In This Issue
Support Doors of EnCOURAGEment
Family Wize Discount Hits $497,000
2012/2013 Youth Allocation Committee
Kroger Community Rewards
United Way of Logan County Announces the 2013 Allocation Distribution
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We can make a difference. 

 "Believe" and Support the  

Logan County Cancer Society



 Have you made plans to support the Logan County Cancer Society 


Doors of EnCOURAGEment


All proceeds remain in Logan County supporting our families, friends and neighbors.


Contact  - Melody Couchman 

 Wrens Florists



 The United Way of Logan County
130 South Main Street
Suite 109
Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311
E-mail Addresses
Jim Donnelly
Gina Dyer
UWLC Web Page


Family Wize

United Way Worldwide and FamilyWize Community Service Partnership Announced


We are pleased to announce that United Way Worldwide has established a new, three-year preferred partnership with the FamilyWize Community Service Partnership. This will accelerate and advance the distribution of free FamilyWize-United Way prescription discount cards locally, regionally and nationally.


FamilyWize is a proven and trusted United Way partner. More than 1,000 local United Ways have partnered with FamilyWize over the past seven years to help people in your community and across the country get the medicine they need.


This new, closer collaboration between United Way and FamilyWize will help us all to increase access to affordable healthcare for the uninsured and underinsured, as well as measure and report the impact of this initiative, both for your coverage area and nationwide as a system. There is much more to do, but the results and impact nationwide are already impressive:


         5 million people helped

         5,000 additional people helped each day

         $450 million saved on the cost of medications

Since 2005 FamilyWize has saved residents of our community over $497,617. For more information go to our web page at: 
or stop by our office to pick up your card.




Click on the above link to be included on our mailing list for future issues of the United Way of Logan County Newsletter.


    Why should you give to the United Way of Logan County?

There are many reasons for donating to the United Way of Logan County. Here are a few that, hopefully, will help in your decision to contribute to this years campaign.


We're effective & efficient... We strive to get the most out of every dollar you contribute to fund programs that make a difference, 85 cents of every dollar goes to support our 22 partner agencies.


We're accountable... Volunteers from a diverse personal and business background assess the needs in our community, distribute the dollars the United Way of Logan County raises and monitors annually how well those programs are using your donations to solve local problems and serve the human needs in our community.


We're local... The money raised here stays in Logan County helping to meet the needs RIGHT HERE in our community.


Tax breaks... Every April we are reminded of how much money we pay the government. By making a donation you will be giving money that would otherwise be going to the government and placing it into the hands of people who are in need of our support.


Giving back... Have you always been as successful as you are today? Or was there a time when an organization was there for you? Many of us have had times when things were not going well. If a charitable organization was there for you, consider donating to the United Way   of Logan County. You can designate your contribution on the donation form to that agency, then when you donate you return the favor once paid to you.


In Memory of a loved one... Sometimes the best way to ease the pain of the loss of a loved one is to carry on their legacy with causes that mattered to them. If you donate in their name you create a living tribute to their ideals. Suddenly your decision to donate takes on a whole new meaning.


Common Goal... Think of the things that matter to you. When you donate it should stand for ideals that matter to you. Then, you and the United Way of Logan County are working toward a common goal. When you donate people get helped. Donate and become asupporter to those who need it most.Donating or being of service to those who are less fortunate should come from the goodness of your heart and should never be something you are forced into. If you want to help, lend a hand by donating funds to the United Way of Logan County.


That's what it means to LIVE UNITED.


Caring for our family, friends and neighbors...


Changing lives for a

brighter future...


Building a stronger community... 

the United Way.




Youth Allocation Committee  
The Youth allocation committee will meet in February to review grant applications to be awarded in 2013/2014.  The group of dedicated students will spend several hours reviewing the requests from this years applications.  During their April meeting they will present their recomendations to the adult UWLC Admissions and Allocation committee who will pass them on to the Boaard of Trustees for final approval.
The Youth Allocation Committee is made up of four students, two juniors and two seniors from each of our city and county schools. They meet six times during the school year.
The 2013 Committee Members are:





































Newsletter - January/February 2013 


A Look Back At 2012 and a Quick Glance Into 2013

2012 was a great year for our organization, one filled with change, growth and opportunities that will allow the United Way of Logan County to remain a strong entity within the community for many years to come.

The year began with a change in leadership as Ilene Heaton retired after 24 years of service to both the United Way and our community and after a brief stint with retirement I joined your team as the rookie Executive Director.

In January and February we opened the lines of communication with the addition of a new electronic newsletter, a new Facebook page and a slightly upgraded web page. 

During April we held our annual meeting and recognized the many businesses, companies and individuals who by working "Together" have made a difference in Logan County.  We also recognized the contributions of Ilene Heaton for her dedication and support to our community.

As we entered May we began to lay out  plans for the 2012 Campaign. We were fortunate to acquire Mike Mullins as the 2012 Campaign Chair and with his leadership we developed the Campaign Cabinet.  With Board approval, an aggressive Campaign Goal of $655,000 was set, placing it five percent above the actual results of 2011.

In June the Board gave approval to relocating the UWLC offices from their home of 17 years on North Main Street to the newly refurbished Main Street Marketplace Building on South Main.  This move allowed for additional space, a fresh new look, additional traffic and best of additional cost. 

The annual "Stuff the Bus" promotion was held during August at the Farmers Market behind our new office and provided over $5,000 in school supply donations for students in the five city and county schools.

The annual kick-off for the 2012 Campaign was held on September 19th on Court Street where this years nine Pacesetter Company's turned in their early results.  The group's combined increase of 23% over their 2011 numbers provided a solid base for the campaign to build on.

The campaign continued to expand rapidly through the months of October - December and with the help and support of many we were able to close the books in early January with total contributions of $663,441. an $8,441 increase over the 2012 goal.   Because of those efforts, the Admissions and Allocation Committee was able to continue their funding support for 22 agencies that help one out of every three residents in Logan County.

Looking ahead into 2013 we are raising the bar even higher.  In early January the Board of Trustees and members of the community met to begin the initial phase of developing a Strategic Plan for the organization.  Led by Kelly Jones, COO of NetGains, this meeting allowed the group to begin the development of a road map for our future and will help to ensure that we continue to serve the county and its residents. 

We will complete the final upgrade to the web page in early 2013 and plan to be able to accept online contributions during the 2013 campaign. 

While we have not established a final Campaign Goal for 2013 our dream would be to stretch a bit more and take us back to the $700,000 range of several years ago.

Again a great that could not have happened without the help and support of many.

"Together" we made it happen. 
My thanks and appreciation goes out to each of you for the role that you played in our success.






"It's with great pride that we announce today that through the support of our local companies, businesses and the residents of Logan County we have raised $663,401" stated Jim Donnelly, Executive Director, United Way of Logan County.

These results are above 2011 by $40,990 exceeding the campaign goal by $8,401, making 2012 the first year since 2010 that we were able to surpass the previous year's results and the first year in many that we were able to meet or exceed our established goal.

"We knew that the economy would be a challenge this year and that our task would be difficult.  We began the march in September with the annual kick-off event where the nine pacesetter company's provided a 24% increase over their 2011 results. From that day forward, with the determination and hard work of many, we were able to make solid steps on a weekly basis toward the $655,000 Campaign goal." 

"By working with the United Way of Logan County this past year, I've seen first-hand how important our work is to all of our families, friends and neighbors, when we Live United by giving, advocating and volunteering to support critical work in education, income and health, we create opportunities for more people to enjoy all of life's success." We want to thank Mike Mullins, the 2013 Campaign Chair and Tammy Allison our 2012 Board President for their passionate and dedicated leadership and support. Mike and his team made up of the Campaign Cabinet, the Board of Trustees and several volunteers invested a lot of time during the past several months reaching out to existing as well as new donors.

Virtually every business, company and individual within our county who has supported the United Way of Logan County in the past stepped up and increased their giving. Through the efforts of many we will be able to help the residents of our county who are in need, live a better life.

"For those who have not yet supported this years Campaign you can still contribute as we continue to raise every dollar possible to help our children succeed and families and individuals achieve financial stability."  Anyone interested should call the United Way at 937-592-2886.

Donnelly said, "On behalf of our entire team I want to thank every single business, company and individual who generously contributed to this years campaign. Whether you contributed a major financial gift or a single dollar, we thank you. Because of you the United Way of Logan County's work through its many agency and community partners can continue."

  "Together" we made it happen!




By clicking on the "Kroger Community Rewards" link above you will be taken to instructions that will allow you to sign up for the Kroger Community Rewards program. Once you sign up for this program and designate the United Way of Logan County as your recipient, Kroger will begin directing a percentage of your purchases in their stores to the United Way of Logan County.
Kroger is scheduled to pay out up to $4,000,000 in Community Rewards to nonprofits in 2012. Let's ensure that our community receives its share.

If you were signed up prior to April 1, 2012 you will need to re-enroll in order for the United Way of Logan County to receive these funds.
When completed, please click the "Forward to a Friend" below and spread the word. Your efforts and support will help with our mission statement, "to increase the capacity of people to care for one another."




Thanks for your consideration and support.


United Way of Logan County


United Way of Logan County Announces

2013 Allocation Distribution


The United Way Board of Trustees recently met and approved the recommendations of the Admissions & Allocations Committee for funding to partner agencies and a New Venture Grant Fund totaling $514,868. 


Nita Wilkinson, Admissions and Allocation Chair, stated that "this years decisions for revenue allocations focused on the results of the 2012 Logan County Community Health Risk and Needs Survey and that her committee was challenged to allocate available revenue to those agencies whose programs best fill and support the growing needs of our community and its residents. "


Tammy Allison, 2012 Board Chair, applauded the efforts of the Admissions and Allocations Committee which spent  several hours in December and January to review agency proposals and conduct formal hearings with each agency.  "The all-volunteer committee takes it task seriously."  "Everyone who contributed to the campaign can be assured their pledge is being put to maximum use to benefit the people in Logan County."   


Agency recipients for 2013 include:


American Red Cross $40,000

Boy Scouts $9,000

Caring Hearts of Ohio Hospice $40,000

Catholic Charities/Helping Hand $58,075

Consolidated Care/New Directions $24,335

Discovery Riders $14,800

Family & Children First Council/Project Child $25,000

Girl Scouts:  $9,000

Green Hills DayBreak Center $20,000

Habitat for Humanity $15,000

Hands of West Central Ohio/RSVP $5,000

International Friendship Center $13,000

Logan BelleHAND/PHD $10,000

Logan County Cancer Society $32,000

Loving Hands Adult Day Care $25,000

Lutheran Community Services/Our Daily Bread $35,000

Mary Rutan Medicine Assistance $15,000

One on One $25,000

United Service Organization $1,500

Warm Clothes for Kids $38,000

Don M. & Margaret Hilliker YMCA/Safe Haven $29,265

Youth Allocations Committee $5,800


In addition to the direct agency allocations the board approved placing $25,093 into the New Venture Fund.


Annually, after analyzing campaign results, the Board of Trustees,  after acting upon the recommendations of the Admissions and Allocation Committee,  decide whether or not the New Venture Fund should be established for the ensuing year.


The purpose of the New Venture Fund is to provide the United Way with a mechanism whereby it can respond to unmet funding priority needs in the community. 


Jim Donnelly, Executive Director stated "that because of the support of our Businesses, Company's and our many residents, the United Way of Logan County will be able to fund  a total of $517,978 in allocations to agencies  in 2013 an 8.4% increase over 2012."  In all, 22 local agencies will receive donor dollars, including pantries, senior centers, rent and utility assistance, disaster relief, prescription medication, hospice care, cancer support, youth activities, and more.

Admissions and Allocation Committee
Nita Wilkinson - Chair


Krista Adelsberger  -  John Elizondo

Scott Elliott   -    Jerry Heaton

Sharon Holsberry  -  Gail Lirette

Trevor McGlone  -  Tracy McPherson

Mike Mullins  -  Bill Montgomery

Jennifer Schwaderer  - Dave Willoby

This group of volunteers had the challenge of reviewing all of the grant requests for 2013 and awarding  revenue to be distributed from this years campaign.

They will met during the month of December with agency allocations being announced in late January.

Our thanks to each member of the committee for the dedication and time that each placed behind this important responsibility. 


Shop Local and Support Our Businesses


Logan County is filled with many businesses whose owners have invested heavily in both money and time to support the needs of its residents.  Many of these same people have contributed to the 2012 United Way of Logan County Campaign in an effort to give back to our community.


Please take time to visit their businesses before you jump into your car and drive out of town for your shopping needs.



"Together" let's keep it local  -  we can make a difference!