Kentucky Woodlands E-News 
December 2012
For those who own, care for, and depend on Kentucky's Woodlands

In This Issue
Economic Impact of Kentucky's Forest and Wood Industry
Forest Roads
Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop
KY Wood Expo
State Forests Attain Tree Farm Certification
Happy Holidays
Extension Calendar
March 23, 2013
Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop
Madison, IN
8:30 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Click here for more information.

April 3-5, 2013
Kentucky Forest Industries Association Annual Meeting
Lexington, KY
Click here for more information.

April 9-10, 2013
Kentucky Woodland Owners Association Annual Meeting
Blue Licks State Resort
Click here for more information.

September 20-21, 2013
Kentucky Wood Expo
Lexington, KY
Click here for more information.
Kentucky Woodlands Magazine
KWM 7.1 Front Cover
Click the photo to read the latest edition of the KY Woodlands

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Kentucky Woodlands E-News

Kentucky Woodlands E-News is published by the University of Kentucky Forestry Extension group. This periodic E-News will share up-to-date information about programs and other items of interest to woodland owners, the wood industry, and those that want to learn more about the amazing woodland resource in Kentucky.
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Forest and Wood Industry contribute $10 BILLION to State Economy 

The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Jeff StringerDepartments of Forestry and Agricultural Economics have conducted an economic impact study of Kentucky's forest and wood industry. "Woodland owners and forest industries provided Kentucky with a significant source of revenue. When spent throughout the economy it created nearly $10 billion in total economic impact. Since timber is grown in every county, and wood industries exist in 109 counties, the forestry sector is important to both rural and urban economies. This revenue is also important to those agencies, industries, organizations and landowners who comprise the forestry sector," said Dr. Jeff Stringer who is one of the authors of the study. You can check out Dr. Stringer's  presentation that was delivered at the 2012 Kentucky Farm Bureau Annual Meeting by clicking here. Read UK's College of Agriculture's Economic Outlook for 2013 here.   

Saga on Forest Road
Permitting Continues...

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court heard a case involving logging roads that challenged thForest roadeir exemption from storm water permitting. Up to this time the EPA has a rule that exempts silvicultural activities (including logging) from having to have a storm water permit. Several years ago an environmental group in the Pacific Northwest took Oregon's state forestry agency and forest industry to court alleging that logging roads should be viewed as an industrial activity and not allowed to be part of the silvicultural exemption. For more information and background on this check out the UK Forestry Extension blog by clicking here.  

Register for the Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop Ohio River Valley Woodland & Wildlife Workshop

Once again the forestry extension groups from the University of Kentucky, Ohio State University, and Purdue University have teamed up put on a great workshop for woodland owners. The event will be held on March 23, 2013 at Clifty Falls State Park in Madison, IN. For more information visit www.tristatewoods.org 

Mark your Calendars
for the 2013 KY Wood Expo

Ky Wood Expo Logo

The Kentucky Forest Industries Association has announced that the 2013 Kentucky Wood Expo will take place on September 20 & 21 at Masterson Station Park in Lexington, KY. The Kentucky Wood Expo is a regional show that offers something for everyone from homeowners to woodland owners to loggers to sawmills to finished wood product manufacturers. There will also be lumberjack, knuckleboom loader, and skidder competitions. Many educational opportunities will be available for all those in attendance. Find out more at click here. 

Kentucky's State Forests
Attain Tree Farm Certification  

Ten state forest properties owned by the Kentucky Division of Forestry (KDF) or jointly-owned by KDF and the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources were recently awarded American Tree Farm certification through the Center for Forest and Wood Certification's Independently Managed Group. "Tree Farm certification recognizes that our state forests are well-managed and our work on state forests is verified by independent third party auditors," said Leah CFWC logoMacSwords, director of KDF. For more information about forest certification click here.

Happy Holidays from UK Forestry Extension!!

Please accept our warmest wishes to you and yours during this holiday season. For those who own, care for, and depend on Kentucky's woodlands we extend our deepest appreciation and respect. Please let us know if we can be of assistance; you can send us an email at forestry.extension@uky.edu or give us a call at 859.257.7597.