Issue#12-2013December 2013
Office of Inspector General 
Division of Health Care
OIG Banner
Office of Inspector General Home Page
CMS 5-STAR Results



November Results

December results have not been released by CMS.


3 Year Report

Learn more about the 5-STAR program by clicking the link below. 


Overview of CMS 5-STAR System  


CMS Announces Updated, Enhanced Tools for Patients to Compare Nursing Homes.  Click link below for details.


 Nursing Home Compare Updates  


Want to Know Kentucky's Top 10 Citations for Nursing Homes?


Basic Chart

Health Care


Life Safety Code


CMS Survey and Certification Group

Surveyor Training Website

Click to Enter

The survey and certification process is a collaborative effort between CMS and providers.  This website will allow providers the opportunity to take the same courses as surveyors. 


Life Safety Code


Life Safety Code





Long Term Care Newsletter

Welcome to the Office of Inspector General, Division of Health Care's December 2013 edition of the Long Term Care Provider Newsletter.  This newsletter is a valuable vehicle to update you on current events affecting Long Term Care.  
Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone you think would benefit.  To continue receiving this newsletter, be sure to join our mailing list by clicking the link at the bottom. We look forward to serving you through this communication vehicle.
Life Safety Code Update
Categorical Waivers
Several categorical life safety code (LSC) waivers are being permitted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).  On August 30, 2013, CMS released a Survey & Certification Memorandum,
S&C: 13-58-LSC, permitting the use of categorical LSC waivers for eleven different areas of the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, 2000 Edition.
Survey & Certification Memorandum, S&C: 13-58-LSC, also updates previous instructions in S&C: 12-21-LSC concerning waivers for specific requirements of the NFPA 101 Life safety Code, 2012 Edition.  Providers seeking to take advantage of these waivers may now use the categorical waiver process described in S&C: 13-58-LSC, as long as they are in compliance with all other requirements identified in S&C: 12-21-LSC.
Read more on Categorical Waivers
MDS/RAI Updates
CMI Reports
As a reminder, the CMI reports will be electronically posted for facilities in the state reports folder according to the general timelines on the Myers and Stauffer Calendar. 
When you view the reports, please save an electronic copy of the report to retain for your facility.  As CMS periodically archives the data, the older reports will be removed from your view. 

RAI Users' Manual Updates


The errata documents for the RAI User's Manual, Version 1.11 have been posted on the CMS MDS 3.0 RAI Manual webpage and are available at the following link: MDS 3.0 RAI Manual


Read More 



MDS 3.0 ASAP System Enhancements


Please ensure that your MDS Coordinators and your software vendor are aware of the enhancements.  Read More 



MDS/RAI Coordinator Contact Information


For MDS assessment or coding issues, please contact Jan Keeling at 502-564-7963, x3301 or

via e-mail.  Continue to contact Rhonda Littleton-Roe at 502-564-7963, x3300 or via e-mail for any transmission or technical issues.

  Survey and Certification Letters

 cms logo

This section is dedicated to providing the most recent survey and certification letters issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) pertaining to Long Term Care facilities.  Please take a look and determine how these S&C letters may impact your facility.

IDR/IIDR Announcement
Kentucky has a new Coordinator!
OIG is happy to announce that Jan Keeling is Kentucky's new IDR/IIDR Coordinator.  Please contact Jan with any questions you may have regarding the process for IDR or IIDR.  She may be reached by phone at 502-564-7963, x3301 or by e-mail at
Let Us Know!
Your feedback is requested. 
The LTC Newsletter was designed to provide you with current information that directly impacts you and your role in the LTC field.  This is your chance to let your voice be heard.  Please click on the link below and let us know how we are doing, what we can improve upon and provide suggestions for future articles.  Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts with us.

@ttention Providers


E-mail Addresses Needed


So that we may deliver the best customer service, please ensure that the Division of Health Care has up to date contact information for your facility, including e-mail addresses.


Please contact 502-564-7963 to provide this important information.


Connie Payne, Acting Executive Director


Unbridled Spirit  
The Office of Inspector General is Kentucky's regulatory agency for licensing all health care, day care, long-term care, and child adoption/placing facilities and agencies in the Commonwealth. 
If you would like more information, please visit our website
If you have an idea for a future article, please contact Jami Biggs.