"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."   -Annie Dillard
May,  2014

Many people leave Copeland Forest with a lot of unanswered questions: "I've never heard that bird song before, I wonder what it was?"  "Are any of these plants rare?  Do they have any medicinal uses?"  People who can answer those questions are becoming as rare as some of the unique species found in Copeland Forest.  

This May  we've invited three very experienced naturalists--Bob Bowles, Margaret Kennedy, and Dave Lord--to  share their knowledge with you and answer your questions.  They have generously offered their time for free.  Come celebrate spring's arrival with us and take away a deeper understanding of this important forest.   The number of participants are limited for each workshop, so please make sure you register in advance. 

In This Issue
Spring Workshops: 
Vernal Pools with Bob Bowles
Saturday May 17th, 10 am to 12:30 pm

Vernal pools are very special habitats essential for the reproduction of certain species of salamanders, frogs, and other invertebrates.  These pools are often overlooked, but in fact without them some species would not survive.  "Vernal" means "Spring", and Vernal Pools are at their maximum in spring after the winter thaw.  By July they have usually dried up and are gone. Copeland Forest has some excellent Vernal Pools which we will visit during this workshop.  Due to the sensitivity of this habitat, registration is strictly limited to 6 participants.  Wear your rubber boots!  Contact dorthea@couchconservancy.ca  if you would like to attend.

Bob Bowles needs no introduction in this region.  Known for his knowledge of and dedication to the natural environment, he  is an environmental consultant, writer, artist, nature photographer, educator and naturalist.

Spring Ephemerals with Margaret Kennedy
Saturday May 24th, 10 am to 12:30 pm
If you've ever experienced the upland of Copeland Forest in spring, you will know that it is awash in flower blossoms.  Spring Ephemerals are plants that emerge quickly after the long winter and disappear just as quickly, once the forest canopy has grown in.    If you've always wanted to know more, come on this walk with Margaret Kennedy.  We will be exploring the upland, so hiking boots are recommended and the terrain will be hilly.  Contact dorthea@couchconservancy.ca  to attend.

Margaret Kennedy  lives beside the Copeland Forest and has been studying wildflowers for most of her life.  Her enthusiasm and passion for wildflowers is infectious. 

Birding with Dave Lord
Tuesday May 27th, 7:30 am to 10 am

You have to get up pretty early in the morning to truly appreciate the birds.  Plan to be in the parking lot by 7:30 am for what is sure to be a very enlightening and song-filled morning.   Contact dorthea@couchconservancy.ca if you would like to attend.  We will be meeting at the Martinville parking lot.

Dave Lord is a past president of the Brereton Field Naturalists Club, and lives right beside the Copeland.  He does an annual bird survey in Copeland as a volunteer for the Forest Bird Monitoring Program through Environment Canada, and has also volunteered for the Env Canada Marsh Monitoring Program on Georgian Bay.

Copeland Forest Stewardship Committee
The Copeland Forest Stewardship Committee meets monthly at the Carley Hall, and meetings are open to the public.  Our current work is to develop a governance model and incorporate as a non-profit, to ensure that this project has a long-term future.  The next meeting will be   Wednesday May 21, 2014   from 6 to 8 p.m.   You can always get information about upcoming meetings, current news, committee profiles, photos and more here. 
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We gratefully acknowledge the support of:

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Midhurst
Horseshoe Resort
The Township of Oro-Medonte
Couchiching Conservancy | 705-326-1620 | dorthea@couchconservancy.ca | http://www.couchconservancy.ca
Box 704
1485 Division Road WEST
Orillia, L3V 6K7