SOILMAP eNewsletter
December 2012
Inside this eNewsletter you will find the following:
News & Notes
SOILMAP Support Hints
SOILMAP Reporting
Winter Training
Direct Marketing Assistance
Spring 2013 Book Cover
Ray-Carroll Coop has been running SOILMAP Fleet Management in beta mode this last month. This has helped immensely to get the product ready for Spring 2013.

We are ready for installations, now may be a good time to take a look at the product and see if it fits your needs and be optimized for fall 2013.

The applicators that have used this were quoted as saying "Surprised how seamless the process was" "The turn around time on as-applied data is great, the side-by-side comparison of target rate and rate applied is nice."

If this is something you are interested in contact MAPS to schedule a local demo.

Click below for a short video on SOILMAP Fleet Management
SOILMAP Fleet Management Overview.wmv

SOILMAP Support Hints
Is it time to start thinking about seed for 2013? Did you know that you can create seed prescription files in SOILMAP?   (*permission based)         
mvp SEED
SOILMAP Reporting
Did you know there is a report called Blendsheet Details? Perhaps you want to see how many lbs. of 28-0-0 & 32-0-0 were used in a specific county or township.

Winter TrainingCalendar Icon
Basic/Advanced Training 
SOILMAP training will be available at the Fort Dodge location on January 3,4,7,8,17&18. We will require that at least 4 people signup.  Please contact MAPS if you would be interested in basic training or advanced training and we can schedule accordingly. 

Below are some items that are new or have been updated since the last time training occurred.:

* Geography Tool / Splitting Fields 

* Reporting

* Setting Crops

* Maps Codes

* Partial Applications

* Management Zones / Seed

* Change Salesman Location   

* Linking Chemicals & Fertilizers  


The next opportunity for training after January will be this summer. 

Direct Marketing Assistance
If you are looking for direct marketing assistance for grid sampling to your growers, give us a call and we will be happy to help you with some creative marketing services and printing to increase your grid sampling acres.
time for a change
Spring 2013 Book Cover 
Have you been using the same SOILMAP book cover for years now? It's very easy to change the book cover if you have another image you would like to use.
For help & support contact:
Patrick Olmstead at 515-955-9004(w) 515-832-0550(c) or
Wade Broom at 515-955-9002 or
Alex Gascho at 515-955-9007 or