You may be a sole practitioner or a named partner in a major law firm.
Your client may be gravely injured, financially cheated, charged with a serious felony, considering a large investment, or enduring a bitter divorce.
Your client’s company or business may be the victim of fraud or the target of a takeover.
And for twelve years, you have asked Complete Legal Investigations, Inc. to help you win justice and a reasonable settlement for your clients.
We are honored to mark this anniversary with you, and we are excited about what the future holds for all of us! It has been a remarkable start to the new millennium, with lots of history, tragedy, adventure, and uncertainty along the way. Reflecting on the events of the past twelve years, I’m inspired by the courage of our attorney-clients, who have consistently sought to deliver justice to the injured, the indigent, the accused, and the heartbroken. Ours is a calling of compassion, and we continue to be honored to assist you as you advocate for others.
During the downturn, many of you have shared with us your struggles and your victories. Your tenacity and endurance in challenging times has inspired us to “soldier on” ourselves, and we look forward to a bright future together with you.
Thank you for your long-standing trust in us, as we continue to provide you with complete confidence in your case. That was our promise to you in October 2001, and we promise to be worthy of your continued confidence in us in the years to come.
The Complete Legal Team