SOILMAP eNewsletter
May 2013 
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
Planter Maps & Prescription Files
Direct Application
Mix Order
Support Hints
Webpage Update
Missed an eNewsletter?
Mark your calendars for August 28th and 29th! The 2013 User Conference will be held at King's Pointe Resort in Storm Lake, IA. We would like to hear some feedback on past user conferences and/or what you would like to see for 2013.  Please click the following link for a survey. 2013 User Conference Survey

The week of April 22nd, we updated the background imagery in SOILMAP.  The latest available to download was used.
Iowa is 2011, Minnesota is 2010, Missouri is 2012. South Dakota is 2011. Wisconsin is 2010. 

Alex Gascho has accepted a position with NEW Cooperative as the Data Management Customer Manager. Moving forward, please contact Patrick Olmstead or Wade Broom for all questions and support needs. 
Planter Maps & Prescription Files    
Moisture has been much needed this spring, although I think we all would appreciate some warmer temps. We hope that none of your planting equipment looks like the picture to the right. This was from Minnesota on April 17th. 

We know many of you are already using this feature, but it's important to remember you that you can create planting maps and planting prescription files in SOILMAP.

This is very easy to do and can be done within minutes.
The below planting map was created using the Corn Yield SSURGO layer, but you could just as easily use normalized yield.

The planting map may be a helpful page to give a grower, because it will give him an approximate kilo seed total. It also details any High or Low checks you have setup. 

If you are unfamiliar with this feature, call SOILMAP and we can give you a quick demo.

Direct Application 
Have you taken the opportunity to use the SOILMAP Direct Application feature?

Once a management zone has been created, this feature becomes available.

In the example shown, we are using UREA as our source for N. 

You can see the product totals in the screen on the top right, and the map output below.

The steps to do this may look very familiar to you, as it's the same process when creating a VRT application rec.

If you have any questions on how to do this, contact SOILMAP.


Mix Order    
On the bottom portion of your blendsheets under the Products Per Batch
section are the chemicals and fertilizers you selected for that blendsheet.

The order will be Fertilizer, Water, Chemical, Service.  What this means is if you have a fertilizer as number 6 in the mix order, and a chemical as number 1, that fertilizer will still display first.   

Did you know: You can adjust the display order? Under Settings - Company Database - Blenders - Chemical Mix Order.

After selecting your blender, the right-hand side of the screen will
display the chemicals that are valid for that blender, and you can simply move items up or down.

Support Hints 
Have you ever wondered why some products show the spread acres on the loadsheet notes, and others don't?

This is a permission based feature, and can be found here:
Settings - Company Database - Load Sheet Display
By checking or unchecking the box, you can choose which products will display acre values on your company loadsheets.  

Are you considering adding a new mapper to SOILMAP?  If so, you may want to utilize the Company Mapper Usage report. Maybe you have a mapper that no longer uses SOILMAP? You can simply transfer that account to somebody else.
Under Settings - Reports - Company Mapper Usage is a report that will detail "last login" information.
Webpage Update   
We've noticed a small bug that our new webpage has with older versions of Internet Explorer.  If the username & password area does not look like the below image, you may want to contact your IT Department and upgrade your version of internet explorer to 9 or 10. 

Have you checked out the learning center on the new webpage?

Missed an eNewsletter?
Past editions of the SOILMAP eNewsletter can be found here:

For help & support contact:
Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004(w) 515-832-0550(c) or
Wade Broom at 515-955-9002 or