SOILMAP eNewsletter
February 2013 
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
Nutrient Planning
New Report Available
Business to Business Communication
Webpage Update
Hints & Tips
Missed an eNewsletter
Crop nutrient planning after a drought by Alex Gascho       

For the 2013 crop year, time will tell what the weather will be like, but it is beneficial to think about what the 2012 weather did. The nutrients carried over from a drought year might benefit in some areas of the field; of course, this will fluctuate along with yield variation. Recently I was at a conference were Antonio Mallarino (extension fertility specialist for Iowa State University) gave a talk on what we might expect for nutrient carry over this year. Because of low yields and a persisting drought in the Midwest, nitrogen would be likely to carry over to the 2013 crop year. For corn following soybeans, expect that the effects from the 2012 drought to not influence the nitrate concentration and normal corn N should be applied.


Nutrient carryover of potassium and phosphorus depends on the removal rate of the crop yield. This can be estimated to be a lower removal rate in areas of decreased yields (If corn was cut for silage expect the removal rate to be much higher).  This nutrient carryover will be available for the 2013 crop year.


For best results, measure the soil nutrient levels by using spring nitrate, phosphorus and potassium sampling. The spring sampling will give the most accurate solution for understanding how much nutrient carryover has occurred. 

New Report Available
In the December e-newsletter we released the blend sheet details report and we now have a new report that contains the load sheet details.  This will be a report that gives you all your VRT recommendation information. (Products, Totals, Locations, Controller, etc.)
Below is a screenshot from SOILMAP that displays MAP and NH3 applications for a particular section in Humboldt county. 
*Like all SOILMAP reports, all your data is provided, and you can use filtering to remove data.

Is there a report that you would like that we don't currently have? If so please contact with details.
Business to Business Communication    

In the fall of 2012 we did a small update for NEW Cooperative that synced events from their  lab to SOILMAP. This business to business communication has improved efficiency by reducing the amount of phone calls and e-mails to the lab.  When a lab analysis is completed, that data is automatically synced with SOILMAP.  The lab PDF will appear in the SOILMAP tree before a book is even created.   

If this is something your company is interested in, please contact your service providers and begin the communication process with us.  


Webpage update
We like to think of ourselves as your technology partner, but yet we also feel it's our service and support that go beyond what our competitors can offer. We invested in a new webpage for a variety of reasons, but we knew that our webpage lacked a knowledge center for the easier questions.
The new webpage will give us the ability to link how-to files and we will have a library of them. We will try to keep these videos short and simple. Until the new webpage is up and running the latest ones can be found here:
How to add a new Decision Maker
How to split a field
Sending a workorder from SOILMAP to Fleet
Hints & Tips 
It may be time to start thinking about planning for spring applications. Did you know you can plan fertilizer/chemical applications at the DM level? 
Under the DM button - Select Plan -

Keep in mind that your company may be adding new chemicals or fertilizers this time of the year. If it's a brand-new Chem/Fert, it's possible it has not been added to the SOILMAP master Chem/Fert database, if that is the case contact MAPS.
Missed an eNewsletter?
Past editions of the SOILMAP eNewsletter can be found here:

SOILMAP Fleet is still growing. If this is something your company is interested in this Spring, then now may be the time to start looking at equipment to be prepared.  SOILMAP_FLEET_LOGO
This is a screenshot we took the other day from a company running SOILMAP fleet.
You can see that the applicator, "Maverick" has made his first pass around the field, and the workorder is displayed in the middle of the field. 

For help & support contact:
Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004(w) 515-832-0550(c) or
Wade Broom at 515-955-9002 or
Alex Gascho at 515-955-9007 or