SOILMAP eNewsletter
June 2013 
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
Fleet Management
Data Management
Advanced Geography Tool Training
Sensitive Crops
Automated Blender
Support Hints
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SOILMAP has added a new team member! Nate Clute has joined our team as a software developer.  He comes to us from the Omaha area and is working in our Fort Dodge office.  See our 'About Us' section on our new webpage for more information on Nate.  Visit our "About Us' page

We've added some more functionality to the Automated Blenders application. If you are using Oakland accounting and running a Kahler system we now have billing loop-back for this.  We believe most of you now have billing loop-back from the Automated Blender, if you don't and this interests you, the setup is relatively easy, so please call.  
The date for the 2013 User Conference will be August 27th and 28th. We are getting very excited to showcase some of the features that will be available for fall.   2013 SOILMAP Conference Flyer

We are going to try a couple of new things at this year's conference, such as small-
group-round-table discussions, so we've raised the maximum attendees to 10 for each company.

Please RSVP to and don't forget to reserve your rooms at King's Pointe Resort, Storm Lake.  

Fleet Management 
We just wanted to pass along some news that we now have one business partner with 48 Fleet Management units installed. They are actively tracking assets as well as have numerous Geo Fence alerts setup.  We will have much more on this at the 2013 User Conference.

Field boundaries from SOILMAP sync seamlessly with our Fleet program, so if you have a field grid sampled,  that field boundary will instantaneously change in Fleet.

In this screenshot below, you can see that truck #259 is unloading grain at a Valero sight. (The arrows indicate the location of the asset and are recorded on screen every minute. You can see that the driver had a short wait time.)
Data Management  
Planting season has begun, which means it will be time to start importing your planter files into Data Management. This file transfer process works very slick. You can either use the Transfer Tool, or the FTP site we have created to import the raw planter files. 

These planting reports are created instantaneous.  So what this means if the grower turns in his data today within minutes you could easily print out a Variety, Population, and Speed Report.  Don't want to print? That's fine just use your Ipad and point him to his personalized web page!

Have you gone back to the fall applications in SOILMAP and marked them as complete?  In order for2013  reports to reflect what went on in the field, we need to capture all of the field events.

If you are not in the Data Management program for 2013, we strongly encourage you to signup at least 1 customer.
Use him as a text example. This is a great opportunity, and we know there is at least 1 grower in your company who wants this information.  As always this is your information, SOILMAP will just be behind the scenes helping with the data entry.

(We know these images are hard to see, click below for PDF version of the images)

Assign VRT Products                                                                                              DM Website
VRT Screen
Advanced Geography Tool Training   
The SOILMAP geography tool can do a lot, and we know it can be a bit intimidating. We would like to present an opportunity for a training session on the advanced features of the Geography Editing Tool. We will be hosting a 1 hour Webinar to instruct users who want the power to manipulate their field boundaries, and keep their farms looking "clean", in the most efficient way.

The training date will be Thursday June 13th at 2:00pm. Please RSVP to polmstead@soilmap for additional training details.

Some interesting things that can be done in the Geography tool
  • You can set the crops  
  • You can split fields
  • You can move fields
  • You can update fields
  • There is a measure tool for distance
  • You can manually reshape fields
  • You can turn on imagery
Sensitive Crops   
As aerial application season starts, we just want to remind everyone of the Aerial Application feature. When creating a blendsheet for the Aerial Application blender, the 5th page will contain a sensitive crops/endangered species listing.

Automated Blender     
We know many of you are adding more automated equipment to your facilities, and as you do so we would just like to remind you to keep SOILMAP involved throughout the process.

This way, when you are ready to go live with the equipment, all necessary information will have been entered into SOILMAP.

Your blendsheets and the product file will electronically send to your FTP site where it can then be picked up by your automation equipment.

If you have seen the automated blenders interface before, you will notice in the screenshot on the right that we have added some more features.

This new functionality can be integrated with your billing software. 

Have you used the reports tool to get a snapshot of all your after plant orders?  The example below demonstrates the ability to filter the After Plant sign up acres for each salesman separately. This allows you to get a good pulse on the grid sampling efforts of you and your company.
Settings - Reports - Company Signup
is a report that will display this information. 
Support Hints 
Want to create a shortcut for loading SOILMAP? Follow these instructions to create a desktop link.  

Right click on your desktop and select New - Shortcut

Now type in as shown below.    

Click next

At the next screen type in SOILMAP and select finish.

Simply double click that icon in the future and you'll be on the SOILMAP website in no time.

What a difference a month can make?!
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Past editions of the SOILMAP eNewsletter can be found here:

For help & support contact:
Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004(w) 515-832-0550(c) or
Wade Broom at 515-955-9002 or