SOILMAP eNewsletter
July 2014    
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
Users Conference
Info Ag
Management Zones
In Season Imagery
Partial VRT
VRT Pricing with Slider
Re-Grid Reports
Tips & Hints (SOILMAP on Firefox)
Aerial Applications
Summer Training
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SOILMAP Sync Update  
The SOILMAP Sync app now includes Crop Scouting. Please contact SOILMAP to receive your install file until SOILMAP Sync appears in the iTunes store.
Some Highlights
Boundaries seamlessly sync from SOILMAP to iPad App

No charge to run reports

Reports instantly visible in SOILMAP tree

Create Scouting Maps

Saved as a .PDF with ability to e-mail

Numerous Bug Fixes

3 Informational Reports including:
* Scouting Summary 
* Images Recorded
* Scout Map


SOILMAP Users Conference  
Save the date of August 19th and 20th for the annual SOILMAP user conference.

We have a lot of new features we are excited to showcase, like Scouting, Partial VRT, Slider Bar, Data Management and much more. 

The first day will focus a little more on SOILMAP software as in years past, while day two we will have some guest speakers lined up.  We encourage each company to send a handful of representatives, and as we always look forward to your feedback and ideas for future enhancements! 

The night of the 19th we will have a BBQ with games as well as refreshments. 

The 2nd day will include a small field trip for a drone demo. Tentative guest speakers will talk on the following subjects:

Drone Demonstration - Live Demo in field
In Season Imagery - A look at your ROI, more than a pretty picture, compaction, misapplications of N, spray drift
Automation Equipment - What it does and what are the benefits
Please RSVP to and don't forget to reserve your rooms at King's Pointe Resort, Storm Lake
Kings Pointe Resort
Info Ag Conference 
SOILMAP will have a booth at the Info Ag Conference this July 29th - 31st in St. Louis Missouri.  If you happen to be down there for the events, please stop by and say hello to the SOILMAP team. 
Management Zones  
Although fall fertilizer seems months away we wanted to provide some more information on how to use the management zone piece  with historic yield data.  Click the link below for a quick video on SOILMAP management zones. 

In Season Imagery  
Did you know you can use SOILMAP to process in season imagery? This is very easy to do and can be done in a matter of minutes.

NDVI is more than just a pretty picture, some practical use cases are:

 Side-dress VRT  Scouting Crop Health 
 Compaction Crop Insurance  Yield Correlation 
 Equipment Failures  Water Management  Soil Sampling 

So how does this work with SOILMAP?
  1. Let SOILMAP know of the field(s) you are wishing to sign-up. We will provide you with the NDVI .PDF's for reference.
  2. The imagery is then uploaded into SOILMAP were it is classified and created into management zones.   
  3. The agronomist will then receive an e-mail letting you know it's available for VR creation. 
  4. Create recommendation.
VRT with pricing and slider bar 
The VRT Product Recs screen now has price and the ability to adjust product by percentages. In the example shown below you can see that my DAP is set at 125% while my Potash was lowered to 75%.  You can adjust this scale for N, P, K, and Lime. 

The $/Ton comes from the price you set for your Cost Comparison price, but can be adjusted at this screen as well.

With the current price of Corn & Soybeans this may come in useful this fall.

This is permission based, please contact your GIS lead for more information on how you can have this feature turned on. 

Partial VRT
This feature is easy to use was just released. You can easily adjust your recommendation syntax and see the results instantly on the map.

In this scenario we can see the P levels.  Let's say you and the grower have talked and decided not to spread anything greater than 21 PPM.  In the selection tool text bow you will notice my syntax (P <= 21.)  When I enter that criteria and press select you will see SOILMAP auto draw the new field boundary. 

This is an easy way to manage costs yet still look at the agronomy.  We can write formulas for Nutrients & Products.

This 2nd screen has the default spread area, but the blue outline shows the new spread area based on our less than 21 PPM syntax. This will be the boundary that will be sent to the application equipment.

Re-grid Reports 
Remember you can use SOILMAP reporting to determine what fields are due for re-sample this fall or you can contact SOILMAP and we can run the reports for you.  It's easy to customize and filter. Perhaps you only want to see what was last sampled between the years 2008 and 2011.
SOILMAP on Firefox Web Browser
Are you using Firefox for a web browser and having difficulties getting SOILMAP to load? This is because in the latest update to Firefox the Citrix Connection Manager was removed as the default load program. 

Follow these steps so SOILMAP auto loads on click.

* Open the options area by clicking Tools then Options or by clicking on the 3 horizontal lines in the upper right corner, then Options

* When the Options box is open choose the 'Applications' section along the top row

* Find Citrix ICA Client from the left side.  On the action side (right side) toggle to "Use Citrix Connection Manager" Press OK and close    

Aerial Applications  
As aerial application season starts, we just want to remind everyone of the Aerial Application feature in SOILMAP. When creating a blendsheet for an Aerial Application the 5th page will also contain a sensitive crops/endangered species listing.

SOILMAP Aerial Application Printout pictured below:

Summer Training  
Are you interested in some company summer training? With lots of new SOILMAP features released this year this may be of interest to you.  Please contact SOILMAP if interested.
Missed an eNewsletter?
Past editions of the SOILMAP eNewsletter can be found here - eNewsletter Archives
For help & support contact:
Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004(w) 515-832-0550(c) or
Wade Broom at 515-570-5907 or
Laura Thilges at 515-955-2040 or