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Upper Kirby Construction Update
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Upper Kirby Update 

November 16, 2012  

Richmond Drainage Improvements:   Buffalo Speedway Intersection Back to Normal Next Week
Audley Pavement Work

Work on Richmond Avenue is now down to the details. The entirety of the storm system has been installed on Richmond, Audley and Eastside and the majority of concrete restoration has been completed. We are now down to piecemeal storm inlet work, minor side-street waterline work and the accompanying restoration activities.

This past week, crews were able to complete concrete placement on Audley north of Richmond. Curb installation is scheduled to take place later today which should allow full access to be restored next week. Some minor inlet work at Colquitt remains as well as some asphalt restoration north of Colquitt, but the impacts of that work will be minimal.

Inlet work at the northeast corner of Richmond and Buffalo Speedway was also completed this week and concrete has been placed. The City will be out shortly to adjust the signal timing at the intersection allowing regular movements to be restored next week.

Work at the Wakeforest intersection is mostly complete as well. Crews will be prepping for concrete over the next few days allowing the pour to take place next week. This area will be opened back up to regular traffic capacity shortly after Thanksgiving.

South of Richmond on both Audley and Eastside remaining waterline and storm inlet work began this week. Crews completed waterline installation at Eastside and have begun inlet work. Waterline work at Audley began yesterday and will continue over the next several days. Work at these sites will likely be ongoing over the next few weeks. During work hours, crews will use flagmen to get traffic around the construction area and during peak traffic hours, the areas will be plated for full traffic access.

The Richmond Drainage Improvement Project between Kirby and Buffalo Speedway is one of two remaining systems still needing upgrades that feeds into the recently updated Kirby storm system and moves water south to Braes Bayou. The project will entail the installation of a new 6-foot storm drain to provide additional underground capacity and upgraded lateral systems and inlets on Eastside and Audley all aimed at addressing the serious flooding issues this stretch of Richmond is known to experience.

Please be on the lookout for further updates as work progresses.
For more information on Upper Kirby construction projects and for issues and concerns as construction progresses, contact Travis Younkin at 713.524.8000 or email travis@upperkirby.org.
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