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April 2015

CHDI Joins Governor Malloy to Discuss School-Based Arrests

CHDI's Jeff Vanderploeg joined Governor Dannel Malloy at Sarah J. Rawson School in Hartford on March 30 for a roundtable discussion and press event on the School-Based Diversion Initiative (SBDI). Rawson School reduced their court referrals 92% in the 2012-13 school year, their first year of participation in SBDI and have continued to sustain these results. The Governor's Second Chance Society legislative package includes $1 million in each year of the biennium to expand SBDI as a promising and effective program to divert youth from the juvenile justice system and connect them with mental health services. Click here for the Governor's press release. Click here for an article on this topic in the Yale Daily News. CHDI serves as the coordinating center for SBDI.

Free Training Opportunities for Behavioral Health Providers

CHDI, in partnership with the Department of Children and Families and the Court Support Services Division, is pleased to announce opportunities for training in three children's behavioral health evidence-based practices. CHDI will be selecting agencies to participate in learning collaboratives for each of these in 2015-2016:

  • Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems (MATCH-ADTC) is a modular treatment for children in outpatient settings with anxiety, depression, conduct, or trauma related concerns
  • Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI) is a brief, preventive model for children that must be implemented within 45 days of a traumatic event
  • Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is an outpatient therapy for children suffering from trauma exposure that will be used for youth in the juvenile justice system

Click here for Requests for Proposals, including eligibility information, deadlines, and applications. Selected agencies will receive a stipend. 

 We encourage you to consider applying. Please forward to others who may be interested.

Upcoming Forum on Teen Mental Health

Jeff Vanderploeg
, Vice President of Mental Health Initiatives at CHDI will be a speaker at the Connecticut Health Investigative Team's public forum on teen depression, "Uncovering Our Kids: Towards A Better Understanding of Teen Mental Health," on May 7, from 5-7 p.m. at The Lyceum Conference Center in Hartford. For more information and registration, click here.

Infant Mental Health Publication Released

In March we released our newest IMPACT "The Infant Mental Health Workforce: Key to Promoting the Healthy Social and Emotional Development of Children". The report defines infant mental health and highlights the workforce competencies across disciplines needed to support families so they can assure their children get off to a healthy start.

Download a copy or request a printed copy by contacting Cindy Langer, [email protected].

Read our Issue Brief and media coverage on this report.

CHDI Joins Governor's Commission on Youth and Urban Violence

Jeana Bracey (CHDI Senior Associate) has been appointed to serve as a member of the newly formed Governor's Commission on Youth and Urban Violence. The Commission will consist of a panel of experts and community leaders from a variety of backgrounds who will be charged with reviewing the sources and causes of youth violence in urban areas, as well as developing proposals that will further reduce the rate of violent crime.

Staff Member Accepted into National TF-CBT Program

Congratulations to Carol O'Connor (CHDI Senior Project Coordinator), who was recently accepted into the National Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) Train the Trainer program. There are only about 50 trainers nationally. She will be Connecticut's first in-state trainer. Once O'Connor successfully completes the program, she will be able to lead trainings that count towards National Certification in TF-CBT. This will help further enhance Connecticut's TF-CBT dissemination led by the Department of Children and Families, the Court Support Services Division, and CHDI. Since 2007, more than 600 clinicians from 30 agencies have been trained, serving nearly 5,000 children.

Child Health and Development Institute
860.679.1519 | [email protected]
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