Making connections within the community!
MSQLP's e-newsletter: May 2014 edition
Letter from the Executive Director
By Grant Helm
Executive Director 


2014 has geared up to be a promising and exciting year for MSQLP. Due to the success we have experienced in the last two years, MSQLP is now a growing grassroots non-profit organization. We have added additional staffing to help in providing our services, and we have been able to retain an increasing amount of interns to assist and support our clients living with MS and PD. We experienced a lot of success in 2013, and we have no plans to stop growing!


For the past 9 years, MSQLP has sought to address the many hardships an individual and family can experience while living with a chronic illness like multiple sclerosis, and now Parkinson's disease. Cognitive and emotional functions become adversely affected by these diseases, which can lead to negative impacts on: important relationships, employment, insurance, financial matters, functionality, independence, and mobility. All of these factors affect one's quality of life. Our unique services aim to address these challenges and improve the quality of life of our clients and their families by providing case management, educational workshops, and access to support services, all for free.


It pleases me to see the growing support our unique organization receives from the local community. This continued support allows us to turn the gears day after day with new goals and accomplishments around every corner. One of these goals is to redesign our MSQLP website to make it more appealing and accessible. The current success of our e-newsletter has inspired and motivated us to improve the presentation of information on our web page: We will be revamping the look of the entire website: swapping out the antiquated design and logos with a more user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing webpage. In addition, we will begin to add pictures and testimonials from our workshops, fundraisers, and public events to give the website a more personalized feel. We have been blessed with the volunteer support of not one... but TWO professional webmasters, Christine Gustafson and Mimi Wessling. Thanks go out to these ladies for supporting MSQLP's growth with their knowledge and talent! 


Click here for a preview of the new MSQLP webpage.


As you have a probably noticed by now, I am constantly reminded of the fantastic people involved so closely with MSQLP. This includes the support I receive from our board members and staff, who are working more diligently than ever! On top of it all, we are just about to accomplish our 2nd annual "It's in the Bag Fundraiser!" A very special thanks to Andrea Dowdall our volunteer development coordinator who hatched this new fundraiser last year.  Last but not least, I would like to impart a HUGE thanks to one of our newest board members, Valentia Piccini for carrying the torch and creating an absolutely superb "It's in the Bag!" Fundraiser this year!


To wrap this up (and prevent it from sounding like an endless Academy Awards speech) I would like to remind our audience of clients, donors, and local service professionals that with your support, MSQLP has been able to grow and develop, while providing such boundless services to our community. With your continued support we will be able to carry on our expansion of support services to the Parkinson's population and continue to make connections with our community.

Upcoming Events 
(click orange text for flyer) 


Saturday, May 17th
Check in: 10AM
Location: Embassy Suites in Seaside
Speaker: Jong Mi-Lee, MSN-FNP from UC San Francisco
Call to register:

Saturday, May 17th
Check in: 2PM
Location: Embassy Suites in Seaside
Speaker: Jong Mi-Lee, MSN-FNP from UC San Francisco
Call to register: 

Support Groups
Family Caregiver Support Group
Saturday, May 24th
MSQLP Office

MSQLP's joint MS Support Group 
Friday, May16th
Marina Library
Special Guest: 
Dr. Laura Banks with a presentation on symptom management and MS

Water Aerobics
Mondays & Wednesdays 
12-1pm @ Monterey Sports Center
Spotlight on the 
"It's in the Bag!" Fundraiser

By Angie Garaylade - MSQLP Case Manager


MSQLP is hosting its 2nd annual "It's in the Bag!" fundraiser this Sunday. Participants of "It's in the Bag!" will enjoy an afternoon tea and silent purse auction of new and gently used handbags. This special event was first inspired by our volunteer Program Supervisor/Development Coordinator, Andrea Dowdall, and is now being carried forward by one of our newest board members, Valentia Piccinini. Valentia is graciously hosting MSQLP's "It's in the Bag!" at her lovely residence on Pebble Beach, and has been working hard for the last several months as the event's committee chair.


Last year's "It's in the Bag!" event raised $12,000 for our organization. These funds contributed to MSQLP's ability to continue providing our clients with case management services, support groups, and the water aerobics program. With last year's success in mind, it is hoped that this year's events will yield similar, or even better results so that we may continue to grow and expand our services. We look forward to reporting back the outcome of our latest fundraiser! If you are interested in participating at this event, we do have a limited amount of seats left. You can purchase a reservation by clicking here.

Did You Know?

Local Medical Hypnosis Research Program for Multiple Sclerosis 


Seeking Volunteers to 

Participate in Study


Local Hypnotherapist, Eva M. Clark, is proposing to work with 32 volunteers with MS to determine if the success achieved in three previous MS therapies can be repeated systemically and successfully. With these findings she hopes to create an effective and cost efficient Medical Hypnosis Program for Multiple Sclerosis. 


Would you like to be part of this study to alleviate your particular symptoms and train your immune system to not attack "self"? The first group has seen symptom reductions of 50 to 100% in fatigue, incontinence, muscle spasms, balance, sleep, pain, and increased ability to stand for longer periods of time. 


A new group will begin in June of 2014. To qualify for the study you must have been medically diagnosed with MS and be committed to working with Eva for a period of 6 months as well as the following:

  • Practice daily self-hypnosis
  • Track symptoms and results
  • Track nutrition and exercise
  • Attend an individual hypnotherapy session in Santa Cruz or Monterey every other week for a total of 12 sessions. (Spanish and English spoken).

For those interested in participating, or that have questions, please contact:


Eva M. Clark, MA CCHt   

Center for Health

555 Soquel Ave., St 260, Santa Cruz, CA 95062



Click herto find testimonials of some of the previous participants.

MSQLP Website

Our Mission:     

The Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Project (MSQLP) recognizes that people living with chronic illness have unmet needs. MSQLP is committed to filling these gaps by improving the quality of life of persons with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the tri-county area of Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito. Our programs have expanded to serve families living with Parkinson's disease (PD) in Monterey County. We work with clients and their families to create comprehensive individual plans and programs that support client independence. 

All of our services are free.

Make a Donation
$30 will fund outreach services for one client.
$70 will fund one water aerobics class.
$100 will fund a HouseCall for a client.
MSQLP Merchandise Sale 
$15 Bundle Deal 
when you buy a shirt and bag together!

Click on iGive logo for details!
Benefit MSQLP just through shopping online!
Like us on Facebook


Follow us on Twitter

Tip of the Month
The Benefits of Social Support
By Rachel Bedford-MSQLP Intern

Living with a chronic illnesses is challenging and sometimes can even leave you feeling isolated and misunderstood by others. These feelings can be mediated or resolved through forming bonds with others, who in turn, have a positive impact on your life. These bonds are called social support systems and have the benefit of improving one's life through a myriad of ways.


The benefits of social support are boundless and have been demonstrated to increase happiness, lower levels of depression, increase family functioning, and increase marital happiness. Of course the list continues, but those factors alone, positively influence one's life. Social support reminds you that you are not alone and people are there when you need to reach out to them. Creating a support network can be a crucial mechanism for coping with the emotional and psychological aspects of living with chronic illnesses, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease.


Social support can come in a variety of different ways.  Forming a network made up of family, friends, religious personnel, organizations, and even pets can be beneficial in many different aspects. Virtually anyone can reciprocate social support which can provide you with a feeling of being cared for and significant. In addition, having social support has been proven to help people maintain healthy habits such as keeping medical appointments, maintaining treatment plans, getting regular exercise, eating healthier foods, and attending more social events.


In the end, connections can be formed anywhere; so why not fill it with people who can provide support, empathy, and motivation to enjoy a better life? You might think that finding people to for appropriate social support is difficult, but you already have the first form of social support available at MSQLP. Our support groups meet once a month and our support group program provides a great launching pad to meet new people and begin forming your own social support networks. You can view MSQLP's upcoming support groups in the "Upcoming Events" section of this e-newsletter.

Amy's Corner
CAM Therapies Found to be Effective by the AAN

By Amy Lamb Heckel RDH 


My guess is that since you are reading the MSQLP (Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life) newsletter you already know what the initials in this title stand for. As a reminder, CAM refers to complementary or alternative medicine and AAN refers to the American Academy of Neurology. In March the AAN released the "Summary of Evidence-Guideline: Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Multiple Sclerosis." This guideline has been endorsed by both the International Organization of MS Nurses and the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers.


Here is a partial list of the "CAM therapies with sufficient evidence to support practice recommendations in multiple sclerosis."

  • Ginkgo biloba was found to help fight fatigue, but not to improve cognitive function.
  • Reflexology was effective in the treatment of paresthesia (tingling or pricking).
  • Magnetic therapy was found to help lessen fatigue, but not to combat depression.
  • Synthetic THC was found to reduce symptoms of spasticity and pain, but ineffective in reducing tremors.
  • Sativex oromucosal spray lessened sensations of spasticity, pain, and (believe it or not) urinary frequency. (Sativex has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.)

And for those of you concerned about dental amalgams (silver fillings) the article states, "dental amalgam

removal [has] little evidence for recommendation." You can read the entire article including the AAN's findings on bee venom and smoked cannabis by following the link below.


Click here to access the AAN article in their magazine "Neurology". 
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Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Project
519B Hartnell Street
Monterey, California 93940