Connecting Premier Office Properties to the Film Industry |
The Location Portal eNews | May 2014
Dear Friends, Welcome to The Location Portal, setting a new standard in connecting premier office properties to the film industry. Check out our user-friendly website at www.thelocationportal.com and see our featured properties below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Production/Location Managers: Contact Chris Catalfamo at (818) 312-5798 or email chris@thelocationportal.com and let him know your office property requirements. The Location Portal has relationships with virtually every  commercial office building management team in the Los Angeles 30-mile studio zone. We will find what you are looking for and ensure your filming experience runs smoothly. Property Owners/Managers: Contact former commercial property manager Heather Ross at (310) 776-0933 or email heather@thelocationportal.com. We would love to include your film-friendly property(ies) in our library for promotion to the film industry.
Best Regards,
California Film & TV Tax Credit Helps Drive Growth in 1st Quarter
FilmL.A's recent statistics reveal projects retained with the aid of the California Film and Television Tax Credit Program contribute mightily to regional production yields."This quarter's report hints at what would be possible if California were to truly step up and compete for new film projects and jobs," noted FilmL.A. President Paul Audley. "California's Film & Television Tax Credit Program is in its fifth year; just imagine where we could be five years from now if current efforts to expand the state's incentive program are successful." Click here to read more.
May 18 Cocktail Reception
AT&T Center Penthouse in Downtown LA
On Sunday, May 18, 2014 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Location Managers Guild of America (LMGA) members are invited to attend the Annual Election and Board Meeting at the AT&T Center Penthouse. All location professionals are invited to attend the cocktail reception afterward from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Enjoy the stunning views, drinks and appetizers over lively conversation with friends. Formal invitation to follow with RSVP required.
Featured Property: 801 Tower
The Location Portal is pleased to present the film-friendly 801 Tower, a Class A 24-story modern granite and glass office tower located in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles. Features an illuminated crystalline crown; elegant marble lobby; multiple vacant offices with conference rooms, corner executive offices and built-ins; film-friendly ground floor restaurant and patio; adjacent parking structure; rooftop with helipad and more. Click on photos for more details about this property.

Featured Property: 12100 Wilshire
The Location Portal proudly features this gem in our library: 12100 Wilshire, a 19-story modern steel and glass office building located in the Brentwood sub market of Los Angeles (LA Permit). Features a striking 2-story flamed granite lobby; ocean views from 2nd floor up; exterior plaza; modern offices with hardwood floors, reception, conference room, built-ins; vacant floors with interconnecting stair; dressed offices with cubicles; spacious penthouse mechanical room; rooftop with helipad. Click on photos for more details about this property.

Featured Property: Grand Avenue Courtyard
Grand Avenue Courtyard is a 12-story steel and glass building located in the increasingly film-friendly El Segundo. Features classic marble lobby with floor-to-ceiling windows; ground floor conference center; creative offices with cubicles, reception; vacant offices with glass conference room; spacious rooftop; 9-story adjacent parking structure and more. Click on photos for more details about this property.

Featured Property: Del Amo Financial Center
Welcome to Del Amo Financial Center, a film-friendly office complex featuring 2 office towers and 4 freestanding buildings located in Torrance. Features landscaped plaza with seating areas and stairs; stunning granite courtyard lobby with escalators; vacant architectural and generic offices; surface parking lot; parking structure and more. Click on photos for more details about this property.

Yes, We Have Cubicles!
Our Search by Categories option on The Location Portal website is designed to make life easier for production. All our locations' filmable areas are broken down by type and easily searched by photo. Whatever you're looking for - cubicles, helipads, plazas, banks, fountains, conference rooms, atriums, dressed offices, escalators, lofts, parking structures, revolving doors, restaurants, parks, lobbies you can shoot in during the week - we've made it simple for you to find in our location library. Click here to see our Search by Category option.
Featured Production: M&M's '15 Minutes' TV Commercial
Thanks to Traktor Film, Michael Fricke, Heidi Reid and the staff at 550 South Hope for an excellent film shoot. Check it out:
 | M&M'S "15 Minutes" Commercial |
M&M's 15 Minutes
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