Save the date of August 19th and 20th for the annual SOILMAP user conference.
We have a lot of new features we are excited to showcase, like Scouting, Partial VRT, Slider Bar, Data Management and much more.
The first day will focus a little more on SOILMAP software as in years past, while day two we will have some guest speakers lined up. We encourage each company to send a handful of representatives, and as we always look forward to your feedback and ideas for future enhancements!
The night of the 19th we will have a BBQ with games as well as refreshments.
The 2nd day will include a small field trip for a drone demo. Tentative guest speakers will talk on the following subjects:
Drone Demonstration - Live Demo in field
In Season Imagery - A look at your ROI, more than a pretty picture, compaction, misapplications of N, spray drift
Automation Equipment - What it does and what are the benefits
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