June 2014

Mental Health Training Opportunities   

CHDI is offering children's mental health practitioners two training opportunities in evidence-based trauma treatments:

1) Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) as applied to juvenile justice settings:  TF-CBT is an evidence-based mental health treatment for children and families suffering from exposure to traumatic events, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence. CHDI has partnered with Court Support Services Division of the Judicial Branch to provide free training to six provider groups with the aim of increasing TF-CBT services to youth involved in the justice system. Click here for more information and for the RFQ. The deadline for responding to this RFQ is July 8, 2014.

2) Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI):  CFTSI is a short-term, family-centered treatment model for children immediately following exposure (up to 30-45 days) to a traumatic event or the disclosure of sexual or physical abuse. Click here for more information and for the RFQ. The deadline for responding to this RFQ is July 30, 2014.
2012-2013 Biennial Report Released
Our newly released 2012-2013 biennial report summarizes our work for the past two years, with a focus on "measurable results". Click here to view the report. If you would like to request a hard copy, please contact Cindy Langer ([email protected]).
Health Survey Highlighted
"Children's Experiences with Health Services: Results from the Connecticut Health Care Survey" is a new policy brief authored by CHDI which discussed Connecticut parents' views on their children's health and health care using data from the Connecticut Health Care Survey. The survey collected patient reported information on both adults and children. For more information, including links to the executive summary, press release and four policy briefs, visit:

A town hall even
t about the survey results and the health of Connecticut's residents was held at WNPR's Hartford Studios on May 22. It was hosted by John Dankowsky asking the question "How Healthy is Connecticut?" Lisa Honigfeld was one of the panelists. The event can be heard at: The forum will re-air on June 24 at 9am and 7pm.

Promoting Early Childhood Mental Health
As part of the Children's Mental Health Plan, PA 13-178, CHDI received state funding to provide training to pediatricians and child care providers to help prevent and identify mental, emotional and behavioral health issues in children. In partnership with the CT Association for Infant Mental Health, CHDI will: 1) develop and deliver two new EPIC modules on infant mental health and maternal depression and establish Maintenance of Certification for practices who participate, 2) train early care and education providers on best practices in promoting healthy development, and 3) enhance the website as a resource for child health and early care practitioners. Abby Alter was hired in late April as Project Coordinator.

CHDI Provides School Mental Health Consultation 

CHDI was awarded a contract from the Stamford Public School System to conduct an audit of their K-12 school-based mental health system. The audit will identify assets as well as gaps in school-based mental health services and supports and will provide the school district with recommendations for enhancing those services. The school will then implement recommendations over the next two to three years with an emphasis on enhancing the mental health competencies for their school personnel, and implementing evidence-based and trauma-informed services for students. Jeff Vanderploeg will be the lead on the project.

SBDI Featured in National Report

The Connecticut School-Based Diversion Initiative (SBDI) was featured in "The School Discipline Consensus Report" released by The Council of State Governments Justice Center as a component of the Supportive School Discipline Initiative of the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice. The report highlights model juvenile justice programs and school-based practices and includes over 60 recommendations for school leaders and policymakers to improve outcomes in school discipline, climate, and safety. Click here for the report.


CHDI Holds 6th Annual TF-CBT Conference 
CHDI held the 6th Annual Connecticut Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) Conference at the Hartford Hilton on May 14, in collaboration with the Dept. of Children and Families (DCF) and Court Support Services Division. DCF Commissioner Joette Katz provided opening remarks, and Dr. Judith Cohen, one of the developers of TF-CBT, provided the keynote address onTF-CBT for Complex Trauma". This was CHDI's largest TF-CBT conference to date, attended by more than 300 clinicians, clinical supervisors, agency leaders, DCF staff and family partners.
Staff Comings and Goings
Bob Franks will be leaving CHDI in July for an exciting opportunity as President and CEO of the Judge Baker Children's Center. Bob has served CHDI as Vice President and Director of the Connecticut Center for Effective Practice for the past nine years. He has been instrumental in promoting the adoption of evidence-based trauma-focused practices across the nation and created, a mental health website for parents and caregivers. We wish Bob the best in his new position.

We are pleased to announce that Jeff Vanderploeg will be promoted to Vice President for Mental Health Initiatives upon Bob's departure. Jeff has served as Associate Director of the Connecticut Center for Effective Practice at CHDI for the past five  years. He developed CHDI's successful Performance Improvement Center and has overseen CHDI's school-based mental health and quality improvement initiatives.Prior to joining CHDI in 2009, Jeff was on the faculty at Yale University School of Medicine. He received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Bowling Green State University.

CHDI Welcomes Two New Staff Members

Jack Lu
joined CHDI in May as a Data Analyst. Jack has an M.S.W. from UCONN and a B.A. from UMass-Amherst. He has a wealth of experience in data analysis and reporting, social work, and health access and disparities, and was previously employed by UCONN as a field researcher and adjunct faculty member in the School of Social Work. Jack will provide data analysis and evaluation support for the Performance Improvement Center and MATCH-ADTC (Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems) contracts.

Tiffany Shaughnessy also joined CHDI this month as a Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) Project Coordinator. Tiffany is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who received her M.S.W. from the UCONN School of Social Work in 2007. She is an experienced clinician, most recently as the Program Director at the Family and Children's Aid Extended Day Treatment program. Tiffany will be working with the TF-CBT Coordinating Center to improve the delivery of TF-CBT throughout the state.
Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut, Inc.