SOILMAP eNewsletter
November 2014    
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
Notes on a Loadsheet
Grey Stars
Field Rec Tempaltes
Return on Investment
Flat Rate Applications
Thinking Seed
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How to type notes on Loadsheet   
Did you know you can type notes onto a loadsheet?  From the output tab, simply double click the controller file and at the bottom you will see notes. Type in your notes and press "Verified".  Those notes will then appear on your loadsheet

Grey Stars in SOILMAP  
Ever log onto one of your fields and see Grey Stars and wonder what that means?
Grey stars means that your soil sampling provider has sampled the field and those stars are the Lat/Long of the points but SOILMAP is waiting for the lab data to come back.  Once the lab results are received they will be merged, turn Green, and an e-mail will be sent notifying you that your field is ready.  

Field Rec Templates 
Ever spend some time writing an advanced equation and the want to re-use it in the future? Earlier in the week I was asked to help write a lime equation based on Ph. 
In the lower right hand corner you will see my input settings. They are as follows:
Where PH is less than 6.1 - apply 8,625 lbs. of lime
Where PH is Greater than 6.2 and Less than 6.6 - apply 5,025 lbs. of lime
Where PH is Greater than 6.7 and Less than 7.2 - apply 2,100 lbs. of lime
In the output tab, select the Save Templates button.  Next time you create a VRT rec you will find your template under the Relationships tab in the Available Templates drop down menu.

(Loading templates)
Return on Investment   
You can use the partial application tool in SOILMAP to draw out areas that don't perform. This year, in particular, you may want to look closely at these areas and remove them from the application area. You could use a shapefile, a mangement zone, or simply draw the area out.  Shown below is a field recommendation with a high ground spot removed as it historically produces lower yields on average.

Flat Rate Applications  
Whether your intergrated into SOILMAP with your accounting package or not, you can still manage all your flat rate applications using the blend creator tool.  The Blend button is a quick and easy way to plan products for 1 or more fields.  These rates and products can also be made into template which will make you more efficient.  You can also add any service charges here as well.   
Thinking Seed 
As you start to talk to your growers this fall, remember you can use SOILMAP to create VR seed prescription files. These are free, easy, and fast to create.  You can use yield history, soil type, nutrient value, or a wide variety of other sources to create these files. 

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Past editions of the SOILMAP eNewsletter can be found here - eNewsletter Archives
For help & support contact:
Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004 or
Wade Broom at 515-570-5907 or
Laura Thilges at 515-955-9016 or

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