This was from December 19th's release of farm news magazine.
Click here for source ArticleFor many of you that use SOILMAP for aerial application you are well aware of the the last page which is the "Sensitive Crops/Endangered Species" printout.
SOILMAP Software pulls from the state sensitive crop directory already, so there will be no need for you to go and check this.
We will have an update in the near future that ads the sensitive crop printout for your other work order selection types. This is an easy and important update to ensure your applicators are not liable.
In addition to all of this, we had an update in October that allows you at work order creation time to select the "Target Pest". When doing this, target pest prints on the document vs. the applicator having to write it in. The "Target Pest" works exactly like your Fertilizers & Chemicals and you must link those. This winter may be a good time to familiarize yourself with that process. Please contact Patrick Olmstead for more information. Release notes can be found by clicking this link:
Target Pest Release Notes