Witnesses: Using social media to locate the
"hard to find" defendant

When your client is seriously injured, you are dealing with more than just injuries. You are negotiating with recalcitrant adjustors and maintaining and reviewing the client's medical records. Often, you also have adverse drivers you can't locate for service or witnesses to the crash who need to be interviewed to establish liability. Here's an example of locating a "hard to find" defendant driver:
Case Study: A defendant driver used her grandmother's address on her vehicle registration and driver's license, but she did not reside at this address. Process servers tried to serve her several times and the grandmother was uncooperative. Normal "skip tracing" techniques failed to produce a serviceable address.
  • We conducted a "social media" investigation and found the defendant's FacebookŪ profile, but she had abandoned it.
  • We next found her InstagramŪ profile and discovered she was leading a fitness "boot camp" at several parks in Broward County.
  • Our investigator made a pretext call to the fitness program and discovered the defendant was leading a class in a local park on Monday evenings.
  • The investigator arranged to meet the process server to identify the defendant at the fitness class, and she was served that night.
Process servers are great at serving papers. Sometimes, however, you need a skilled investigator who can put "boots on the ground" and devote the time necessary to conduct an in-depth investigation. The cost may be somewhat higher, but how else will you bring the defendant to the table to negotiate?
Call the professionals at Complete Legal Investigations, Inc., to assist you with hard-to-find defendants and witnesses and to conduct impartial, third party witness statements. You will be rewarded with faster settlements and larger awards! Let us give you confidence in your case.