SOILMAP eNewsletter
February 2014    
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
Imagery Update
Agribusiness Conference
Data Management 2014
SOILMAP Reporting
Accounting Information
Automated Blending Equipement
Fleet Management
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Imagery Update 

You will notice updated background imagery over the next couple weeks.  

The year the imagery was taken is below:  

Iowa - 2013 

Minnesota - 2013
Wisconsin - 2013
Missouri - 2012
South Dakota - 2012
Nebraska  - 2012  


Agribusiness Showcase & Conference

If you are in Des Moines on February 11th and 12th for the Agribusiness Showcase &    Conference please stop by booth #125 and say hello to Wade Broom, Patrick Olmstead & Laura Thilges of the SOILMAP team.       


Make sure to register while you are there and be in the drawing for a $100 Marriott gift card.   


Data Management 2014   
watch youtube video of how it works!  
As spring approaches, now is a great time to start talking to growers about Data Management for 2014.

Remember, it all starts with planting. Calibration, marking application events, and recording the exact varieties are key factors in making your data cohesive and valuable.

To see how easy the data management program really is, watch this quick (2:40) youtube video: Data Management Overview

Data Management users are able to combine planting data, yield data, and soil sample data to create fertility recommendations and/or planting prescriptions. Furthermore, this will allow you generate detailed reports such as Yield by Variety by Soil Type by N applied across a single field or across an entire farm.

2014 Data Management Reports
  • Planter Maps (speed & population)  
  • Harvest Maps (yield & moisture)
  • Soil type and Management Zone Analysis
  • Fertility and Nitrogen  
  • Hybrid analysis
  • Fungicide and Pesticide Analysis
  • Starter and other Fertilizer Analysis
  • Grower and Group Benchmarking  
Here is some technology that SOILMAP is currently working on.  Take a look at our drone flying in the parking lot behind our office building.   
SOILMAP Drone in flight 
SOILMAP Drone in flight
SOILMAP Reporting   
Want to show a history or display a trend of Soil Sample Analysis information? This can be done for the Farm, Grower, or  Company level.

Settings - Reports - Company Soil Samples 

Accounting Information  
Have you ever booked a work order in SOILMAP, but then are unable to find it when you search your accounting software? This is because SOILMAP sends those billing details over every 15 to 30 minutes depending on company setup.

There is a report in SOILMAP that you can check to confirm it has been sent to accounting.

Settings - Reports - Company Control Orders

If "Written to File" is checked, then it should be in your accounting program and available to bill.   
Automated Blender   
If you are adding any automated blending equipment at any of your locations for spring, and currently are not using the automated blending interface, please let us know immediately and we will help setup that process. 

Also the details for billing can be passed back into your accounting software.  If this is something that you currently are not using, IT'S A TIME SAVER FOR BILLING!

*Not limited to only Kahler
SOILMAP Fleet Management 

Now is a great time to start looking at fleet management if you are wanting to be live for spring.   

- Are you interested in tracking assets for spring?
- Electronically sending application files to equipment?

- Interested in a a better way for dispatching and determining priorities? 



Do you ever have landowners coming into your office asking for the CSR value to determine land values? 


Simply create a soil-type book in SOILMAP and print off page four.      



Missed an eNewsletter?
Past editions of the SOILMAP eNewsletter can be found here - eNewsletter Archives
For help & support contact:
Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004(w) 515-832-0550(c) or
Wade Broom at 515-570-5907 or