SOILMAP eNewsletter
November 2013 
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
Management Zones
Advanced Tips
iPad App
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It's been a while since our last eNewsletter and we apologize for that.  We ask that if you know somebody in your company who is not getting the SOILMAP eNewsletter to pass this onto them or subscribe them to the eNewsletter.  
SOILMAP Updates 
When creating a blend sheet you will be prompted to enter the target pest.  We have added a Master Pest List that is very similar to the Master Fertilizer and Chemical that SOILMAP maintains. When creating the spray work order, the pests that you have marked active will be available for selection.
This is also printed on the blend sheet so the applicator does not need to write this in.

Download release notes for Target Pest here: Target Pest Release Notes

*This is a company based setting, if you would like this activated please ask. 
Management Zones for Fertility & Seed 

It's the time of year when we can start to look at Fertilizer by Management Zone. We can start at the simplest spot by creating a Management Zone based off Soil Type or Slope, or we can take normalized yield and create a Management Zone based off that. 


From there you have a couple options:

1. Direct Application by Zone  

2. Recommendation based on Equation


For the equation you could apply your Gold rec to the A zones, the Silver rec to the B zones and Bronze to the C zones. These are your equations and can be set up to your desire.  




In the management zone screen you can also assign seeding rates that can be used as prescription files. We have a seed database so almost any seed variety can be used.   



Advanced Tips 

The nutrient constraints tab can be intimidating, but it's also a very powerful tool. It's always interesting to see the different scenarios come through.    These can also be saved as templates for future use.      


Here is an example where the agronomist wanted to put on 2 Tons of ECCE where the equation called for 2 Tons or greater.  In the areas where it was less than 2 Tons nothing was applied.


Syntax in Nutrient Constraints tab would look like this:


Output map 


SOILMAP Sync iPad App 

Did you know there is a iPad app for SOILMAP?    


Missed an eNewsletter?
Past editions of the SOILMAP eNewsletter can be found here:

For help & support contact:
Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004(w) 515-832-0550(c) or
Wade Broom at 515-570-5907 or