SOILMAP eNewsletter
October 2015  
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
Version 7.7.70 Update
Field Service Dashboard
VR Nitrogen with P credits
Management Zones
VR Templates
SOILMAP User Conference
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Version 7.7.70 Updates 
* Centered Geography tool load screen   
* Centered Numerous other load screens
* Field Service Dashboard added
* Sensitive Crop Registry print on POST Application
* Added please wait to grid sample signup screen
* Ability to add signup information to
* Multiple Fleet Management updates
* Added multiple new reports
* Number of other bug fixes       
New Feature Alert - Field Service Dashboard 
This month we introduced the Field Service Dashboard (FSD).  release notes found here - Release Notes
This idea of this feature is to allow you after a field has been signed up for sampling (grid, composite, MMP, etc.) to then mark the fields as ready and pass that information onto the applicable people.  In addition to that, fields can be marked as "in progress" and then as completed.  With the multiple filtering options available and the ability to save as a template you have the option to only view your fields and have a customized view.  These lists can then be exported as a PDF or in Excel. 

In short, FSD allows you to track sampling from beginning to end.  Signup -- Mark when Ready -- Assign to Sampler --  Mark as in Progress -- Mark Completed
VR Nitrogen with credits from VR P   
Nh3 will start soon so I thought I'd pass a common recommendation we get asked to write.  
Typically the standard N equation is based off of corn yield and organic matter.
If instead you wanted to apply a flat rate of  150 units of N across whole field you could write this below: (screenshot from nutrient constraints tab of VR builder)

This will use the N in your P source as a credit
An example of the math on a 60 foot cell would be such: 
MAP - 222.5329  x .11 = 24.478 
NH3 - 153.074    x  .82 = 125.520 
125.520 + 24.478 = 149.99

(Left - NH3 spread map, Right - MAP spread map) (notice they are the inverse of each other) 
Using Management Zone yield as yield driver   
Did you know that SOILMAP also has the ability to use a management zone for your fertilizer recommendation?

You can apply a different yield goal to each zone you setup.  You can use planting, harvest, soil type, imagery or soil test results as the driver to define these zones.

This is found under field button and then management zones. 

After this is setup when you go to your field recommendation screen these yield goals + soil test results will be used vs. the SSURGO layer.   

VR Template for output file format 
Did you know you can save a template just for your output file? Say you want every file to be shapefile format, well you can simply save that as a template and each time you go through the VR process the shapefile will be automatically selected for you.

Changing SOILMAP password
How do you change your SOILMAP password?  Well to do this follow these steps:

1. Log in
2. Select Settings in top right hand corner
3. Select change password from the middle option menu
4. Enter previous password and new password twice

2015 SOILMAP User Conference
Thank you to everybody who could attend the user conference and we look forward to seeing you next year!
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SOILMAP | 2604 1st Ave. South | Fort Dodge | IA | 50501