SOILMAP eNewsletter
April 2013
You may have heard us talk about SOILMAP DM at our 2012 user conference. If this is something that you had an interest in, now would be a great time to signup. It all starts with collecting the planting data.
While we've traditionally used yield by hybrid and yield by soil type as a starting place for yield reports, with SOILMAP DM we can even go further into the data analysis.
The soil test results and application events in SOILMAP will seamlessly transfer to Data Management.The grower, can then be provided additional analysis such as: Yield By Hybrid by soil type by test Value by Seed Trait by population by rainfall by N applied by Planting Date.
Using SOILMAP DM, we can start to understand why sometimes a particular variety was my highest and lowest performer.
Keep in mind this is your data; SOILMAP & DM are just tools for you to use.
Support Hints
Did you know the legends in SOILMAP for your VRT Loadsheets are completely customizable?
Do you have a product which the legend is never correct? Or perhaps the legend makes no sense as it stands? Maybe it should match what is in the book? Whatever the reason, just know that you can customize the legend as you wish.
Keep in mind it's best to speak with your SOILMAP lead before requesting the change, but it can be done, and it's very simple to do. 
As spring soil sampling starts, we wanted to make you aware of a couple reports that may be helpful when meeting with the grower.
First, we used the re-grid report to find a field that was up for sampling. Second, we wanted to find a field that had been sampled twice.
Below you can see a field that was sampled in 2005 & 2009. It had a full sample test package completed, but I removed some to make it easier to see. As you can see the average on the 48 samples has gone down dramatically for P & K. (Within this report individual soil samples may be reviewed also)
Now using SOILMAP history, we looked at the field recommendation from 2009. In this case, he was just choosing to maintain vs. build. Looking at his crop rotation in SOILMAP we can tell that he has been on a Corn on Corn rotation, we also have access to his yield maps, so we know his prior yields.
Some growers are going to sign up for grid sampling no matter what, but if you have somebody on the fence, these data tools become pretty powerful.
Grid Sampling
Spring is here! As we all know, the Spring sampling season has gained momentum on the Fall season in recent years. The volume of grid sampling acres is rising and your re-sample lists may seem a little overwhelming at times. Here are a few pointers on how to increase your efficiency when signing up fields to be sampled through SOILMAP. - Set your Crops ahead of time. This is required to complete a sign up.
Don't forget to send the Email. This key step is often missed, causing the user to start from the beginning.
- Sign up the 'ALL' field when possible. Doing this will cut down on the amount of signups created, and also ensures that you get the whole farm.
- Check the 'Tree' to make sure a new sign up has not already been submitted. Every sign up is saved in SOILMAP. Check this to ensure you are not signing up a field multiple times. This will save you lots of time!

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For help & support contact: Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004(w) 515-832-0550(c) or polmstead@soilmap.com Wade Broom at 515-955-9002 or wbroom@soilmap.com Alex Gascho at 515-955-9007 or agascho@soilmap.com