I know Oprah wants everyone to start a Gratitude Journal ... but honestly that's never worked for me, even though I totally agree with her quote:
"The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now,"
Oprah says. "And the more grateful you are, the more you get."
Yet for me, keeping a Gratitude Journal always feels heavy-handed, dutiful, and uninspired.
Whenever I try it, I race through listing the most major things in my life (Perfect Health, this or that Unbelievably Great Friend, not to mention my amazing dog, Belle).
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but in about 30 seconds I'll have created a comprehensive stack of awesome things that have zero emotional impact. It is ... just a list.
Recently, however, another game-changing insight came to me via the Abraham-Hicks Alaska cruise this August: the concept of "Subtle Magic."
I honestly don't remember exactly how the phrase was used in the workshop, but when a month later my friend Leslie gave me a tiny 3 x 4 inch notebook, I decided to fill it up with instances of Subtle Magic in my life.
Like a Mystical Detective, I started taking note of:
- Moments of Synchronicity ...
- Windfalls (lucky parking spaces to bursts of unexpected income) ...
- Everyday examples of things just working out effortlessly ...
- Instances of the Truly Uncanny
First, like Oprah says, I wanted to start noticing (and appreciating) these instances of Subtle Magic more and thereby attract more of them.
Second, I really enjoyed that this was a truly expanding, adventuresome and ever-changing list.
Third, basically my Notebook of Subtle Magic is so much more interesting to read than my Gratitude Journal. (For one thing ... it has an unpredictable plot!)
More and more, each and every day, I have no idea what quirky little machinations the universe will have in store for me.
Here are two favorite examples:
Instance #101: Last month, I spoke at the National Science Writers Conference in Raleigh and needed a new clear plastic baggie for the flight back for my toiletries. The hotel didn't have one and CVS was closed, but at the closing Gala the gift bag included a mini Venus Fly Trap complete with an extra clear plastic baggie for transport.
Instance #88: While parking at home, I almost drove over a shattered bottle on the side of the road and wondered how to clean it up since I was in a hurry. Two doors down a friendly neighbor was sweeping his driveway with a broom and dustpan and voila, instant solution.

(Talk about Subtle Magic:
I notice a broken bottle and immediately
there's a guy with a broom at the ready.)
Interestingly, in my job as a
Creative Guru, I'm also increasingly working with my Creative Clients through my intuition. I'm trusting more and more that it's really sometimes the unplanned key phrase or suggestion that completely transforms someone's writing or process (ie,
"Subtle Magic.")
(And, by the way, if your intuition is saying you're drawn to working with me, I'm opening up a few
FREE 20 minute Creative Consults for new clients next week.)
Finally, I have to say that since I started this notebook, the instances of Subtle Magic are increasing enormously (or maybe I'm just noticing/appreciating them more.)
Why not see if the same happens in your life?
HERE for us to discuss the
Subtle Magic Together.