SOILMAP eNewsletter
December 2013   
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
Data Management
Agribusiness Conference
VRT Adjustments
SoilMap Sync
Spring Training
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Happy Holidays  
The SOILMAP Team is delighted to wish you Happy Holidays!

It feels like things are finally starting to slow down after a long fall. We are very excited about directing our focus on a few key winter coding projects. First on the agenda: Updates to the Management Zones tool are currently in development and we think you will be very excited to see the updates.

Also, Spring 2014 re-grid reports will be leaving our office this week and should arrive at your offices shortly.  We will be sending them all to your central location along with a winter gift package, so enjoy!  We truly do appreciate your business and this is a small token of our gratitude!

We also want to introduce you to a new member of the SOILMAP team - Laura Kelley. Laura comes to us with a wealth of knowledge from previous experiences in the industry, and her primary responsibility will be working with our SOILMAP Data Management Program.
Data Management Report 
A new report was created in December, called the "Nitrogen Per Bushel" report, this report will be standard in all 2014 reports.

The report shows all of your application events, from VR to Flat Rate, to total your N applied. It also takes into consideration the Organic Matter of the soil samples, crop rotation, and yield goals.
Using the blue map below the lower the number or the lighter the color, means it took less N to raise X bushel corn.  The map on the right is the yield map for comparison.

Now on this field we had 4 application events that occurred from 9/22/2012 to 5/5/2013 and they were all flat rate applications. (Last Image)

Next year for fertilizer we can take the yield map and create a field recommendation for Variable Rate using this data.  It will then make a great comparison to see if Variable Rating N and applying a greater amount in the less yielding areas made a difference.

So what does this all mean? It may just raise more questions than anything right now, but we can use this to hopefully answer future questions.
Data Management Report 

Applications Events Screen from SOILMAP 
Agribusiness Showcase & Conference 

If you are in Des Moines on February 11th and 12th for the Agribusiness Showcase & Conference feel free to stop by and say hello to the SOILMAP Team. We will be set up with our new booth.        


VRT Adjustments 

This year more than any other year I can remember, we had a lot of very good questions on lime. The expression on line one below applies a rate of 0 lbs of lime where the equation calls for 1.5 tons of product or less. Additionally, the areas calling for 2.5 tons of lime or more will now receive a flat rate of 1.5 tons of lime.  


SoilMap Sync News  (iPad app) 

A new option SoilMap Sync is now in the SoilMap tree. This spring when you take notes or pictures with the app the data will transfer back into the SoilMap tree.  

Spring Training  

If training is something you would like for Spring 2014, please let us know potential dates that would work for you or signup for training right now at the Fort Dodge office.
Training Signup  

Missed an eNewsletter?
Past editions of the SOILMAP eNewsletter can be found here:

For help & support contact:
Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004(w) 515-832-0550(c) or
Wade Broom at 515-570-5907 or