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Southwest Florida Chapter of ASTD Newsletter

July 2013 



Ken Bodenhamer 2011

"All learning has an emotional base."
-- Plato


I am looking forward to our July chapter meeting and learning more about Emotional Intelligence.  I don't know a lot about EQ except that it has to do with self-awareness and emotions.


So, I decided to Google Emotional Intelligence.   Wikipedia's definition of EQ is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups.  

I read in another article that some researchers suggest that Emotional Intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic.   Now there's an interesting topic for debate!  

How does one really measure Emotional Intelligence?  And, how can one guide their thinking and actions through the four different factors of Emotional Intelligence - perceiving, reasoning, understanding, and managing emotions?


The one thing that I am aware of at this moment is that the emotion of excitement is racing through my veins as I anticipate what I will learn on July 17th!

Stay connected, and I hope to see you at our July chapter meeting.


Your ASTD SWFL President,

Ken Bodenhamer

Newsletter Contents
Meet July's Speakers
June's Chapter Meeting Recap
Upcoming Events
Employment Opportunities
Did You Know?
July Chapter 2013 Meeting
2013 Meeting Dates
Phrases to Avoid
Meet July's Speaker

    Jeff Grady

Jeff Graddy, Ph.D. is a Principal with Leadership Research Institute (LRI). As an executive coach and leadership consultant, he works with senior executives and their teams to ensure they are maximizing individual and organizational performance.


Jeff holds a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Florida, where he specialized in performance psychology. He completed his doctoral residency at the University of San Diego. Jeff is a member of the American Psychological Association's Society of Consulting Psychology and part of the International Society of Executive Coaching. He is qualified to administer of a range of psychological inventories (EQ-i, MBTI�, OPQ, and FIRO) and is certified trainer in Emotional Intelligence.


June Chapter Meeting Recap

ToastMasters - Presentation Tips and Tricks


Jen McClain, Colleen Humphries, and Lindy Smith were the formidable team from ToastMasters that spoke to us at the meeting. It was a tag team affair where they illustrated the tips and tricks during their presentations about the skills you gain from ToastMasters Club meetings.


ToastMaster Clubs are a true support group where the learning is accomplished from teamwork and camaraderie as the group improves speaking, presentation skills, and leadership skills. Evaluations are both constructive and compassionate. Feedback uses a sandwich technique of positives surrounding the constructive negatives.


We learned some important tips:

  • Prepare yourself as much as you prepare your presentation

  • Drink room temperature water to protect your vocal cords.

  • Utilize vocal variety, make inflections with your voice as well as body gestures, but all are done with purpose in mind and should complement the topic and the audience.

  • Be aware of the dreaded ah, um, like, and you know fillers that add nothing to your speech.

Our meeting closed with an impromptu panel discussion where our speakers fielded unknown questions from the audience and displayed all the tips and tricks they had presented in the meeting. It was fun and informative.

Jun 2013 mtg 03  
If you missed the meeting, resources from ToastMasters International are available on the homepage of under the heading titled "What's New in Learning." 
Upcoming Events


Chapter Board Meeting at Cracker Barrel from 8:15am - 9:15am on Wednesday, July 3rd.  


Monthly Meeting at Keiser University, Wednesday July, 17th from    11:30 am to 1 pm. 



Wednesday Coffee Social will be July 24th at Books-A-Million, off Colonial in Ft Myers.  Join us starting at 5:30 pm to socialize, discuss the most recent chapter meeting, or brainstorm on any topic you would like.  


Employment Opportunities


Arthrex is in search of an Organizational Development Specialist to assist in the coordination and implementation of corportate trainning and iniatitives.

CLICK HERE for more details.



ITT is in search of an Adjunct Professional Development Instructor.  This instructor will assist students with resume writing, interviewing skills, basic business communications, and search strategies.        

CLICK HERE for more details 


 American Red Cross

Our local American Red Cross needs a Part Time Health & Safety Instructor to work facilitate out of the Fort Myers branch. 

CLICK HERE for more details



Did You Know?
Share Our Success Recognition.  ASTD is recognizing our local chapter nationally for its efforts in Public Relations and Membership drive.  For the past two years we have attended the "Tri-County" event in an effort to share our mission with the local professional community.   Look for us on the ASTD "Chapter Leader Community" webpage! 
BOGO Program.  Register to attend a meeting and your friend, neighbor, colleague, etc. can attend for FREE.  Just have your guest register to pay at the door, print the ticket at the link below, and show it at the door the day of the meeting.


Charlie CarpenterThank you for reading and enjoying this month's newsletter.  Our chapter is vibrant and growing.  Attend a meeting and you will find it to be value adding.



Charlie Carpenter
ASTD SWFL - VP of Communications & Technology 

American Flag

Happy Independence Day!!

July 17, 2013
Chapter Meeting

EQ Iceberg 


 Emotional Intelligence is one of the hottest topics for leaders and organizations over the last few years and the trend is not slowing down. Because the concept is so interesting AND the research evidence is so compelling, the topic of "EQ" will continue to be popular and successful across the globe for years to come.


Join us to discuss the "business case" for EQ, some best practices for helping others develop their EQ, and also work on our own emotional intelligence!


Register Here Button   


Receive this book for FREE if you are one of the first 20 to register!


Emotional intelligence 2.0  


You can pay by credit card or choose to pay at the door.  We can only accept credit cards online.

Local ASTD Member:
$15 with lunch, $10 without lunch
GUESTS or Non Local ASTD Member: $20 (with or without lunch)
Student with ID Non Local ASTD Member: $10 (with or without lunch),
Student with ID Local ASTD Member: $5 (with or without lunch) 


Lunch is from Jason's Deli
When you register please choose the type of lunch that you would like to have from our menu listing; you may also opt out of lunch. 

Ice Cold Water will be provided for everyone.


Save the Dates 

2013 Monthly Chapter Meetings


January 16*

February 20*

March 20*

April 17*

May 15*

June 19*

July 17**

August 21**

September 18**

October 16**

November 13**

December 11 (Dinner)


* Rasmussen College

9160 Forum Corporate Parkway

Fort Myers, FL 33905


**Keiser University


10 Career Tanking Phrases

Finding diplomtic ways to suggest alternative approaches or give feedback can sometimes be a challenge.  Sometimes a subtle word change completely changes your audience's perspective.


Here are 10 phrases sure to derail your intended message.


" I can't do that..."


"You should have..."


"That's not my job."


"I may be wrong, but..."


"I don't have time to talk to

you right now."


"But we've always done it that way"


"I think..."


"I'll try"


"He's a jerk/I hate my job"


Some of these might not seem so bad.  To find out more about how to rephrase each of these, visit the article HERE.


Quick Links 

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Harry Chapin Food Bank

Our Chapter donates to the Harry Chapin Food Bank at every Monthly Meeting.  We can't do it without You!

The mission of the Harry Chapin Food Bank is "to overcome hunger in Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee counties through education and by working in a cooperative effort with affiliated agencies in the procurement and distribution of food, equitably and without discrimination." 


Every dollar donated allows the Food Bank to distribute $6 worth of food!


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