SOILMAP eNewsletter
April 2014    
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
Grid Sample Books
Recommendations by Management Zone
Mix Order
Partial VRT
Data Management 2014
Fleet Management
Agribusiness Conference
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Recent Updates
  • Major Hardware Updates to servers and network infrastructure  
  • Management Zone process Updated (Seed/Fert/Chem/ABC Zones)  Management Zone Release Notes 
  • New Feature - Partial VRT  Partial VRT Release Notes  
  • SOILMAP full functionality on tablets How to load SOILMAP on tablet   
  • Bug Fix 1 - SOILMAP tree response on left click. Improved performance
  • Bug Fix 2 - Soil Type Books - Fixed some thematic errors
  • Bug Fix 3 - Planning Templates bug fix  
  • Bug Fix 4 - Printers Missing fixed 
  • Background Imagery updated
  • For companies using Control, more integration updates completed    
Grid Sample Book Updates    
April is a great time to update your grid sample book's content and style.

You may be considering a new cover page, new equation sets, new thematics, or changing  some content text. All may have an impact on your books, so let's get those changes made before the samplers start running.


Here is a screenshot of the full version of SOILMAP on the iPad. This functionality is ready and was made possible by some of the  network/hardware updates we made during the winter. 


Below: Importing a field boundary and how the keyboard will display when entering farm/field info. Also, a look at creating a field recommendation.   


Recommendations by Management Zone    
Many of you are already using a yield goal + sample result information to create fertilizer recommendations.
SOILMAP also has the ability to use yield history + variable yield goal + sample analysis to drive these recommendations.
Each zone will then have its own equation applied to that given zone. Contact SOILMAP for further details or how you can use this in your operation today.

If you have data in a program like SMS, we recommend creating a normalized yield file which you can then import directly into SOILMAP. If you are in the Data Management program you will use the "DM Yield" tab to create your Management Zones. You will also have the ability to select the years you are wanting to use or throw out certain years in creating your management zones.
The great thing about "DM Yield" is no extra work is needed. This data is streamlined across the SOILMAP platform reducing the duplicate entry between any programs you are using.

Mix Order   
Now is a great time to look at your mix order prior to spring applications.  You have the ability to define your product mix order so that when your applicators receive a blendsheet the products are listed in the order they should be mixed.

A good way to think of your mix order is by using the acronym D.A.L.E.S

D = Dry Flowables, Wettable powders, Water-Dispersable Granules
A = Agitation to fully disperse the chemicals
L = Liquids or Flowables
E = Emulsifiable Concentrates
S = Surfactants

On the right hand side is the product mix order. In this example you can see that Powerhouse Bulk is the first chemical listed after water, therefore it will be the first chemical listed on the blendsheet. Durango is next, and so on. 

Partial VRT
The partial VRT functionality has now been released!  Now you can create site specific field application maps without creating a long list of fields. see Partial VRT Release Notes

There are multiple ways to use this in your operation today. One way is to use the tool to manually select cells to make up an application area.  Another way is to fine tune your field specific recommendations.  In the scenario below we simply create an expression and SOILMAP will auto draw the new application boundary to include only the cells that fall within the parameters given.

Shown below is a field where it was calling for lots of Lime. The grower decided he wants to cut back some costs so we are now only applying Lime where it calls for 3 Ton or more. 


Data Management 2014   
With planting right around the corner, now is a great time to create your seed prescriptions in SOILMAP. Let's take a look at a field that was planted using Management Zones from 2013. We typically consider the A zone our best performing part of the field while the C zone is typically the lower yielding.  In this field the population was set to different rates for each zone.

"Plot Blocks" are very easy to create, and can be thought of as comparing apples to apples. A grower could compare one treated area against another.  The best part is the grower doesn't have to operate any differently when planting or harvesting. 
SOILMAP Fleet Management 

The SOILMAP Fleet Management module allows you to track just about anything, as long as you can mount the equipment and supply it with power.  In addition, it will allow you to keep maintenance and service records of your fleet.  With today's technology this will help you in maintaining control of your inventory and budget. 

  • Track oil changes and services records
  • Print maintenance schedules and maintenance history
  • Track reports done on application equipment

You can also create Geo-fences.  A Geo-fence allows users of the system to draw zones, use current field boundaries, customers sites and secure areas. When crossed by an equipped vehicle, the Geo-fence acts like a trigger and warns the designated person or distribution group via E-mail or SMS of an asset's approach.


Agribusiness Showcase & Conference

SOILMAP participated in its first conference as an exhibitor. It was definitely a busy day and a half. We appreciate everybody who stopped by and said hello. For those who we have only talked to on the phone or through e-mail it was great to put a face with the name.

Patrick Olmstead (left) Wade Broom (right)
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For help & support contact:
Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004(w) 515-832-0550(c) or
Wade Broom at 515-570-5907 or