lunch for the day.
GRADES 6 & 7
During comprehensive week, Early Bird will begin at 6:45 am. After school, students may remain in Late Bird free of charge until 4:00 pm. After 4:00 pm, late pick-up fees will apply. NO hot lunch will be available this week; students must bring a peanut-free lunch from home.
Monday, 5/13: Review Day (Regular Release)
Students in grades 6 and 7 are expected to report to school according to their regular schedule as they will continue to review for the comprehensive exams. Dismissal will be during the regular, 3:30 pm dismissal time.
Tuesday thru Thursday: Exam Days (Early Release)
Early Bird will begin at 6:45 am. Comprehensive exams will begin at 8:15 am. Students will report to their testing rooms by element; room assignments will be posted throughout the school. Students will be released at 1:15 pm.
The comprehensive schedule is as follows:
Chemistry (60 minutes)
Wednesday Math (120 minutes) History (120 minutes)
Physics (60 minutes) Biology (60 minutes) Latin / Foreign Language (60 minutes)
Upper School elective courses conclude on Friday, May 10.
During comprehensive week, Early Bird will begin at 6:45 am; after school, Upper School students may stay in Late Bird free of charge until 4 pm. After 4 pm, late pick-up fees will apply. NO hot lunch will be served this week; students must bring a peanut-free lunch from home.
Monday, 5/13: Exam Day 1 (Regular Release - 3:30 pm) Comprehensive exams will begin at 8:15 am. Students will report to their testing rooms by element; room assignments will be posted throughout the school. Once students complete the second exam of the day, they will return to their regularly scheduled classes.
Tuesday, Wednesday: Exams (Early Release - 1:15 pm)
Comprehensive exams will begin at 8:15 am. Students will report to their testing rooms by element; room assignments will be posted throughout the school. Students will be released at 1:15 pm.
The comprehensive schedule is as follows:
English (120 minutes) Foreign Language (60 minutes)
Biology (60 minutes) Economics (60 minutes)
Chemistry (60 minutes) WednesdayMath (120 minutes) Physics (60 minutes) Thursday: AP World Hist. Exam (Early Release - 1:15 pm)
The AP World History Exam will begin promptly at 7:45 am. Students signed up for the exam will report to the gym. Students will be released at 1:15 pm.
AP World History Exam (185 minutes)
GRADES 9 & 10
Upper School elective courses conclude on Friday, May 10.
Students in grades 9 and 10 will be released at 2:35 pm this week. Early Bird begins at 6:45 am. After school, Upper School students may stay in Late Bird free of charge until
4pm. After 4 pm, late pick-up fees will apply. NO hot lunch will be served this week; students must bring a peanut-free lunch from home.
Monday, 5/13: AP Bio Exam & Final Exams
Tenth graders taking the AP Biology Exam must report to Office 08 at 7:45 am. For the rest of the 9th and 10th graders, classes will begin at 8:15 am. Students will participate in their course finals during regularly scheduled class meeting times.
Tuesday, 5/14: AP U.S. Government and Politics Exam
Students in grades 9 and 10 will be taking the AP U.S. Government and Politics Exam. The exam will begin promptly at 7:45 am. Students must report to the gym for this exam.
Wednesday, Thursday: Final Exams, Continued
Students will report to their first class at 8:15 am. Classes will meet according to the regular schedule and students will continue to take final exams. Room assignments will be posted throughout the school.
Please click here for a list of final exams by date.
High School Spring Formal: Saturday, May 18, 2013
Ninth and tenth graders, join us at the Renaissance Hotel in Glendale for our first ever Spring Formal. The event, hosted by BASIS Peoria, will take place on Saturday, May 18, from 6 to 11 pm. This will be a great opportunity to meet students from BASIS Peoria and BASIS Chandler. Tickets for the event are now on sale at the front office for $45. Ticket price includes dinner.
Celebrate the End of the Year @ Great Skate!
Join us for our Booster-sponsored family fun skate event and fundraiser at Great Skate in Glendale on May 23, 2013, from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Admission is $6/person and includes a pair of skates ($4 extra for roller blades)!
BASIS Phoenix teacher celebrities are expected to make an appearance. Come spend the evening before the last day of school with us!
Check out the flyer for this event!
2013-14 Calendar Draft
We now have our preliminary version of the 2013-14 school calendar for BASIS Phoenix! This calendar is meant to give you an idea of the start and stop dates as well as specific holidays. The calendar is subject to change until further notice.
BASIS Phoenix ● 11850 N. 32nd Street ● Phoenix, AZ 85028 (P): 602-595-9870 
Note: BASIS (collectively, BASIS.ed, BASIS Schools, Inc., BDC, A Public Charter School, Inc. and BTX Schools, Inc.), is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants for employment are recruited, hired and assigned without discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or any other classification protected by law. BASIS expressly prohibits any form of unlawful employee or student harassment.