SOILMAP eNewsletter
May 2016 
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
New to the SOILMAP team
SOILMAP User Conference
Info Ag Conference
Drones For Agriculture
Fleet Dispatch Update
In The Community
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SOILMAP Updates 
*SOILMAP Sync now available for 64 bit iPads
*Multiple Fleet/Dispatch Updates
*Imagery and SSURGO data updated for some Illinois and South Dakota
*Full screen view now supported
*Grid settings can be saved on a per user basis in blender export
*Blendsheets can be filtered from grid/listbox if they have already been exported to a blender
*New exported blendsheet report available
*Multiple bug fixes 
New to the SOILMAP team 
At SOILMAP we want to provide the very best in precision ag software to you, while still continuing to provide new functionality and tools. So, we've added 2 new faces to the team.

 We are pleased to welcome Abdus Sakur and Randy Bartels.

Abdus Sakur is originally from Bangladesh where he completed his Bachelors Degree in Software Engineering from one of the country's top universities. Abdus then pursued a Masters in Computer Science degree at the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut. He has worked for several telecommunication companies in Bangladesh as a Software Developer/Analyst. He was hired as a Database Developer for the Department of State (Location: Bangladesh) before coming to the USA for grad school. Abdus has a broad knowledge base and expertise in several programming languages, and enjoys researching new technologies to upgrade old systems. In his spare time, he likes to spend time with his family. He also likes traveling, photography and watching movies with family and friends.

Randy Bartels grew up in Lytton, Iowa and now lives in Rockwell City, Iowa. He brings to us 25+ years of development experience. Randy has developed applications on a variety of platforms and in all areas of the ag cooperative business. In his free time Randy likes to hunt, fish, and also collects coins.

2016 SOILMAP User Conference
The date for the 2016 SOILMAP User Conference has been set.  Please save the date of August 9th and August 10th.
This will be held at Kings Pointe Resort in Storm Lake, Iowa.  Please RSVP to  

Why attend the SOILMAP User Conference?
  • Become more productive
    • Attending the conference will help you increase your knowledge of SOILMAP and the SOILMAP product lines we offer. Learn about new tools , technologies and capabilities that can benefit you and your company.
  • Glimpse of the future
    • Hear firsthand where the industry and company are going and how this vision and strategy will help you.
  • Your opinion counts
    • Each year we take feedback given to us from the user conference and use that towards development for the next year.
  • Bags tournament
    • Each year there is a trophy awarded to the team tournament champion. At least attend the conference to try and win the trophy!!!
Info Ag Conference  
Please visit booth #102 at Info Ag Conference in St. Louis, Missouri to learn more about SOILMAP...or simply just to say hello.  Info Ag will be held August 2nd - August 4th at Union Station. 

SOILMAP Sync now available for 64 bit iPad  
Take a look at the SOILMAP Sync crop scouting app this spring! Now available on 64 bit iPads (this means newer iPads). This version was released to deal with user experience issues caused by not being 64 bit compatible.  
Using Drones For Agriculture
Interested in using a drone for capturing NDVI imagery?  Did you know the NDVI imagery can be imported into SOILMAP and used to create field prescriptions? Well, now you do!

 Take a look at some of the example data we have done at SOILMAP!

If you are interested in purchasing a drone, processing data, or an NDVI camera please contact SOILMAP and we can help you get started.   

Note: In addition to NDVI, many units also have the capability to capture orthomosiac (background imagery) and elevation (3D model) images.

Another use for a drone would be to look at tile issues or questions a grower may have.  Here is a 400 acre field that we flew.
(Left to Right) Orthomosaic, Elevation, 3D model)
Fleet Dispatch Scheduler  
Look forward to a showcase of the new updates to the Fleet Dispatch product, including schedule, grid, and map at the annual Summer User Conference.  Shown below is a screenshot from the schedule feature.

This is showing the current time of day, along with the 2 application equipement units that have blendsheets assigned to them.  You will notice the length of the  blendsheets is different. This is due to a number of factors, but one being the field size. The system is intelligent enough to know expected travel time to a field and finish time of the job. 

SOILMAP In The Community   
SOILMAP got the opportunity to show Iowa 4th graders how drones work and how they can be used in agriculture. 120 Students went through 9 stations at the event that was sponsored by a local FFA chapter. 



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