Issue Briefs

Be sure to read our latest Issue Briefs:

C-HIT Article Highlights Progress on Medication Safety in Child Care
With funding from the Children's Fund, CHDI and the Yale School of Nursing have been working with the Office of Early Childhood to make child care safer for children needing medication. Connecticut Health I-Team (C-HIT) published a news story highlighting progress in Connecticut:"Yale Program Trains Child Care Providers on Proper Way to Administer Meds." Click here to read the article and here to read a recent CHDI Issue Brief on this topic.
CHDI's Recommendations Accepted by Juvenile Justice Policy and Oversight Committee
On January 28 at the State Capitol, CHDI's Jeff Vanderploeg presented recommendations from CHDI's recent report, "Improving Coordination Between the Juvenile Justice and Behavioral Health Systems in Connecticut" to the Juvenile Justice Policy and Oversight Committee (JJPOC). The Committee voted to pass the recommendations, which will improve coordination between Connecticut's juvenile justice and behavioral health systems. Click here for the report.
Obesity Prevention:  Using Science to Inform Policy
Last month CHDI brought together a team of researchers, early childhood professionals, child health providers, and representatives from state agencies to discuss how the science of obesity prevention can inform policy in Connecticut. This work stems from our 2014 IMPACT report, "Preventing Childhood Obesity: Maternal/Child Life Course Approach." Learn more about our work to prevent obesity in early childhood. Stayed tuned for a policy brief on this topic.
Screening for Maternal Depression
Knowing that perinatal and postpartum mood disorders can be detrimental to the mother and the child, the United States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended that women should be routinely screened for depression both during pregnancy and after birth. This recommendation will help support Connecticut's long-standing efforts to engage pediatricians in screening new moms. Connecticut's Medicaid program began reimbursing child health providers to screen for maternal depression in 2013 and some commercial insurers have followed their lead. Over the past three years, through our Educating Practices In the Community (EPIC) program, CHDI has trained 226 pediatric health providers in 31 practices to screen for maternal mental illness. As a result of both training and reimbursement, the number of screens for maternal depression billed to Medicaid nearly tripled from 2013 to 2014 (878 to 2,588). Learn more about CHDI's work on screening for maternal depression at pediatric well-visits. Child health providers can schedule a free one-hour training on maternal depression screening in their office or access the training online.
Board News

We welcome Charlene Russell-Tucker to the CHDI board of directors. She is the Chief Operating Officer for the Connecticut State Department of Education, a role in which she leads priority project management functions to help improve the planning, efficiency, service and delivery effectiveness of the Department's programs and services. She also serves as the Division Chief for the Department's Office of Student Supports and Organizational Effectiveness.

Congratulations to CHDI's Board Chair, Dr. Juan Salazar on his promotion to Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs for Connecticut Children's Medical Center, in addition to his existing roles as Professor and Chair, Dept. of Pediatrics at University of Connecticut Health Center and Physician in Chief at Connecticut Children's Medical Center.

Congratulations to the Children's Fund Board Chair, Dr. Robert Trestman, who will be a co-recipient of the 2016 Manfred S. Guttmacher Award for his outstanding contributions to the literature of forensic psychiatry by the American Psychiatric Association, its Council on Psychiatry and Law, and the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL). Trestman, along with two others, are being honored as the editors of the first edition of the Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry.
Child Health and Development Institute
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