SOILMAP eNewsletter
January 2015    
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
SOILMAP Sync iTunes
SOILMAP Sync Tutorial
Agribusines Showcase & Conference
Seed RX
Lime Credits
Creating Maps
SOILMAP Sync available at the App Store
The SOILMAP Sync app is now available at the Apple App Store. This new app integrates with your SOILMAP account giving you access to your field sample analysis information and the new crop scouting feature.  All of your field boundary and sample analyses seamlessly sync to the iPad.  For example: when a new field in SOILMAP it will automatically appear on the iPad (when connected with internet)
You have the ability to search by grower name, farm name or field name. You can even turn on filtering and view only your fields.

Also introduced is the ability for crop scouting.  Record information on weeds, insects, diseases, disorders or collect stand counts. You can type notes and take pictures.  Reports are free and the data you collect in the field will automatically sync with SOILMAP for easy retrieval. 

To download the app on an iPad, visit the Apple App Store and search for SOILMAP. Contact SOILMAP for your ID and Password.     
Video tutorial of SOILMAP Sync 
Check out the below video for a quick demonstration of SOILMAP Sync and it's features. 

      How to install SOILMAP Sync      
Agribusiness Showcase & Conference  

If you are in Des Moines on February 10th and 11th for the Agribusiness Showcase & Conference please stop by the SOILMAP booth and say hello to Wade Broom and Patrick Olmstead of the SOILMAP team. 


Using external data to create seed recommendations 
With the SOILMAP Management Zone tool you have lots of options for creating fertilizer, chemical, or seed prescription files. Take a look at this quick video below if you are interested in seeing how SOILMAP can convert your yield history into cost saving variable rate prescriptions this year.
 Using external harvest data to create a Seed Prescription

Plan Summary Reports to Excel
Did you know you can export your plan summary reports to excel? This is a new SOILMAP report that was just released.   You can export all your plans to excel and then update with your current pricing for a great price estimate, this can come in handy during pre-pay season. 
Applying a Lime Credit
Giving credit where credit is due.

Here's a scenario

Year 1: Lime was spread at a rate of 2 ton/acre across the entire field where the recommendation called for Lime.  (Actual spread file was capped at 2 Ton Max) 
Year 2: Nothing was applied in the areas where the recommendation called for 2 tons, and the remaining areas received credit for that previous application.

Here is how that equation would look.  What we are saying is anywhere that it's calling for Lime to subtract 3000 units of ECCE.  In this instance our ECCEvalue was 1500.

Needing maps?
Whether new or old, every agronomist knows the importance of pictures. Creating visual tools for your customers is a cornerstone in building a plan for their field's needs. So, we would like to remind you that there are a handful of maps that SOILMAP can create. 
These maps are found under the DM Level and Farm Level.  With fall slowing down, and winter underway, now is a great time to get up-to-date with your visual queues.

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