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Southwest Florida Chapter of ASTD Newsletter

August 2013 



Ken Bodenhamer 2011



So, I just completed a move this past weekend to a new home.  And, as most of you can attest, moving is exhausting - exhausting because of the packing, the heavy boxes, and never ending cleaning.   I also experienced a range of emotion while preparing for my move.  I actually took the time to go through my worldly possessions to determine what to keep and what to purge.  It was moving.


While cleaning out the closest in my home office, I came across several boxes containing files, manuals, books, and other memorabilia from the last 20 plus years of my life as a training and development professional.


In one of the back corners of the closet I discovered a medium sized, somewhat crushed dusty box.  Forgetting what was contained in this box I quickly retrieved it and opened it to reveal its contents.  It was then I remembered that my Mother had given me this box several years ago.  Hours passed as I reminisced with the treasures that took me back to my childhood and into my early adult years.  I was reminded of my first time teaching vacation bible school - firmly encouraged to do so by my Mother.  I found a book, "A Book of Hugs", a gift from my Mother, that she insisted I could use as research material for my senior recital on nonverbal communication.  And, in that moment, as I held tightly to that book of hugs, I realized that as my Mother had been a great educator, she had always and always will be my greatest inspiration as a mentor and as an educator.  Again, I was moved.


Stay connected, and I hope to see you at our August chapter meeting.



Your ASTD SWFL President,

Ken Bodenhamer

Newsletter Contents
July's Chapter Meeting Recap
Upcoming Events
Employment Opportunities
Did You Know?
August Chapter 2013 Meeting
2013 Meeting Dates
ASTD has a Tool for That
July Chapter Meeting Recap


Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Emotional intelligence 2.0

In today's complex business world a high IQ is no longer the sole indicator of success.  Today's successful business professionals partner IQ with EQ, Emotional Intelligence.  

To help us understand what Emotional Intelligence is and how we can use it, Jeff Graddy shared with us one of the most well respected Emotional Intelligence models used today.  

EQ is divided into 4 quadrants; Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Maintaining Relationships.

Self-Awareness is your ability to recognize your emotions in the moment they exist and why you have them.

Self-Management is the action or lack of action you take when those  emotions occur. 

Social Awareness is based with listening and observing.  You have to   step back and allow others to communicate or showcase emotions         so that you can better understand what is truly happening.  

Maintaining Relationships is using your own and other's emotions to   manage and interaction.  Solid relationships are based on what             experiences you have and how you handle them.  

Wondering where your EQ strengths are?  You can take an online assessment with a code found in the book.  

Click Here to read reviews and purchase Emotional Intelligence 2.0

Upcoming Events


Chapter Board Meeting at Cracker Barrel from 8:15am - 9:15am on Wednesday, August 7th.  


Monthly Meeting at Keiser University, Wednesday August, 21st from    11:30 am to 1:00 pm. 


Wednesday Coffee Social will be August 28th at Books-A-Million, off Colonial in Ft Myers.  Join us starting at 5:30 pm to socialize, discuss the most recent chapter meeting, or brainstorm on any topic you would like.  


Employment Opportunities

  Cypress Cove

Cypress Cove is searching for an HR Generalist. 
Reporting to the Director of Human Resources, this individual will perform a variety of diverse HR duties with an emphasis on HRIS and benefits administration. Successful candidates must have strong organizational skills, excellent attention to detail, the ability to multi-task and work at a fast pace while still maintaining high quality of work. Proficiency with MS Office (Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint) is a must. Bilingual skills are a plus as is prior experience with ADP systems.
Interested applicants should send their resume to
fill out an application in person at
10200 Cypress Cove Dr. at HealthPark
Bausch & Lomb Bausch & Lomb of Tampa is looking for a Sr. Training Specialist to implement strategic corporate and site training initiatives, audit training programs for consistent deployment, compliance with regulatory requirements and training effectiveness, support the administration of the learning management system (LMS), and perform the analysis, development and delivery of site and functional training.
Did You Know?
Bragging Board 
We are proud of the success and national recognition of our chapter.  Over the past year we have been a part of impressive efforts to develop and recognize others in training and development.  
Chapter Awards Wordle

Chapter Excellence award at ICE

Multiple Sharing our Success Awards
National Volunteer Committee Members
Judge for ASTD Best Award

Presenter for the Leadership Conference

BOGO Program.  Register to attend a meeting and your friend, neighbor, colleague, etc. can attend for FREE.  Just have your guest register to pay at the door, print the ticket at the link below, and show it at the door the day of the meeting.


Charlie CarpenterThank you for reading and enjoying this month's newsletter.  Our chapter is vibrant and growing.  Attend a meeting and you will find it to be value adding.



Charlie Carpenter
ASTD SWFL - VP of Communications & Technology 

August 21, 2013
Chapter Meeting


 Peer Panel 

Best Practice Discussion


Back by popular demand! 


Take advantage of the experiences and knowledge of the best resource we have, each other.  


This month we will be hosting round table discussions on the topics below:



  • Employee Engagement
  • E-Learning & Technology
  • Measuring ROI
  • Secrets of Facilitation

You don't have to pick one topic, everyone will have the opportunity to learn and share in all the topics.


This event promises to provide value whether you have years of experience to share or just starting your career.  


Register Here Button 



You can pay by credit card or choose to pay at the door.  We can only accept credit cards online.

Local ASTD Member:
$15 with lunch, $10 without lunch
GUESTS or Non Local ASTD Member: $20 (with or without lunch)
Student with ID Non Local ASTD Member: $10 (with or without lunch),
Student with ID Local ASTD Member: $5 (with or without lunch) 


Lunch is from Jason's Deli   When you register please choose the type of lunch that you would like to have from our menu listing; you may also opt out of lunch. 

Ice Cold Water will be provided for everyone.


Save the Dates 

2013 Monthly Chapter Meetings


January 16*

February 20*

March 20*

April 17*

May 15*

June 19*

July 17**

August 21**

September 18**

October 16**

November 13**

December 11 (Dinner)


* Rasmussen College


**Keiser University

9100 Forum Corporate Parkway

Fort Myers, FL 33905

You  have a training need,         ASTD has a tool for that.
Need help shifting your organization into a Learning Organization?  
Check out this upcoming online course titled: 

Trying to develop a mentoring culture?  Try this webinar in late August. 

Not sure how you are going to get more output from less resources?  
 See if the Director of HR from the University of Wisconsin can help.
Not able to register because you aren't a member yet?  

Quick Links 

Follow Us on Twitter
Harry Chapin Food Bank

Our Chapter donates to the Harry Chapin Food Bank at every Monthly Meeting.  We can't do it without You!

The mission of the Harry Chapin Food Bank is "to overcome hunger in Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee counties through education and by working in a cooperative effort with affiliated agencies in the procurement and distribution of food, equitably and without discrimination." 


Every dollar donated allows the Food Bank to distribute $6 worth of food!


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