SOILMAP eNewsletter
January 2014    
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
Thinking Seed
Planning Templates
Spring Planning
Updating Rates
Updated Report
Field Information Sheet 2014
Agribusiness Conference
Spring Training
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Thinking Seed  
Remember, you can create Seed Prescription files in SOILMAP! Just like fertilizer these can be sent to any controller format you choose. You are not required to have soil sample points on your field to create these. 
Planning Templates   
Do you find yourself planning the same product or products over and over again?  Why don't you just create a template for those products and save yourself some work?   You can create your planning templates under Settings - Company - Planning Templates. The template is then selectable when in the planning screen. 
Spring Planning  
Under the DM level you can plan for all your farms. You can even target a specific crop.  In this example I pressed the "All Corn" Button and added the chemical Fusilade DX   

Updating Rates 
As many of you start to plan products for spring you may run across default rates that have changed from last year. Did you know you can change the default rate?  This is permission based. So please ask MAPS or your company GIS person to make the change if this is currently unavailable to you.
Settings - Company - Chemical - Edit 
Updated Report 
The Field Sample Analysis report was updated in late December with the addition of the past/current/future crop. 

You can now run a summary of Acres x Crop x Split Account #, for example.

There are tons of extremely useful reports to be created in SOILMAP. Let us know if you would like us to add any attributes useful to you. 
Field Information Sheet Updated  
The Field Information Sheet had some changes to it.  Log in and print one out to see the updated changes.
DM Button - Create - Field Information Sheet
Agribusiness Showcase & Conference 

If you are in Des Moines on February 11th and 12th for the Agribusiness Showcase & Conference feel free to stop by and say hello to the SOILMAP Team. We will be set up with our new booth.        



Want to make the SOILMAP screen larger? Everybody seems to have a different monitor so we can't tell you the perfect setting, but you can toggle these and try to find a larger screen resolution.  

Just follow these steps below: 


Spring Training  

If training is something you would like for Spring 2014, please let us know potential dates that would work for you or signup for training right now at the Fort Dodge office.
Training Signup  

Missed an eNewsletter?
Past editions of the SOILMAP eNewsletter can be found here:

For help & support contact:
Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004(w) 515-832-0550(c) or
Wade Broom at 515-570-5907 or