CMN eNews & Notes
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eNews & Notes
April 2014
In This Issue

Spring Membership Drive- BoBo Update

Time marches on!  We have 10 new members since March 21, Yay!  To get another 340 by June 21 and be eligible to win the contest means EVERYONE needs to get involved and bring one person. 

A note from Anna Stange:

"For all the years I've been a member of CMN, the main benefits that have really been important are the networking and the boost I get from the conferences and gatherings, and the pleasure I get both reading and contributing to Pass It On! But when I look at the Business Partner program, I realize that membership in CMN just keeps getting better and better.  The Business Partner Program offers  CMN'ers discounts on a broad range of products and services including CD Production (Great Lake Media Technology), Song Resources (SongCellar Productions and the SongLibrary),  Website Design/Graphic arts (Blue Vision Music) and others.  To learn more about our Business Partner Program - check out the Business Partners page on the Member Site.

Share the benefits of CMN with your colleagues. There are many more listed on the website at Tell them why CMN is valuable to you and listen to find out why it might be a value for them.  And then, make sure to ask them to join CMN.  We will all be glad you did."


If you are on Facebook, we hope you are a fan of CMN. Can you help us get more fans? Go to our Facebook page and share some of the posts you find there on your own page. There are some great posts recently about items on our blog, Environmental songs, and many other fun CMN items.

This will spread the word about CMN and get us more fans, and maybe some new members, just in time for our spring membership drive. 


Many thanks to Liz Buchanan, who patiently, behind the scenes, has been the life force of our Social Media connection.  We now have over 1000 Fans on FB and 1000 Followers on Twitter!! You never know who you will find out there.  Here's a short story Liz reported:

"Silly social networking me, I was watching CMN's pages closely the past couple of days because we were nearing 1000 followers on Facebook and Twitter. This morning, I woke up and we'd gone over the top on Twitter (already passed it on Facebook on Friday). I looked at who'd followed us on Twitter, and one of them was this person, sblue1208. She must have just started on Twitter because she was only following like 8 people, and had no followers herself. At first, I thought, do we need to follow her back? She didn't seem to have a particular connection to children's music. But then, I thought, hey, CMN should be her first follower. So I told her she was our 1000th follower. See the surprise I received below! "


@sblue1208 Thank you for being our 1000th follower on Twitter! Hope you find lots more followers! - 13 Apr
@ChildMusicNetwk ; )
My brother, Bob Blue, would have sung about this.....I just tweet! ; )

For those new to CMN or children's music, Bob Blue was a stalwart of CMN, an insightful and entertaining songwriter who was awarded the Magic Penny in 2004, not long before his death due to complications of multiple sclerosis.  The world lost a true gem when Bob passed on; as Susan pointed out, he likely would have written a witty song about his sister tweeting with CMN and being our 1000th follower.


Join the CMN Board of Directors!

The Time is NOW: We're looking for the right match and perhaps YOU are the one!!


Are you?

  • passionate about the Children's Music Network and fostering peace, justice, and hope in the world
  • proud to be part of a community of people who care about one another
  • inspired by the music we create with and for children
  • a good communicator with a few hours a month to help out

If you want to spend quality and delightful time with some fine CMN leaders,

Join us as a member of the CMN Board!


You can nominate yourself, or someone you think would be right for this role. Please read this letter and fill out the questionnaire at this link. It's a Word Doc so you can complete and return online if you wish.  Please contact Liz Benjamin, chair of the CMN Election Committee, for further information, at <>.  

Regional News
Great Lakes 
May is just around the corner-- Join us for the The Central Ohio Folk Festival (COFF), May 2 - 4, 2014 in Batelle Darby Creek Park, Ohio. 

The Mid-Atlantic Region is busy!!  After, a wildly successful Song Swap and potluck in March, and an event in Feb, there's another on Saturday, April 19 in DC!. 

New England
Great keynote, Steve Roslonek, Great workshops, Great time  had by all at the NE Annual Gathering on March 22.  Check it out on the website.

Flowers are blooming and the MidWest CMNers are singing!  All is as it should be after a challenging winter.  Read More

Spotlight on our Silver Sponsors
 We're very pleased to introduce our newest Non-Profit Business Partner, the Country Dance & Song Society. CDSS Members LOVE traditional and participatory dance, music and song, especially those with roots in English and North American culture. CDSS believes in the joy and strength they bring to individuals and communities, and are committed to their vitality and sustainability. Read more about CDSS traditions...  


Musical Yoga AdventuresMerit School of Music

Ms Janice Music 4 Me

Web of Life FM

The Uncle Devin Show


Songs for Teaching

Silly Goose & Val

Guitars in the Classroom

The Children's Music Network
10 Court St.
Arlington, MA 02476