Connecting Premier Office Properties to the Film Industry
The Location Portal eAlertFebruary 15, 2014
Looking for an office building or other type of filming location?  Look no further!  See our featured properties below and visit our user-friendly website at  Feel free to contact me at (818) 312-5798 or email and let me know your location requirements. I look forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,
Chris Catalfamo

The Location Portal
(818) 312-5798 Cell
(310) 923-FILM(3456) Office
FilmL.A. Reports LA Marathon Coming Up March 8-9, 2014: City to Restrict Filming/Lane Closures in Affected Areas

The 2014 ASICS LA Marathon will be held on Sunday, March 09, 2014 with the LA BIG 5K held the day before on Saturday, March 08, 2014. Click here to read more.
Featured Property: California Market Center   
The Location Portal is happy to present the film-friendly California Market Center, an office and and retail complex located in Downtown's Fashion District. Features a 13-story granite, steel and glass tower; 2-story marketplace with multiple showrooms; expansive lobbies with long tiled corridors; escalators/elevators; vacant offices with glass conference room, executive offices and cubicles; exhibit hall; theatre with dressing rooms; spacious loading dock and freight elevators; multi-level parking structure; rooftop and helipad. Click on photos for more details about this property.   


Featured Property: Talmadge Apartment       
Welcome to Talmadge Apartment, a stylish dressed loft in the historic Talmadge Building located in Mid-Wilshire. Features beautiful hardwood floors, crown moldings, modern furnishings. Building features courtyard; fitness center; conference center; valet; crew parking and base camp adjacent. Click on photos for more details about this property.   


 Featured Property: Bradbury Building 

Bradbury Building is a 5-story Historic masterpiece located in Downtown Los Angeles. Features 5-story lobby/court with glazed brick walls and skylight, Belgian marble lobby/court flooring, cast iron stairs and elevators; vacant ground floor spaces with unique wood accents. Click on photos for more details about this property.   


Featured Property: Regent Showcase Theatre

Regent Showcase Theatre is 700-seat single-screen art deco theatre located in Hancock Park. Features exterior ticket booth and grand marquis; vaudeville stage; snack bar and upstairs green room. Click on photos for more details about this property.  


Yes, We Have Parking Structures!
Our Search by Categories option on The Location Portal website is designed to make life easier for production.  All our locations' filmable areas are broken down by type and easily searched by photo. Whatever you're looking for - parking structures, mechanical rooms, lofts, restaurants, helipads, cafeterias, plazas, banks, cubicles, conference rooms, dressed offices, fountains, escalators, revolving doors, parks, lobbies you can shoot in during the week - we've made it simple for you to find in our location library. Click here to see our Search by Category option.

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