CGIKids scoop headline
                                   2014 Winter Update
Encouraging and equipping kids to use their God-given passions and abilities to make a global impact.
What's New in 2014?
CGI's New Initiative in Cambodia...
A Cambodian CGI staff member telling a bible story to a group of kids in Kein Svay.
Kein Svay is a province in the capital city of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It is an impoverished area of the city that CGI has been involved with over the years. CGIKids has chosen 15 children in this underprivileged area to assist, educate and share the Gospel with in the coming year in a program we call Kein Svay Kids. The kids are eager to learn and we are eager to help. You can help, too!
Along with raising funds to provide basic health needs and water filters, we want to be able to provide them with other supplies like Bibles, school supplies and uniforms. If you would like to contribute financially or have the capacity to donate any of these items, please CLICK HERE or reply to this email.

"For my birthday, I asked my friends to bring $9 instead of presents. I asked for nine dollars since I was turning nine. I didn't want to use the money for myself.  Instead, I gave it to people who don't have much or maybe nothing at all. I mostly wanted the money to go to people who don't have food and water. I also collected lots of toys and a few of my own toys that I didn't play with, and I gave them to children who don't have any. As you can see above, the children really liked it!"
      ~Kyra , 9 years old
Morgan, 7 yrs old
"My daughter and I went to a trunk show at a friend's house and Morgan bought 15 byTavi keychains with her own money....she then chose to use her birthday party as a fundraiser for CGI instead of getting gifts. She raised $83 from her other 7 year old first grade friends who came to the party - they were each given a key chain and Morgan spoke of where they came from, who made them, and how the money would be used at CGI that they chose to donate. We are giving an even $100 as support for our dear daughter who has caught the vision of your ministry. I am sure you will see/hear from us again - maybe even in Cambodia some day.  We attend Common Ground Christian Church and are proud to support your ministry."
                   ~Megan and 7 year old daughter, Morgan
CGIKids in Nicaragua
This Christmas,
CGIKids partnered with Hope Road Nicaragua and we were able to help collect over 200 gallon-sized ziplock 
"Bags of Hope" full of items for an orphanage and children in the surrounding communities of Managua, Nicaragua. Thank you to many of our CGIKids families for contributing. A Special THANK YOU to Emmanuel of Greenwood, Southside Bible Church and Boy Scout Troop 264 for going above and beyond with the donations.

10 kids stocked the
 byTavi storage facility for the holidays. Thanks for serving CGI!
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Greenwood, IN 46142