Connecting Premier Office Properties to the Film Industry |
The Location Portal eNews | January 2014
Dear Friends, Welcome to The Location Portal, setting a new standard in connecting premier office properties to the film industry. Check out our user-friendly website at www.thelocationportal.com and see our featured properties below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Production/Location Managers: Contact Chris Catalfamo at (818) 312-5798 or email chris@thelocationportal.com and let him know your office property requirements. The Location Portal has close relationships with virtually every  commercial office building management team in the Los Angeles 30-mile studio zone. We will find what you are looking for and ensure your filming experience runs smoothly. Property Owners/Managers: Contact Heather Ross at (310) 776-0933 or email heather@thelocationportal.com. We would love to include your film-friendly property(ies) in our library for promotion to the film industry.
Best Regards,
Featured Property: Constellation Place
The Location Portal is pleased to present the prestigious Constellation Place, a striking 35-story glass tower located in Century City. Features an elegant travertine, wood and granite lobby with floor-to-ceiling glass; large landscaped plaza and courtyard with seating areas; multiple vacant offices with kitchens, balconies, long hallways; high end contiguous floors with interconnecting stairs and balcony; blonde wood cubicles, long corridors, crown moldings; spacious adjacent parking structure and valet; large rooftop with helipad and more. Click on photos for more details about this property.
Featured Property: 10100 Santa Monica
10100 Santa Monica is a stunning 26-story office building located in Century City. Features a modern marble lobby with floor-to-ceiling glass and escalators; large landscaped courtyard with seating areas; grand valet entrance; vacant offices with reception, conference room, cubicles; offices with hardwood floors, glass conference rooms, executive offices with views; adjacent parking structure with rooftop views. Click on photos for more details about this property.
Featured Property: 611 West 6th Street
Welcome to one of the favorites in the The Location Portal library, 611 West 6th Street, a 42-story Modernist style building located in Downtown Los Angeles. Features a modern lobby with revolving doors and unique ceiling features; Penthouse with wood finishes; ground floor bank space; subterranean parking garage; multiple rooftops with views and more. Click on photos for more details about this property.
Featured Property: 1000 Wilshire
1000 Wilshire is a 22-story classic marble and glass office building located in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles. Features a stunning marble lobby with two entrances; two outdoor plaza areas; film-friendly dressed cafe on ground level; dressed offices with cubicles, conference rooms; full floor modern vacant offices with views; rooftop with helipad. Click on photos for more details about this property.
Yes, We Have Banks!
Our Search by Categories option on The Location Portal website is designed to make life easier for production. All our locations' filmable areas are broken down by type and easily searched by photo. Whatever you're looking for - banks, fountains, conference rooms, atriums, plazas, cubicles, dressed offices, rooftops, helipads, escalators, lofts, parking structures, revolving doors, restaurants, parks, lobbies you can shoot in during the week - we've made it simple for you to find in our location library. Click here to see our Search by Category option.
Featured Commercial: Wendy's Spicy Chipotle Jr. Cheeseburger
Thanks to Uber Content, MAS Asset Management Corporation, Mike, Kasha and the staff at 818 W. 7th Street for an excellent film shoot. Check it out:
 | Wendy's Spicy Chipotle Jr. Cheeseburger and Crispy Chicken TV Commercial |
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