Connecting Premier Office Properties to the Film Industry
The Location Portal eAlertFebruary 17, 2015
Looking for an office building or other type of filming location?  Look no further!  See our featured properties below and visit our user-friendly website at  Feel free to contact me directly at (818) 312-5798 or email and let me know your location requirements. We look forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,
Chris Catalfamo

The Location Portal
(818) 312-5798 Cell
(310) 923-FILM(3456) Office
Featured Property: USB Tenant 1
The Location Portal is pleased to bring to you the film-friendly USB Tenant 1, stunning dressed offices in a Downtown high-rise building. Features a contemporary reception with seating area; state-of-the-art glass conference rooms; small kitchen. Click on photos for more details about this property.

Featured Property: World Trade Center
Welcome to  World Trade Center, a 10-story steel and glass building located in Downtown Los Angeles. Features spacious lobbies with atrium and stairs; long marble corridors / airport or hospital look; outdoor courtyards with seating areas; vacant ground floor retail spaces; vacant offices with courtyard views, patio; multi-level underground parking garage; rooftop with City and Downtown views and more. Click on photos for more details about this property.   

 Featured Property: Rowan Lofts

Rowan Lofts is a 12-story historic Beux-arts style brick and Terra Cotta loft building located in Downtown Los Angeles. Features dramatic marble lobby with chandeliers; 2nd Floor lounge and upscale dressed loft unit; landscaped courtyard with spa and BBQ area. Click on photos for more details about this property.   

Featured Property: Nick & Stef's Steakhouse
We are proud to present  Nick & Stef's Steakhouse, a modern restaurant at Wells Fargo Center in Downtown Los Angeles. Features both large and small indoor dining rooms; patio dining area; full-service kitchen and bar. Click on photos for more details about this property.  

Yes, We Have Parking Structures!
Our Search by Categories option on The Location Portal website is designed to make life easier for production.  All our locations' filmable areas are broken down by type and easily searched by photo. Whatever you're looking for - parking structures, break rooms, atriums, lofts, theatres, fountains, bars, server rooms, schools, office buildings, gyms, mechanical rooms, restaurants, helipads, cafeterias, plazas, banks, cubicles, conference rooms, dressed offices, escalators, revolving doors, parks, lobbies you can shoot in during the week - we've made it simple for you to find in our location library. Click here to see our Search by Category option.

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